Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Ardeo Sophos

    Saber staff, double blade saber, Sith saber, oh my!(Research into the double blade lightsaber open.)

    Ardeo strolled through the library at a brisk pace. He had recently spoke to the librarian, and found out what isle he needed to go to. It didn't take long for him to find the books he needed, and grab them. He grabbed a book on the structure and makeup of a double blade lightsaber, a book on...
  2. Alric Kuhn

    Bounty On Ysalamir

    Name of Bounty: Ysalamir Name of Contractor: Titan Industries Bounty Price: 50,000 Credits per Condition: Alive Additional Info: Titan Industries is paying for any live specimens of the famed Ysalimir species. The unique lizards hold properties which interest Titan Industries and live specimens...
  3. Yasha Cadera

    Smoking Stones & Proving Grounds (Valik)

    Ssi-Ruuvi is one of those planets I avoid. Not for any hugely tangible reason other than the fact that the Fringe's military presence here is handled by capable people who function better with a lazy hand at the top. They trust that I will command them and I trust that they'll continue doing...
  4. Xeni Kraylu

    Looking for Research Opportunities. . .

    Hello, everyone! I was wondering if anyone is up to exploring/researching with a mute Miraluka on some side adventure? The plot could be serious, silly, or Indiana Jones-like. Preferably in a Private thread since I'm still pretty new to the site. I have a few ideas of things to...
  5. Xeni Kraylu

    Looking for Research Opportunities. . .

    Hello, everyone! I was wondering if anyone is up to exploring/researching with a mute Miraluka on some side adventure? The plot could be serious, silly, or Indiana Jones-like. Preferably in a Private thread since I'm still pretty new to the site. I have a few ideas of things to...
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