Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. C

    How was the turn?

    How was the turn to the Republic from the Mandalorians to you guys? Was it shocking? Was it good? I need critics.
  2. C

    Kid Roleplay?

    So I have a plan in mind for Vahnnix. You feel me? It consists of sort of a Red Dead Redemption storyline. - Vahnnix joins Republic after being blackmailed to by the Republic, as they will not let him see his unknown children unless he joins them. - The Republic are actually lying to Vahnnix...
  3. C

    Approved Tech  Galactic Republic Ranger Armor (GRR6)

    Image Source: Fallout New Vegas: Video Game. Intent: To develop a personal armor for Vahn Fett, once he turns to the Republic and abandons the Mandalorians. Development Thread: If necessary. Manufacturer: Vahnnix Sunburner (Fett's Real Name) Model: MKI Affiliation: Vahnnix Sunburner Modularity...
  4. Jack Sparrow

    Jack Sparrow for Supreme Chancellor: Press Conference (ask the candidate anything!)

    Jack Sparrow stood behind the podium in front of his official senate office building on Kashyyyk. He looked rested and welcoming, nodding to the members of the galactic press and common citizens who'd come to hear him speak and inquire about his plans for the future. Jack had chosen Kashyyyk...
  5. Captain Larraq

    Capitalist with a Gun: Mandalorian Invasion of Roche (Mando vs Republic)

    Mere hours had passed since Rygel Larraq had found himself awoken from his drunken stupor. An attendant had urged him awake with whispers of unrest within the Republic. Stories of Republic fleets and clone armies raiding corporate assets throughout the little that remained of the once vast...
  6. Faith Organa

    A Call to Arms, a Rally cry

    Events had unfolded items came across Faith's desk faster than she could read through them but one thing was quite evident, @Genevieve Lasedri was a traitor to the Republic. The woman who Faith herself had spent many hours with, just talking, and disagreeing. But this, this had gone far beyond...
  7. Serah Oricion

    The Republic has Fallen (Open Message)

    Eshan Capital Square Yusan stood with his body cloaked, men near him, sent by an old friend and ally to keep him safe should someone from the planet's local garrison decide his words were too much in this new government. He would need to be careful about how he presented what he was about to...
  8. P


    There was a time for broadcasts and public announcements. Sometimes you needed a clearly stated intention and blatantly apparent goal. Other times, you went down to business and only involved the people directly involved. Popo normally didn't care either way for fanfare or no fanfare, but today...
  9. Ayden Cater

    Cutting Ties

    "Effective immediately, Corellian Engineering is severing all contracts and ties with the Galactic Republic. All production of ships, vehicles, and weapons for the Galactic Republic are hereby terminated and rights to them are reclaimed and retained by Corellian Engineering." The Holonet was...
  10. Ben Corscifine

    Ben Corscifine

    NAME: Ben Corscifine [kɔɝ-sɪ-fain] FACTION: Formerly: The Jedi Order, The Galactic Republic Currently: Soul-searching RANK: Padawan SPECIES: Human AGE: 20 SEX: Male HEIGHT: 5’8” (Almost!); Roughly 172cm WEIGHT: 145 lbs; Roughly 66 kg EYES: Light Brown HAIR: Brown SKIN: White, but not pale. Ben...
  11. Gir Quee

    Approved Tech  Lethe Artificial Intelligence

    Image Source: N/A Intent: an AI to aid Gir Quee in running his starship Development Thread: Brought Back from Lost Waters Manufacturer: Azira / Lucerne Labs Model: Lethe Affiliation: Gir Quee / Lucerne Labs Modularity: None Production: Unique Material: computer code, positronic processor...
  12. Arrbi Betna

    Information is Ammunition (Onderon)

    Iziz City Onderon 14:00 Standard Time Corner Cafe It was a nice enough place, he figured, but ultimately a bit too much for his tastes. "Too fancy and... aloof, I guess," Betna said to his only companion before taking a sip from his mug. It was some sort of sweet caf typical of the area. It...
  13. C

    Drowning in Anger [Open to Republic]

    Cartao High Orbit Jabiim class Corvette - New Hope "Contruum..." "Balmorra..." Here she was, sitting in her own private quarters on the vessel, the alarms blaring once more as her crew was run through another drill. Since the events at Telti, everything seemed to spiral downwards from...
  14. K

    Behind Enemy Lines (GR Dominion of Roche)

    The Roche Shipyard It was a simple matter, really. Their backs were to the wall, pressed into a tough position by the continuous press of the Sith assault forces. It was to be expected. Their ability to divine the location of Crina showed that they would do anything to solidify their power...
  15. Garith Darkhold

    The Pit of Neimoidia (PM for Invite)

    Chool Zhaalb Wicked and the hungry, profiteer of your pain. Subjugator of the meek. His thirst for coin was as vast. His lust, his desire, his only love. There was nothing he would not do for wealth. If he had a sister he would sell her. If he had your sister he would sell her too. The...
  16. Garith Darkhold

    The Pits of Neimoidia (OOC)

    [member="Barrien Siegfried"] @Ven’Rain Sekairo [member="Xalus"] [member="Jaccer Ramirez"] [member="Shmi Labooda"] ? [member="Mantic Dorn"] ? [member="Oddball"] ? [member="Aston Jacobs"] [member="Kur-gal Kwaad"] [member="Xavka Duquo"] [member="First Daughter"] [member="Darth Ophidia"]...
  17. K

    Vedrana Black

    Vedrana Black SOURCE NAME: Vedrana Black FACTION: Republic RANK: Pilot SPECIES: Mirialan AGE: 22 SEX: Female HEIGHT: 5'3" WEIGHT: 135lbs EYES: Orange HAIR: Slate SKIN: Green FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes...
  18. Jacen Voidstalker

    Fuzzy Dice

    It had been some time since he had visited the temple on Yavin IV. The last time he could recall, Jorus Merrill had been cooking ribs for members of the Order. That same man was exactly why Jacen Voidstalker was here again, but this time the conditions were far more serious. Jorus had long held...
  19. Arik Andees

    Looking for Republic Law Enforcement

    It's time to move my plot along with Arik, and I'm in need of a uniform. Law enforcement (Republic preferred) In depth writer Possibly long term writing partner Interested in a twisted plot Respond below - and I'll answer any questions I can without giving it all away.
  20. Ellie Mors

    Special Forces Combat Armor

    The following is a WIP, and is currently just a set of ideas. Feel free to comment, leave ideas, and so on below. I intend to be at least somewhat useful and make armor/uniforms for the NFUs of the faction, whether it gets used or not. I'll be using some stuff I've already pushed through the...
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