Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Nikolas Faselli

    Approved Species  Asherian

    (the ears are not like that, actually) (made by Jiwon Kim, dA) Asherians, the Harbingers of Culture Designation: Sentient Homeworld: Ashera Language: Galactic Basic Standard, Ashian Average height of adults: 2 metres Skin colour: All human skin colours Hair colour: All human hair colours...
  2. Sal Katarn

    Approved Species  Arkanian Offshoot - Experiment #355

    Name: Experiment #355 Designation: Sapient Homeworld: Alzoc III Language: Basic, Arkanian Average height of adults: 2 meters Skin color: Ashen Hair color: White Breathes: Type 1 Dev Thread: (Word Count: 1,839. Post Count: 6)...
  3. Tyger Tyger

    Approved Species  Anans'ai

    Illustration by Riyahd Cassiem Name: Anans'ai Devilhunter Cult Designation: Sentient Homeworld: Formerly Charon homeworld in Otherspace (It is nameless, but odds are, it would be Styx or Hades :P); currently Korriban with possible sects lightly peppered throughout the Esstran sector Language...
  4. Harrip

    Approved Species  Nahant

    Name: Nahant Designation: Sentient Homeworld: Makeb Language: They communicate to each other by 'activating' phosphorescent patches of their skin, they use different patterns to mean different messages. In recent years they have been able to pick up Galactic Basic, however as their vocal...
  5. Velok the Younger

    Approved Species  True Vinithi

    ooc/ This is another previously approved submission that was lost in the crash, and apparently has caused some drama by its absence. I found it while digging through old, old files. ic/ Name: Zelosian/Oasis Mother Sithspawn Designation: Sentient Homeworld: First created on Felucia...
  6. Kycoros Oberon

    Approved Species  Drakian

    Name: Drakian Designation: Sentient Homeworld: Dantooine Language: Basic, Drakise, Average height of adults: males about 2 meters, females about 1.5 meters Skin color: Black, Blue, Green, Red, Purple, and white Hair color: None Breathes: Type 1 Strengths: Drakians have natural claws that...
  7. Eyrecae Alzari

    Approved Species  The Dark Star Project

    Name: Translated as ‘Dark Star Project’ or ‘SX001’ The single member of this ‘species’ is Eyrecae Alzari Dev Thread: Technical details begin...
  8. Garza

    Approved Species  Theowei

    Source: Name: Theowei Designation: Sentient Homeworld: Retalik Language: Basic, theowei Average height of adults: 1.60 meters Skin color: Varying shades of tan, brown, and white, with a greenish tint...
  9. Fatty

    Approved Species  Bintir'boise (The Snowmen)

    An example of Bintir'boise with a Big Snowman Form behind a Snowman Form Name: Bintir'boise ((Pronounced "Vinter-boys") More commonly referred as Snowmen) Designation: Sentient Homeworld: Bintir'vund'alan Language: Bintir'spich, Galactic Basic, Sithese (due to sithspawn nature) Average height...
  10. Darth Narakada

    Approved Species  Vidhvansaka

    Sorry about the dreadful formatting. Had to do this from my phone. Name: Vidhvansaka Designation: Sentient Homeworld: Jivanada Dharaka Language: Bhase and GSB Average height of adults: 2.5m Skin color: Ashen gray, tan, black, and dark blue. Hair color: N/A Atmosphere: Type 1...
  11. Fabula Caromed

    Approved Species  Qineam

    (c) Dave Barrack Name: Qineam (s: Qinae) Designation: Sentient Homeworld: Rhadamanthus Language: Qin Average height of adults: 1.8 meters, females slightly shorter Skin color: Dull skin colors, normally purple to black, often with green markings for camouflage Hair color: Ranges between black...
  12. Tsavong Kraal

    Approved Species  Myrshavong

    Name: The Myrshavong Designation: Sentient Classification: Synapsid Races: Zerkavong: A hardier race than their base Myrshavong, only the Zerkavong don distinctive tusks that grow from the corners of their mouths. This is an evolutionary attribute, used to scrape berries from desert...
  13. Nikolas Faselli

    Approved Species  Viatori

    A typical older Viatori - made by SaturnoArg. Name: Viatori Biological classification Designation: Sentient Classification: Mammal (simian) - Near-Human Races: Races determined by skin colour, similar to humans. Physical characteristics Average height of adults: 1.9 metres. Skin colour...
  14. L

    Approved Species  The Sirens of Rattatak

    Credit:In The Image Name: The Sirens of Rattatak Designation: Sentient Homeworld: Rattatak Language: No Spoken Language, Sign Language Average height of adults: 5'7'' Skin color: White Hair color: Brown/Black Breathes: Earth Norm Strengths: [+]Bonded: The Sirens of Rattatak were created with...
  15. Kerri Aislinn

    Approved Species  Tantibus

    NOTICE: Please just tell me (aka, don't yell at me, please) to add details if you feel any points are missed from this. I'll gladly edit in more details to anything you ask about. Name: Tantibus Designation: Sentient in a sense with night vision. Homeworld: Coruscant. Language: Common...
  16. Fatty

    Approved Species  Aquuan

    Name: Aquuan Designation: Sentient Homeworld: Kad V Language: Aquuan Average size of adults: One or more meters radius in a relaxed state Skin color: N/a, skin pigment controlled Hair color: N/a when present, color pigment controlled Breathes: Oxygen under any condition so long as the amount is...
  17. Nasika Serizawa

    Approved Species  Meldaraians

    Meldarian Male Female Meldarian Name: Meldarians Designation: Sentient Homeworld: Meldara Language: Galactic Standard, Meldarian Average...
  18. Lucianus Adair

    Approved Species  K'paur

    Name: K’paur Designation: Sentient Homeworld: Kanakura [Extragalactic] Language: Kias-Galactic Basic Creole (terribly uncommon), Pure Galactic Basic (common) [formerly: Kias (K’paur native tongue), now extinct] Average height of adults: Males - 6’9”; Females - 6’3” Skin color: Generally Pale...
  19. Matreya

    Approved Species  Andolith

    Thanks to Deviantart for the images Name: Andolith Designation: Sentient Homeworld: Tera Lush Language: Andolatian, Galactic Basic Average height of adults: 1-2 meters (females) 2-4 meters (males) Skin color: Unknown Hair color: Any color or hue Breathes: 1 Strengths: Telepathy - With no...
  20. Shakrin

    Approved Species  Mendroxians

    From: Name: Mendroxians Designation: Sentient Homeworld: Nrogu Language: Mendro Average height of adults: 1.5m in flesh state, 1m in metal state Skin color: Black, Silver, Gold, Bronze Hair color: None...
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