Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Kyra Perl

    Campaign  Voss: Return of the Jedi (SJC vs TSE)

    The war between light and dark rages on. As the Sith strike at the core of the Silver Sphere-- Onderon, Kashyyyk, Eshan-- the Silver Jedi seek to liberate an old friend. Voss. Deep in sith space, the lost home of the Jedi lays under the sway of the wicked Sith Emperor. But no more. October...
  2. Inara Basai

    Approved Location  Hajari

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a new location for future RP. Image Credit: [Jodphur] Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: Inara Basai SETTING INFORMATION City Name: Hajari Classification: Urban Center Location: Chalacta Affiliation: Chalactan Government - Loyal to Silver Jedi...
  3. Acaadi

    Private  Moving Pieces

    The atmosphere in the academy was oddly muted. Acaadi didn't pay that too much attention. He should have done. His focus for some time had been to learn more control. To do more with less. Naturally gifted, his raw potential had outstripped his skill. Kyra had seen first hand how badly that has...
  4. H

    Public  Welcome To Myrkr Park - SJC+Friends/Open

    Welcome, to Myrkr Park |X| -Some old man with a cane entering the preserve- Welcome to the nature preserve on the planet of Myrkr. Maintained by a well trained staff round the clock, MandalBioEng proudly displays its attempt at natural preservation across a broad spectrum of ecosystems. While...
  5. Damian Starchaser

    Faction  Black Water (SJC)

    Kattada, an ocean world with lush beaches, Damian loved it. Previously he helped Kyra here convalesce after her rather unpleasant injury. That of course was stating, if not understating, it lightly. Still the planet was pleasant enough and Damian saw potential. With a little funding, some pulled...
  6. Milya Vondar

    Character  Milya Vondar

    Milya Vondar Age 23 Species Echani Gender Female Alignment Lawful Neutral Height 5'7" Weight 120lbs Force Sensitive Yes Force Rank Knight Theme: PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION Milya is an Echani with striking white hair that falls in soft, flowing waves, complementing her piercing...
  7. RC 212

    Galaxy Trip- Jade visits Voss

    Voss Admittedly Jade knew little of Voss. Save that it was home to the Silver Jedi Coalition whom she'd heard so much about. During the last days of the war with the One Sith she'd considered joining their ranks, but thought otherwise. She was unwilling to be tied down to any particular order...
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