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Lotus of War Markets

[member="Gir Quee"]

Kwookrrr wasn't a typical world Dallen visited, but then he wasn't doing typical work either. He wanted to see the man who owned and operated a facility on the world, one who once held a high rank within the Republic Navy. Former Admiral Gir Quee who still held an advisory position more often than not and who owned his own starship manufacturing company. The Republic Officer of the 102nd Task Force hoped to be able to meet with him today and see about a test scenario between whatever potential prototype the former Admiral might have and a new interceptor fighter that was being put forward by Rendili Stardrive for the Republic Starfighter Corp. It was Dallen's hope that should a test of the two companies newest technologies might net each a contract and improve and increase the Republic Arsenal.

Now he just waited in the reception hall for Gir Quee to have the time to hear him, and hopefully get into setting up the scenario right away.
Lucerne Labs Facility, Kwookrrr

"Do you ever feel like we're regressing, rather than going forward?" said Azira.

Gir slid his hand across one of the lateral stabilizers of a Sirocco-class Line Fighter resting on the factory floor. He gave it an quick tap, noting its durability before spinning around to face the bothan engineer. But is she talking about the fighter? Or something else? I guess we'll find out...Gir shrugged.

"One of the wookiee's here likes to say that there's nothing new under the sun. I'm not sure if I entirely agree with them, but conceptually, I think that's true."

Her fur rippled, "That's what worries me about this project. I don't think we've ever made something so..."

"Expendable?" offered Gir.

"I hesitate to use that term on something that still costs thousands of credits...something that's really unaffordable for the average person...but something like that."

The former admiral nodded, "The demand will still exist, I'd imagine. Such fighters have been popular with galactic powerhouses like the Empire, the CIS, and the CSA in the past."

"I'm not sure if we want to be associated with their philosophies," mused the bothan.

Gir's comlink began to chirp. He offered a wan smile to the engineer as he tapped its activation stud.

"Captain Quee speaking."

The protocol droid's voice began to waft through the com-waves in an oddly delicate and perhaps overly civilized tone for Gir's liking.

"Sir, a Mister [member="Dallen Thayne"] of the Republic Navy has arrived. I have placed him in the reception hall by your office."

Gir glanced down at the wrist chrono sewn onto his black flight suit. Right on schedule. He looked back up to see Azira watching him carefully.

"I'll be there shortly. Thank you T4-2U."

"My pleasure sir."

"I should be off," said Gir.

"You're not getting off that easily," chuckled the bothan female, "I'm coming with you."

Gir nodded as the two left the floor. It took them several minutes, but soon the pair of Labs employees entered the reception hall. Gir let a subdued smile slowly crease his face.

"Welcome to Kwookrrr, I trust your journey wasn't too unpleasant?"
[member="Gir Quee"]

Looking over the decor of the reception room, Dallen hummed to himself as he waited for Gir Quee to arrive. There was no real rush to the meeting, it was rather expeditious that he was able to get an appointment so quickly and efficiently as it was. It meant less work down the line for him in order to accomplish the task of preparing for the endeavor he wished to undertake. So when the former head of the Republic Military entered the reception hall to greet him, Dallen offered a pleasant expression as the light glinted off his glass and he stepped forward to offer his hand to the once upon a time Admiral. "It was a nice quiet trip, in fact I consider this all a relaxing break after everything else that has been going on. I hope you have been well Mr. Quee, and that your business has been doing well? If not perhaps we can turn that around today with some new business for you."
[member="Gir Quee"]

Looking over the decor of the reception room, Dallen hummed to himself as he waited for Gir Quee to arrive. There was no real rush to the meeting, it was rather expeditious that he was able to get an appointment so quickly and efficiently as it was. It meant less work down the line for him in order to accomplish the task of preparing for the endeavor he wished to undertake. So when the former head of the Republic Military entered the reception hall to greet him, Dallen offered a pleasant expression as the light glinted off his glass and he stepped forward to offer his hand to the once upon a time Admiral. "It was a nice quiet trip, in fact I consider this all a relaxing break after everything else that has been going on. I hope you have been well Mr. Quee, and that your business has been doing well? If not perhaps we can turn that around today with some new business for you."
"Well enough," quipped Gir.

Like many war material suppliers, he found himself in something of a paradoxical situation. Business was good for the Labs because of the constant warring of galactic governments. Yet the fact that an intergalactic war was going on was not truly good for the galaxy or its people. He briefly furrowed his brow as the thought floated across his consciousness. Maybe one day when we are at peace, we can turn our sights to more commercial endeavors...perhaps deep space exploration...He dismissed the thought from his head as he sat down across from the Republic officer. He had only met [member="Dallen Thayne"] once before, but he was quickly growing curious about the other man. I wonder what he's thinking about.

