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Primary Goal: To buy time for evacuation. Secondary: Win a decisive battle.
Location: Rrrykan Forest
OOC Thread
Open to anyone brave or crazy enough on either side or caught up in it all.
Muse Music
"Come if you dare. Don't hide behind your ships or words. You are not hut'uun."
The challenge...
The Holonet crackled to life—static-laced, glitching, the battered face of a grizzled Jedi Master staring down the feed. Blood streaked his temple, a fresh bruise blooming across his jaw. Behind him, Kashyyyk burned—jungle canopies ablaze, smoke curling into a bruised sky. The distant...
Location: SJC temple
"....Eerie. Eerie." The young teen gave a start before turning to her mother, who was sitting in the seat next to her. She removed her earbuds and gave her mom a questioning look with her heterochromatic eyes. "You weren't paying attention, were you?"
"I was....sorta."...
The hammer will fall as THE EMPIRE launches a full-scale surprise attack against the SILVER JEDI CONCORD, starting with the remote planet of Azure.
Valiens Nantaris
After a protracted armistice, the EMPIRE emerges from its borders - yet it does so...
Tsis'kaar vs. Silver Jedi Concord
The Silver Jedi Order have stood long and steadfast against the dark forces, but some evil is too deep and too primal to be vanquished. In the deepest recesses of the galaxy, there are places where dark and evil things lie well beyond the reach of the light...
Location: Yitabo
Mig was perched on top of the MOB-2 Leatherback, which notably had a turret that looked much newer than the rest of the vehicle, as he watching it slowly get into place, flanked by some A-1 Frontlines and T-1 Slugger tanks that would be part of the exercise today. A test of the...
Gorba's small armada, a Chelandion-cruiser known as the Silver Krayt and two Tarrada frigates, settled into one of Circumtore's many dry docks. The ring world, once the stronghold of the Shell Hutts, was not the beacon of prowess it had once been. Gorba had only recently...
Intent: To make a hero fighter for my PC.
Image Source: #1 (Edited by me), #2
Canon Link: Delta-7 Aethersprite-class Light Interceptor, Meditation Sphere, Nihil Smokestone, Instinctive Astrogation
Permissions: N/A
Primary Source: Delta-A72 Saberhawk Jedi...
Intent: To create an effective gunship.
Image Source:
Canon Link: N/A
Permissions: N/A
Primary Source: N/A
Manufacturer: Silver Engineering Corps...
Location: Vercopaanir Farming Outpost (needs a bit of an update, bare with me), Taanab
Mig leaned back, taking a breath as he waited at the training grounds of Vercopaanir. He was there with Garil, and waiting for the Jedi to show to a bit of an offer he gave them. He offered to try teaching a...
It’s 874 ABY.
The streets of the Smuggler’s Moon are crowded. Even with the acid rain. It pours down in sheets, acrid and stinging. They’re staring up at the screens as they pass, the ones who even bother to look up. Watching the holos. There’s going to be another vote...
Intent: Expand upon the lore of Alaris Prime.
Image Credit: Pablo Dominguez
Canon: Separatist Outpost (Alaris Prime)
Permissions: N/A
Links: N/A
Spaceport Name: Ember
Location: Alaris Prime
Affiliation: Silver Jedi Concord
Wayland, Wayland System
Objective I : Deal with the hostile criminal presence
Objective II : Scout the system for suitable locations for bases and defenses
Objective III : BYOO, help the cause of securing the system any way you see fit
Location : Smuggler's HQ, Wayland
Objective : 1 and 2
Location: Silvers Rest, Kashyyyk
A sense of excitement filled the air. Like a static charge that's been building up and is ready to let loose. Across the hangar of Silvers Rest, ground crews and scientists prepared for the arrival of the last expedition ships from Okarthel. A newly...
Location: Orbit of Okarthel
It hung before them like grand emerald, various hues of greens with small streaks of blue rivers and white clouds. Framed perfectly against the dark void of space. This emerald was a planet known as Okarthel, a vast jungle world that was lost to the galaxy for over...
The distant world of Wayland had seen much devastation in its time - first from the cruel hand of the Republic and Palpatine, then again from the Yuuzhon Vong who would later come to strike down the world’s biological life. When the Ossus Project failed to revive the world, it would...
Hello everyone, the SJC and TSE staff have been discussing a small skirmish to take place starting on September 9th, 2021.
The premise here is that multiple vaults on neutral Wayland have unsealed by unmarked and unknown forces even as signs of life and military activity have returned around...
The Dedication of the Jadelight Beacon
- A launch event -
A sound of hope, and promise of peace...
for Wild Space
"Jedi delegation...and other envoys" she nodded after finding her mark on the upper platform -- her sabbatical was long, and necessary. "Welcome." Coyly, she motioned with...
Tag: Desbre Gensan Caltin Vanagor (Only if you have time Caltin!)
Circumtore should have been the first chance for her to take the fight to the Bryn'adul since she had met Caltin Vanagor and Desbre Gensan what had happened instead was all the more insulting to the young Echani. While she and...
Silver Jedi Concord invasion of Brotherhood of the Maw held Lao-Mon
Lao-mon, a distant world in the Unknown Regions, has been occupied by the Brotherhood of the Maw. They are plundering the planet for resources with the help of slaves.
The native Shi’ido have used their shapeshifting...