Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Konrad Harrsk

    Private  Light The Torch | [SJC] [GA] [NIO]

    K A I S E R IMPERIAL MILITARY ASSISTANCE GROUP SECOND HYPERSPACE WAR Don't make the same mistake twice. A lesson as old as time. It echoed through the halls of the space station brimming with Antarian Rangers, Alliance Soldiers, and Stormtroopers, and it echoed across the galaxy. The Bryn'adul...
  2. S

    Dominion  What Once Was Lost | SJC Dominion of Azure

    Azure was an unimportant planet in the galactic scene. The blue world was largely believed to be uninhabited with most information on the Azur'i who lived there being lost to history. There was no reason not to allow it to remain untouched until a distress signal was received from a ship that...
  3. Primeval Architect

    Invasion  Vengeance | Bryn'adul Invasion of SJC Irith, Tol Amn, & Circumtore

    Omnicide on a massive scale has been committed by the forces of the Bryn'adul. Blood wells at their feet in great rivers and lakes, but the one-hundred billion slaughtered have not yet whet the appetite of one of the greatest threats to the galaxy. Lashing out at whatever came within their...
  4. Reggae_Muff1n

    Request  SJC rival dance partner.

    Hello there, my IC name is Gal'Zhoren who is one of four Bryn'Adul Zealot Minors in a six man strike team (There is also one Zealot Shadow and a Zealot Major in the team that are a mix of Aerevalin and Baedurin). Recently, the powers that be the Bryn'Adul heavy hitters have declared an upcoming...
  5. Osam

    Invasion  (Discussion) Vengeance | Bryn'adul Invasion of SJC Irith, Tol Amn, & Circumtore

    Srina Talon Enraged by the spilled blood of their kindred during the surprise attack on Nar Kreeta, the forces of the Bryn'adul have rallied together with the goal of inflicting grievous harm upon the border worlds of the Silver Jedi Concord. Still disoriented by the disappearance of their...
  6. S

    Faction  Uncharted Waters (SJC)

    Uncharted Waters Balamak, a bountiful world in the Mid Rim, now under lock and key due to the suspected use of biological warfare following the capture of Grandmaster Kiara Ayres, Padawan Aayla Shan and several thousand civilians from the border world of Nal Hutta. All trade and travel routes...
  7. Thirdas Heavenshield

    We March For Anvil!

    Mustering Grounds Ranger HQ, Kashyyyk Recruits had been mustered. Equipment had been procured. Command structure had been set. Company designations had been chosen; Lion, Wolf, Drake, Bear, Gryphon. The mustering grounds saw hundreds of eager recruits assemble into neat formations divided into...
  8. Primeval Architect

    Faction  Reap What is Sown (Bryn'adul & SJC)

    Two Days After the Events of Broken Jewel Within a Super-Construct on Caerdar Captured and Imprisoned within a vile Bryn'adul Facility! Thousands of civilians and military personnel have been taken captive following a brutal raid upon the world of Nal Hutta. Utilizing a strategy developed...
  9. Drasil Ygg

    Faction  Wisdom Evergrowing (SJC)

    Kashyyk. A planet full of life. Strong with the Force. A home for the wookies. A paradise to visitors. The capital of the Silver Jedi Concord. The planet was vast with thick forests and teaming with life, both wild and civilized. It was, to someone like old master Drasil Ygg, the perfect place...
  10. K

    SJC Character Creation Guide

    The Silver Jedi Concord is home to many different types of writers who are united under a single faction. The most notable being, of course, Jedi but they are by no means the only type of character welcome in the Concord and not all are Force sensitive. The Concord is home to the Silver Jedi...
  11. Kadan Scipora

    Dominion  Do You Hear the People Sing? [SJC Dominion of Sarko IV]

    Do You Hear the People Sing? The world below resembled something more akin to a wasteland than a civilized world, yet Sarako IV is still considered to be ‘settled’ world. There were lush and populated cityscapes dotting the world, with decrepit old settlements line for kilometers outside of...
  12. Sergeant Omen

    Faction  Lottery for Peace- GA and SJC affliated

    Wearing: in all black. Equipment: Datapad under clothes, Mando butterfly knife and Bes'bev in his arms,a wallet and a ID card. Omen walked through one of Coruscant's great plazas with his hands balled into fists and...
  13. A

    Diplomacy  Truth & Reconciliation | GA & SJC Diplomacy for the Hosnian Hex

    Hosnian System Hosnian Prime, Orbit Aboard a Diplomatic Space Station Following the joint efforts of the Silver Jedi Concord and the Galactic Alliance against the galactic threat of the Bryn'adûl, a diplomatic conference was called by the two governments. The talks followed a long period of...
  14. Thirdas Heavenshield

    Remember Anvil!

    A city devastated. A world in grief. By the time the last of the Bryn'adûl invaders fell, over a hundred thousand locals had been slaughtered. Butchered by unspeakable horrors let loose upon their world, the sheer brutality of whom the defenders were woefully unprepared for. Even with the...
  15. K

    Faction  Cross Swords (Open to SJC Allies)

    Location: Sneeve In the wake of the loss of Sarka, the Silver Jedi Concord then were forced to deploy diplomats and Jedi to the world of Sneeve where there was an ongoing humanitarian crisis after the fleeing Sarkans made landfall on the neighbouring planet. The planet was struggling to sustain...
  16. Wirewolf88

    First Reply  A Trophy Ship to be Claimed In SJC Space- First Come First Served

    An ancient Dragonsboat Class Freighter floats in an asteroid field made hundreds of years ago near Trandosha. Its form hides in the shadows of space-bound boulders, its lights powered down and its engine having not sputtered for many a decade. Its occupants have long abandoned this space hulk to...
  17. Darth Metus

    Major Faction The Ametrine Accords | Confederate-Silver Alliance

    POLARIS COURT, NABOO As the early hours began on Naboo, the press corps assembled on the lawn of Polaris Court. Before them stood an empty podium - and the promise of great change. It had been quite some time since the Vicelord addresssed the nation in this manner. And all waited on baited...
  18. Highmoon

    Invasion  Allegiance: SJC invasion of Bryn'adûl held Nar Chunna, Nar Kreeta, Cyborrea and Klantooine

    Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay, Rage, rage against the dying of the light... A lion was always most dangerous when cornered. For too long, the Bryn’adul had been able to rip through the frontiers of Silver Space until they were...
  19. Irveric Tavlar

    Major Faction The Bastion Protocols | Anti-Sith Defensive Pact

    OVERVIEW The Bastion Protocol is to establish a defensive pact of all signature and observing parties which ensure co-operation in the actions to defend against, prevent and contain the spread of Sith influence across the Galaxy but in particular targeting major Galactic scale (multiple worlds...
  20. Zemira

    Invasion  Allegiance: SJC invasion of Bryn'adûl held Nar Chunna, Nar Kreeta, Cyborrea and Klantooine

    Site Staff: Valiens Nantaris Allegiance: SJC invasion of Bryn'adûl held Nar Chunna, Nar Kreeta, Cyborrea and Klantooine. 11/05-25/05 The Battle of Nar Kreeta SJC Staff: Bryn'adûl Staff: Zemira Tathra Khaeus Thurion Heavenshield Osam Starlin Rand Sylok'Vanari Ura Iolar...
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