He abruptly stood up and picked up the nearby decanter to pour a cup of an amber liquid for himself, before he handed it over to Azira.

"What do you have in mind?"
[member="Gir Quee"]

Following the former Admiral and owner of the prestigious company he found himself entering into an effort with, Dallen would personally think the war market wasn't too good once matters became stale. Not to mention should the opposing side ever become a victor then they could consider the act of obliterating or ousting the manufacturers of their enemies armaments. However, that was neither here or there as the Republic Captain sat down when offered a seat and adjusted his glasses as he settled in and waited for Gir Quee to do the same. The officer noted the decanter that was visible for a moment and wondered what drink the once Supreme Commander had poured himself when their business began. "Well Mr. Quee, I recently gained permission to conduct a. . . training exercise to prepare our soldiers for war. A sort of exercise to practice implementing a campaign against the Sith in the neutral territories. Well not so much permission as I would like though as the confirmation was handled impersonally and indirectly from the Supreme Commander. . . . perhaps a political move in the event the . . .training exercise have a poor showing. Nonetheless, to ensure a better chance at success I have begun acquiring a fair number of tools in order for our forces to make a good show of things. To acquire contracts and funding though I need to have a few showcases of the equipment and why they're necessary. Which included starfighters. Now I have a design I wish to contract in mind, however, no one to support a showing. So I wondered if perhaps your company had their own designs which you've hoped to fund and contract and believed we could help one another in that regard, by providing an excellent showing of multiple fightercraft to convince the military committees to support certain designs over others."

Gir took a sip from his glass, letting a trickle of cool fluid pour down his throat as he contemplated the other man's words. He remembered how it was often hard to get certain pieces of gear through the bureaucratic shuffle of red tape before they found themselves in the hands of the Republic's troops. It was a process that he sometimes found equally frustrating as both a soldier and a company man. Some people consigned themselves to deal with the inevitable delay of products while others proactively tried to find ways to expedite the process. A committee might be able to use such a demonstration to help push this through the official channels based on its potential to effect the battlefield...but even if that endeavor isn't successful, it could still be useful for us to get better information on how to improve our own product. He pulled the glass from his hand and set it down on the table.

"We do have a compact fighter that might fit that role..."

His mind wandered to the starship he had just left before meeting the man. While not truly revolutionary, the Sirocco did combine a number of different features from past designs that made it into something uniquely different compared to most fighters on the market. It wasn't revolutionary enough to be a true gamble with a high-risk and high-reward outcome, but it was enough of a risk that he would prefer to test and refine the design based on some practical experience in the field. While some of the company's pilots had started training with the craft, it hadn't seen any use in the field yet. That would have to change, but Gir needed to make sure the conditions were right first.

"but can you tell me a bit more about this training exercise?"
[member="Gir Quee"]

Dallen merely grinned at the former Admiral's question as he moved to shuffle his glasses higher onto his face. "While I can't share many details about the location, equipment, or time sir, I do acknowledge your former position deserves some form of answer. And to be frank I wouldn't mind your opinion on a tactic I intend to utilize. Essentially this. . . training exercise will involve a Republic Task Force entering the neutral territories between the Republic and One Sith. Then we will engage in battle against Sith Simulation troopers on no world in particular. From there I intend to have the fleet engage with the 'mock' Sith Battlegroup while several hundred Sentinel Droids deploy to the planet's surface as a first wave to soften up the 'simulation' trooper's positions. At which stage a fighter escort will secure a path for the main force of infantry, equipment, and Jedi who are supporting the exercise. Then said fighters will maintain air superiority and provide screens for the flotilla in orbit likely still busy with the 'mock' Sith Battlegroup." Moving to reach for the datapad at his side, the Republic Captain set the device on the table as he folded his hands. "So toward that end the fighter I have in mind is an intense dogfighter type superiority starfighter from Rendili, with maneuvering flaps to allow for stronger atmospheric engagements as well as to provide a sort of shield for the pilot and fighter against attacks from the rear as is often the source of a pilot's death in a dogfight."
Gir considered [member="Dallen Thayne"]'s words carefully. It was true that most starship combat, especially in the recent years, occurred near the atmosphere habitable worlds. As with the bluewater navies that proceeded stellar militaries, control of those isolated habitable areas was often dictated by the ability to project force from space to the ground for attackers. For the defenders, the situation was reversed, with the ability to project force from the ground into space being an key element. Regardless of their role, militaries needed to control the atmosphere to successfully carry on their attacks or to batter them away. It seemed clear that Rendili had realized that principle and was seeking to capitalize on that with their latest design.

