Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Yaha-Kui ZaShunina Kitsune

    Private  Loki research of geneticist (Project Zero)

    Location: Weik @Loki Base research (It's being judged but I'm just going to start it anyway...)...
  2. J

    Public  Verkuyl : Bacta Research Facility (Hidden Sith Training ground for Jeshi the Vampire)

    The Planet Verkuyl: Known for its Bacta research and facilities is home to some of the best scientific minds in the Galaxy. It is used as the most convenient and sought-after form of medicine over other healing properties. Several hospital facilities within the murky rainforests and city serve...
  3. Trinity Harris

    LFG  Looking for scientists to conduct research in Bryn'adul space

    Doctor Trinity Harris, in her role as Xenobotanologist at the Boolon Murr Medical University is heading up an expedition deep into Bryn'adul territory in order to research the effect of Bryn-forming on worlds, in the hope that the process can be reversed. For her part she is investigating the...
  4. The Ineditorum

    The Ineditorum

    Welcome to the Ineditorum, where no frontier is final. --Scheduled Broadcast Will Resume Shortly-- Join the Discord!
  5. Dak

    CORE Automata

    [ CORE AUTOMATA ] "Making Better Makers" OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Image Source: Original Content Canon Link: N/A Development Thread: N/A Primary Source: Sunspot (Planet) The Grayson Imperium (Major Faction) InterGalactic Banking Clan (Minor Faction) DAC-1.P028 ("Dak") (Character)...
  6. Drystan Marakos

    Esolea Expeditions & Research, Inc.

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Image Source: (Original Image)/Bambi/Ahtemis, FO - The Family (Edits) Canon Link: N/A Development Thread: (If appliable.) Primary Source: The emblem of the Corporation is highly symbolic; mountains, skies, water, and trees...
  7. Gaia Sunaris Cadera

    Approved Location  Ramikadyc'yaim

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a place of educational learning for young adults in the Mandalorian Empire. Also, to create dynamic RP with research, potential jobs for player characters, etc. Image Credit: Image 1 (William Koh), Image 2 (Jiangnan Photography and Jonathan...
  8. Phylis Alince

    Approved Lore  Levitation in the Pre-Tythonian Era (Volumes 1&2)

    Levitation in the Pre-Tythonian Period OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To formally submit a work this character is proud of, and which deserves to be known…for all the wrong reasons. Image Credit: Here. By Martina_L on...
  9. R

    Late night activites (Fel Empire)

    Location: Osseriton - Matron research station Sitting in the force wing he sat down clearing his mind he was gonna attempt another Electrical Insight which was a sourcery ability Richard had created in his own special branch of magic called RVord. Richard learned how to manipulate the force to...
  10. Shia Kryze

    Approved Starship  Cin'vhetin-class Research Corvette

    Cin'vhetin-class Research Corvette OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a vessel that logically could be used in Mandalore's restoration and would be useful elsewhere. Image Source: Canon Link: N/A Restricted Missions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer...
  11. M

    Fulcrum: In Scientia Autem Sectando

    Original Image: Link Travel through time, and one will come across mention of a great many things. One such being the Library of Xer. In ages past, the world of Criton's Point was quarantined. The reasons were long since lost, though the forces of the Pentastar Alignment and the Velcar Free...
  12. Progflaw99

    Blackwing Virus

    Blackwing Virus Expedition Calling all doctors, researchers, scientists, and independent entrepreneurs! The planning of an expedition to Furia in wake of the attacks on Skye and Virgilia by the Ssi-Ruuvi Imperium has begun to unfold. It was said that months ago the Ssi-Ruuk had set up an...
  13. Vrak Nashar

    I Like To Know Things

    "I'm not a very smart man." Drak said as he slowly squatted down beside the man tied to the metal chair, looking at the woman who sat across from both of them. "At least not compared to someone like you. I mean, I know things, I know a lot of things. I know how to fly a spaceship, I know how to...
  14. Celiana

    Closely Guarded Knowledge (PM to join unless tagged)

    I'd been thinking after Aria's and my return from Eshan about the flickers of thought I'd caught from Aria. I believed she meant to intentionally and permanently sever the Force bond that I'd unintentionally created between us. Though from previous research I knew that forcing a severance of...
  15. Progflaw99

    Approved Location  Archon Facility

    Name: Archon Facility Image Source: Classification: Secret Mainframe Facility. Tech Research Facility. Location: Deep in the Anoat Asteroid Field. Affiliation: None. Description: The Archon facility is hidden deep within the Anoat...
  16. A

    Quaint Gardens Beauty

    Corporation Name: Quaint Gardens Beauty Headquarters: Ession Locations: Ession and Coruscant Operations: Cosmetics (including makeup, skincare, and perfume) and scientific research for the development of cosmetics. Rationale: Money can only last so long - even if it is a handsome sum if you...
  17. Celiana

    Knowledge Is Power Enclave Library (OPEN)

    Stepping back through an old stone archway into the Enclave's library Celiana went to the storage cubicle she'd left her boots and bag in; after grabbing her things she padded barefoot back to a secluded area with a window where the sun was streaming through.She knew her destiny was headed along...
  18. Darth Ophidia

    I Want to be More Like You

    Breath reverberated through the room with her exhale. She opened her eyes, dark eyelids giving way among ashen skin to reveal her burning irises. She had awoken from meditation, or was it perhaps a dream, or a vision? She did not quite know. Her eyes glided over the dark room, lit only by...
  19. Raziel

    The big invasion poll

    So, lots of questions here. Have a look through and pick your answers and discuss. Tag me if you want to add questions or tweak existing ones! If you haven't already seen my blog, I've made my views clear that I think the membership of both sides should be getting together to work out...
  20. S

    New Faces

    [member="Hal Terrano"] A book. He had given her a book. It was a lovely gesture really, a gift that she appreciated. Learning had always been of interest to her, though unfortunately this bit of learning was closed off to her. The book was written in a language she could not understand, a...
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