Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Olivia Dem'adas

    Approved Species  Cha'ta'ri

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a interesting non-human species for use as PC and NPC Image Credit: Bungie's Destiny, Roderick Weise, Canon: Charr Ontee, Charon, Harch, Nalrithian, Links: NA GENERAL INFORMATION Name: Cha'ta'ri (Cha-Ta-Ree) Designation: Sentient (Adult and...
  2. Huxy

    Approved Species  Yon'yu Wanderers

    Yon'yu Wanderers Creatures of Myth, harbingers of the Void OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a mysterious race of creatures that are Lovecraft-themed in nature with an air of mystery and cosmic horror surrounding them and to create an interesting albeit unorthodox PC race. ​Image...
  3. Dhakarta

    Approved Species  Glamine

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Wolves can't spit. To make a possible PC polymorphic race that can spit. ​Image Credit: Sophie Corrigan Canon: NA Links: NA GENERAL INFORMATION Name: Glamine Designation: Sentient Homeworld: Haseria Language: Galactic Standard Basic Average Lifespan: ~80...
  4. Dhakarta

    Dathomirian Porporites

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To bring back and alchemize using Jed'aii Alchemy of the Flesh, an extinct species for practise, as extinct species do not have legal protection within CIS space, also to use as ground troops, and a possible new PC race ​Image Credit: Tangy Citrus - Art...
  5. Bantha_chan


    Attesuus'geonin, displaying genetic anomalies such as dyschromia and hirutism. OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create an avian species capable of flight with their arms set apart from their wings. Image Credit: “Vigro” by Damon Hellandbrand, from...
  6. Lief

    [WIP] The Marese

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: [State why you are making this submission. Is the character there to assist with faction roleplays, to help train your character, or provide an antagonist for dominions or something else entirely?] ​Image Credit: MorganYon | Jared Krichevsky | Peter...
  7. Arctorius


    Male Titan Female Titan OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATIONIntent: To create a new species that creates both complications and fun in RP. Image Credit: Female, Male Canon: N/A Links: Savitor Draay(Half-Titan) GENERAL INFORMATIONName: Titan Designation: Sapient Homeworld: Weik Language: Tiron Average...
  8. L

    Approved Species  Rak'shir

    RAK’SHIR Source SPECIES INFORMATION Name: Rak’shir Designation: Sentient Homeworld: Makatak Language: Non-Verbal (Pheremonal Telepathy, Radio Waves, Electromagnetic Waves, Body Language) Average Lifespan: 70 Estimated Population: Rare Average height of adults: 2 Meters Average length of...
  9. Trexlyn Antilus

    Approved Species  Zer'kul

    Images: [Edited down from Europa Trooper by Koryface ] A Zer'kul removes his rebreather due to trace amounts of Chlorine gas in an atmosphere. Name: Zer'kul Designation: Sentient Homeworld: XXXXXXX (On a technicality) Language...
  10. Kuzo

    Approved Species  Nezumi

    Found on pinterest. Original link leads to nowhere, and I had no luck on Tineye. All other images of Reepicheep from the Narnia movies. Name: Nezumi Designation: Sentient Homeworld: Precise birth world is unknown, but they originated somewhere in Qektoth Confederacy space, in the Kathol...
  11. Kimiko Taiyou

    Hapan Kitsune

    The Last Queen, beneath the Moon Tsuki Kyaroru, The Last Queen, circa 4048 BBY [SOURCE] Name: Hapan Kitsune Designation: Sentient, Mammalian, Humanoid Homeworld: Hapes Language: Hapan (The original practitioners of the language before the Hapes Consortium) Average height of adults: Males...
  12. Katrine Van-Derveld

    Approved Species  Lupine

    (Image) Name: Lupine Designation: Sentient Homeworld: Figaro Favoura VII Language: Galactic Standard Basic Average height of adults: 1.83 meters (0.76-0.91 meters in wolf form) Skin color: Caucasian; color of fur varies. Hair color: Commonly blonde and brown; lighter tones. Exceptions may...
  13. Progflaw99

    TMS-471 - Tactical Mainframe System (PC AI)

    Image Source: Intent: The intent is to be a PC AI - LINK TO CHARACTER PROFILE Development Thread: If Necessary - Tied to this submission - Archon Facility Model: N/A Affiliation: None. Modularity: Can be...
  14. Progflaw99

    Sentience: The Ascension [PM to Join]

    Status: Idle Location: No parameters defined System: Tactical Mainframe Processing. Motion detected. Exterior Hangar Doors Activated. Door Action sequence completed. Interior camera system activated. Inside the small hangar bay of the asteroid facility, no sound could be heard as the...
  15. Progflaw99


    TMS-471 Artist Credit: NAME: TMS-471, Tactical Mainframe System, Iteration 471. FACTION: Unaligned. RANK: No Faction affiliation. SPECIES: AI. Sentient Computer System. AGE: 8 months. SEX: No gender. Does not identify itself by gender. HEIGHT...
  16. Xin and Xo Daiasa


    Name: Qor Designation: Sentient Homeworld: Kamino Language: Qorian, Basic. (Telepathically towards each others Fi) Average height of adults: 1.6 Meters Skin color: Pale, Fair and Light Blue Hair color: Black, Red, Gold, Blue(Each signifying birth rank) Breathes: Tier I and Underwater Strengths...
  17. Myron

    Approved Species  Afriel

    Afriel Images: Name: Afriel Designation: Sentient Homeworld: Utero Hominis (Originally, prior to planet destruction); Currently Dispersed across the Galaxy at large. Language: Afrialis Average height of adults: 1.7 Skin color: Pale, No Peach Tones: 77% of Population Tan, Peach Toned...
  18. Syren

    Approved Species  Calnennore

    Images: By: Steve Argyle Name: Calnennore, also called Thallassans Designation: Sentient Homeworld: Gaeren III, also called Thallassa Language: Lalambe, Basic, Minnisiat Average height of adults: 1.8 m - 2.2 m Skin...
  19. Ellie Mors

    Approved Species  Alunrovaan

    Images: Angel Ganev Name: Alunrovaan (Alua'an) Designation: Sentient Homeworld: Negosvern (Originally, prior to planet destruction); Currently Dispersed across the Galaxy at large. Language: Tinvaok Average height of adults: 1.6 Meters Skin color: Albino (No Pigmentation): 4% of Population...
  20. Arrbi Betna

    Approved Species  Cheiracanth

    Image Source Name: Cheiracanth (pl. Cheiracanth Designation: Sentient Homeworld: Argo VII Language: Non-verbal. Cheiracanth communicate through a mixture of minute electrical discharges, coloring, and mandible positions. Cheiracanth strong in the Force however, can communicate with Force...
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