His mind turned from that design to the Sirocco. His mind wandered to its diminutive, sweep-winged design. It's not something quite as nuanced as this new Rendili fighter, but it harkens back to an equally important principle. How did that ancient general put it? Get there firstest with the mostest...His command of Basic could probably be better, but there is no denying that it is almost a universal truth that underpins almost all of grand strategy. He took another sip of his drink.

"I see," said the blonde man, "I asked mainly because our new design, the Sirocco, lacks a hyperdrive. Consequently it will need a carrier starship in order to properly deploy. I have two squadrons of them currently ready, and so I do have a pair of the company's carrier corvettes that they could be embarked upon if need be...but perhaps it would be best if they are deployed from an active Republic warship for this exercise?"
[member="Gir Quee"]

Tapping his finger for a moment, Dallen considered the request that Gir Quee was putting forward while he tried to take a number of things into account. For the actual operation there would definitely be a carrier, however, the Republic officer wasn't certain if such a design would be ideal for an extended campaign. Regardless that had little to do with the problem for the moment as he shook his head. "The Testament is a Hammerhead Cruiser sir. If you want them to deploy from a Republic ship for the display for the committee member then we'll need to arrange for another ship. As of right now it can only carry a single average squadron. I am perfectly alright with having them exit out another ship of the battlegroup, but it will take some time for it to arrive. . . . but then if you want the committee to be there for the showcase in person it wouldn't be much of a problem. But if not we can always send the committee a report and feed of the mock fighter battle when all is said and done."
The former admiral nodded as [member="Dallen Thayne"] spoke. Gir began to run through various possibilities to weigh their benefits and drawbacks. If he had fully intended to make the Sirocco a highlight of the exercise, it would be more ideal to show off swarms of them deployed from multiple ships. But in doing so, he could well run the risk of irritating some of the Republic officers and bureaucracy by hassling them with last minute changes to everything. Moreover, considering how untested the Sirocco currently was, if it flopped in its initial testing on such a large scale, it would have an incredibly uphill battle to be adopted by anyone. Such a risk almost made him consider withdrawing from the exercise completely, but at the same time, even a small scale deployment could help them refine the diminutive fighter to be a more worthwhile and dangerous opponent for later trials and testing. He turned his eyes to meet Thayne's gaze.

"The Testament will be fine," said Gir, "the new fighter, the Sirocco-class, is fairly compact. We should be able to fit in a full twenty-four of them in the space it would take for a squadron of twelve regular fighters. I think that only leaves logistical matters at hand. What do I need to do ino rder to transfer these ships to the Testament?"
[member="Gir Quee"]

Taking in what the former Supreme Commander said about them likely being able to squeeze in his company's new experimental starfighters, Dallen rubbed his chin for a moment before acquisending to the suggestion and nodding to the man in front of him. "We can have the testbed fighters from Voss deploy since they have operational hyperdrives themselves. As for your Sirocco we can have the Testament drop into orbit if your company has adequate facilities for a ship of its size to dock planetside. From there we can load your fighter craft onto the cruiser to a safe test site of your choosing." Hammerheads were designed to deploy troops to the surface of planets way back when and still had such a useful feature. They were by far the Republic Captain's favorite ship to command in the fleet. Although it would be nicer if it was able to field these new starfighters they were looking at, and it would only be icing if he could repay the Admiral at the same time for the help by providing a mock battle for the sirocco to show off as well.
Gir nodded, "The facility here should be able to receive the Testament. I'll just arrange for the bulk freighters that normally use the slip to be absent when the frigate arrives."

Usually the freight slips were used by Circinus-class Bulk Corvettes, drone barges, and the Lab's fleet of bulk freighters to pick up the factory's manufactured products. But he had docked a Delphin-class Frigate there to transfer a rather valuable set of materials from the outer rim for processing. He stroked his chin. They should be able to land the Testament'll just be a matter of giving them instruction on the droid fighters. I'll probably have to get both Salmakk and Azira on making a control program that can be easily transferred to the frigate's crew...He cleared his throat as he turned his absent-minded gaze from the carved company crest to [member="Dallen Thayne"]'s face.

