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A Radio beacon had been turned on months ago, a recorded message of the Empire era. "If any Empire ships or escorts hear this we are Star Destroyer 0023. We are damaged and seem to be without power, slowly we are being pulled onto Tattoine. It's only a matter of time, this is General Sylvester."...
He didn't know why he'd done it.
Perhaps he really had left his mind behind in the Dreaming Dark. Perhaps all sense had fled him. He'd been in a relative haze ever since the events of Coruscant, a haze which had forced his body into autopilot. Having commandeered a ship, from Force knew where...
TAG: Literally anyone
LOCATION: Dohlban | New Club known as 'Revena' (Submission pending)
This wasn't the normal setting Erich was accustomed to. Whilst in the service of Lortho the Hutt, he had made himself into an indispensable figure within his organization, and had reaped the rewards of...
Intent: To Construct a Massive Civilian Starship to serve as the Mobile Capital of House Io
Image Source:
TAGS: Valery Noble
LOCATION: Swamp World of Mancharakorkon, The Graveyard of the Mancharunk
RELEVANT LINKS: Darth Mordheim | Mancharakorkon
SPECIAL ITEMS: Shield Talisman | Cloak of Hate | Sith Spellbook | Sith Regenerator
The World of...
It was that awkward time that was not quite dusk and not quite night. The twinkle of the Altiria/Anarris primary star hung just on the cusp of the horizon for those who were willing to look hard enough at its edge to find the first heralds of its coming glory. All but the weakest of stars across...
Objective: Meet and Greet
Equipment: Under-Armor, Clothes- The First Picture, The Mask, Just in Case Cloak, Scope- on belt, Wrist Device, Slicing/Gaming Tool, The Encoil, Zerek Stowaway Node, ICE/iBorg Clarion Personal Translator
Weapons: Four Zenji Needles, Pair of Blue Lightsabers...
Back into the Shadows
Time: Afternoon local time
Valery: Appearance
Ship: Factory link
Tag: Allyson Locke
After what happened on Coruscant, and the various encounters she's had with Sith since her awakening from stasis, Valery had made up her mind. It seemed that more than ever before, the...
Equipment: Dueling Armor; Old Sin; Sarad's Lightsaber
Planet 244Core was well known for the abundance of mineral deposits it possessed. It was said that despite a lifetime of mining that the arid world remained plentiful with the raw resources it possessed. Those in the...
Clockwise from top left: Shadows out in the Kandaran Desert, The Hidden Kasbah at Mount Shaykh, Shadows in action utilizing illusionary techniques, Konrad Harrsk training within a gorge on Mount Shaykh, Dhul Qarnayn - Konrad's grandfather and head of the Axis of Shadows, Early morning training...
The Galaxy had entered a time of colossal changes that shook the very foundation of the Political Stage on a Galactic scale. The Bryn'adul had continued their ravenous rampage across the Eastern Sectors of the known Galaxy, consuming entire systems...
Location: Mandalorian Outpost, Dxun
The alliance had not been born out of friendship but mutual need and so the juxtaposition of Mandalorians and Jedi working together was not lost on the two groups who experienced a somewhat standoffish relationship at times due to the clash of leadership...
Objective: Expand her Borders
Equipment: Under-Armor, Clothes-How they look, Wrist Device, The Encoil, Zerek Stowaway Node, ICE/iBorg Clarion Personal Translator
Weapons: Three ornate Zenji Needles being used as hairpins
Tag: Nimdok
Speaking with Aayla had brought back old...
One week earlier...
Cailis Estate
Coronet City, Corellia
Some months after --> xxx
She had to take that back.
It would seem that, for a retired Jedi, Julius Sedaire was about as easy to find as she herself was at times, and she was little...
Home... What was home? Was it the lush greenlands of a planet, a sound and tranquil ocean of a blue hue, perhaps bustling cities that came and went from one planet? Perhaps what viewed to many as what would or could be described as a normal perception of one's home. For Kyrel Ren it was the...
Restless every night for a week her mind wouldn't stop. "GAH!"
Rekha slipped from under the covers of the warm bed to look out the window down onto the traffic of Coruscant. Coruscant it never slept as soon as the sun went down the lights came on. Always something to do why did she...
Reports had come in about Lowick, the planet had very suddenly and quite worryingly gone silent. The planet was not far from SJO space and with the growing faction of Bryn’adul, a faction that the SJO had little information on, there was fear that something sinister had taken place on Lowick. An...
It was time for Ilwynog to gather the Shadows and work with them on the path that they had in mind for the Shadows. A network of spies, of informants who would provide Ilwynog the information he would need and want on their enemies and even allies. To work in the shadows and to be everywhere, it...
It'd been awhile since I was last in a Grandmasters' office or even headed there. Valae had included me in the ranks of The Silver Shadows and I really didn't feel all that useful truth be told...So it was that I was headed to the office of The Grandmaster [member="Jyoti Nooran"] as it was I'd...
So I'm gonna bring this idea back again. I want there to be war games for the shadows to test themselves in. I nominate that there be other Jedi Overlords/ Warmasters to come up with a series of battle sims. Capture a research outpost doing shady things, Covertly assault a research base and...