"I will have the fighters prepared for the transfer soon. Do you need anything else from me or the company for this operation?"
[member="Gir Quee"]

Well that was good Dallen supposed. It made sense if the accessible landing zones for the Testament were already designed for the use of bulk freighters. They were of similar size after all, the only issue might be packing the fighters on probably, however, the Former Admiral's dock crews likely knew what to do in that regard. So when Gir Quee asked if there was anything else he desired or needed, the Republic Commander tapped his finger for a moment before sitting back and smiling to the other man. "I don't believe so. The Fire Lotus have their own drives so they should be capable of reaching our test area on their own. I would suggest bringing your company's own recording equipment though. That way we have multiple sources of data for the test to present later."
Gir nodded at [member="Dallen Thayne"]. The Sirocco's were capable of feeding live feed through their FSTs to allied ships. It wouldn't be too hard for them to record it and bring it off of the ship's computers after the testing was complete. Still, there was something to be said for having a more distant set of sensors and cameras that weren't part of the test ships. They would certainly provide a better view of the exercise that would probably result in more interesting footage to the potential buyers. He had a number of observation platform options, but he was leaning towards using an Eidolon transport, simply because it would be difficult to detect. And if it was difficult to detect, it's intrusion wouldn't likely affect the testing to the degree that a large starship or observation satellite would. Still, it might be more cost conscious to simply deploy a probot for the observation. He would have to deliberate on the matter more, but it didn't seem overly pressing to him.

"I will have a means set up to record some of the footage," said Gir, "I will be looking forward to watching that footage, I think."

I hope I will, at least...
[member="Gir Quee"]

"I look forward to it as well, though I look forward to watching how things play out directly. The footage we can compile to best advertise the products after we've determined their effectiveness. Though I honestly wonder what a marketer might edit for the best perspective of each part of the test." Feeling a little eager at the thought of the Republic having more tools at its disposal to keep the peace and put monstrous elements like the Sith in line, Dallen stood from his chair as he looked to the former Supreme Commander in front of him with a grin. "Shall we continue our conversation while walking and talking? We can discuss any specifics for the mock exercise for the fighters while we watch over them loading the sirocco onto the Testament."
Gir pulled up his datapad and quickly tapped a few buttons on it, which prepared several Lucerne Labs personnel and droids to start moving the twenty-four Siroccos of Deseret Squadron to the loading ramp. He flipped through several screens to ensure that the bulk freighter Fall's Light was departing from the slip. One other freighter was remaining in the area, but Gir knew that there should still be plenty of room for the Testament to land and dock...provided that both ship's helmsmen weren't sloppy with their parking. The Siroccos should be able to pilot themselves into the Testament's hangar bay by using repulsorlifts...but they'll probably need some guidance...but speaking of scenarios...that is something I should know about first before they are loaded up so that I can load them with the proper munitions...though I suppose the Republic flight crews could do that too...Gir began to walk alongside [member="Dallen Thayne"] towards the loading dock area.

"What scenario is it?"
[member="Gir Quee"]

Moving towards the docking area, Dallen adjusted his glasses as he walked alongside the former Admiral and answered his question. "We will do a simple scenario and have the Fire Lotus act as a strike party that are targeting the Testament while your Sirocco deploy as defense craft. It really can only work that way since the Sirocco can't travel on their own and be aggressors as a strike squadron without a supporting carrier." Basically it would be a dogfight around the Hammerhead Cruiser, but it would hopefully showcase the strengths and weaknesses of each of the starships capabilities. Even though he wasn't a believer in droids or clones, the Republic Commander could see the use in them. They certainly held appeal to Planetary Defense Groups since it spared the lives of their citizens from serving in military matters.
Gir nodded in acknowledgement at [member="Dallen Thayne"]'s acknowledgement. Droid fighters brought their own set of advantages and disadvantages to the fight; most of which were strategic rather than tactical varities. While it may be true that when they weren't being remotely piloted by a live pilot, that they would have lesser performance, Siroccos were expendable. He wouldn't hesitate to send any of them on suicidal rear-guard action nor would he care if left them adrift as "sleeper craft", simply waiting for an enemy to appear. While it seemed that the planned action wouldn't highlight those strengths of the craft, it would give him a better idea of the Sirocco's tactical performance, which would allow the Labs to make some more refinements before trying to market them.

"That sounds good," said Gir, stopping at a viewport that overlooked the facilities docking bay.
[member="Gir Quee"]

Stopping to gaze out the viewport with the former Admiral, Dallen slid his glasses closer to his face as the glare from the sun slipped over the top of the rims leaving him with a slight frown. "If you wish we could always run secondary scenarios for any other situations you may prefer. I know there's plenty of other avenues to explore for each of the designs we want to push. However, the most common one is the one we'll need to put on display, that being direct combat. I do, however, believe in the presentation if there are specifics roles you'd rather push the sirocco into then that might be the best time to speak up over such matters. When people of business and image see a shiny toy it matters less they know everything it can do and more that it can do it and do it well. At which point whatever is likely said about it will get through to them."

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