Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. GAL Ltd.

    Approved Starship  "Slinger" Antilles Custom YandZ Shuttles

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a nice, sturdy multi-role personal shuttle Image Source: Ex-Astris Scientia Canon Link: N/A Permissions: Gir Quee Primary Source: X-YandZ Transport PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Guardian Authority Ltd. with tech from Lucerne Labs...
  2. GAL Ltd.

    Approved Starship  "Slinger" Antilles Custom X-YandZ

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a personal starship for James "Slinger" Antilles Image Source: Is here. Canon Link: N/A Permissions: My Subs, Gir Quee Primary Source: X-YandZ Transport PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Guardian Authority Ltd. with tech from Lucerne Labs...
  3. GAL Ltd.

    Approved Starship  Scientia Yand Z Shuttle

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a nice, sturdy multi-role personal shuttle Image Source: Ex-Astris Scientia Canon Link: N/A Permissions: Gir Quee Primary Source: X-YandZ Transport PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Guardian Authority Ltd. with tech from Lucerne Labs...
  4. GAL Ltd.

    Cinder Onyx

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a freighter for tradesmen of all kinds everywhere. Image Source: Wookiee Canon Link: Onyx Cinder Permissions: My subs, Gir Quee Primary Source: Onyx Cinder PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Guardian Authority Ltd. with tech from Lucerne Labs...
  5. Jo Min

    Character  Jo Min

    Jo Min Full Name Jo Min Age 20 Years Rank Smuggler Faction Hutt Cartel Home Pantora Species Pantoran Gender Female Force Sensitive No Height 5'7 Hair Color Dark Blue Eye Color Brown Skin Color Blue Writer Minuteman75 BIOGRAPHY: Born from a ship magnate and...
  6. Minerva Fhirdiad

    Private  Generations Apart

    Arbra, Arbran System, Outer Rim Hidden on the surface of Arbra's moon was a certain gunship. Entering the cockpit with a mug filled with hot caf in her right was Minerva without her helmet on. She sipped the drink, its warm liquid steaming down her throat. The sensation caused the warrior to...
  7. Pal Veda

    Outer Rim Outfitters

    Outer Rim Outfitters OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Image Source: Openart.AI Canon Link: N/A Primary Source: N/A CORPORATION INFORMATION Corporation Name: Outer Rim Outfitters Headquarters: Toshara Locations: Toshara Operations: Spacer gear Armored clothing Light armor Handheld weapons...
  8. Diarch Reign

    Faction  Smuggler Busting | The Diarchy

    Location: DSD-Dominion Command Center System: Orbiting Taspir III Tags: Corvin Nylund Riven Terrik Darth Reign had an important task for the newly elevated High Councilor of Intelligence Corvin Nylund . Recent discoveries in the personal effects of the former Governor Paltros of Taspir, had...
  9. Sharill

    Private  Expect the Unexpected

    Somewhere In Wild Space The hum of the servo unit began to lessen, the juddering of the broken capacitor slowing rapidly as it blew out its last vapours. Sharill sighed loudly, her third mug of caff beginning to lose its bitterness as it cooled. There was a grace period where it wasn’t too...
  10. Spek Zhio

    Private  Above the Noctilucent Clouds

    {slide=Background Theme} Coming out of the Oktos Route via the Trax Tube junction, the Azure Alcyone made her jump out of hyperspace onto the Y'Toub system. The ship, a retrofitted YT-1930, transported Spek Zhio along with a shipment of moisture vaporators destined for Tatooine. "All system's...
  11. Sorr Kortu

    Private  The Smuggler, the Flower Girl, and the Mask.

    Location: Nal Hutta Smuggler Outfit When Sorr found out that Nal Hutta meant Glorious Jewel in Huttese, his lungs nearly fell off from his rib cage from laughing so hard. Either the Hutts have a great understanding of Irony or they truly believe that this wasteland was truly beautiful...
  12. Jacen Terrik

    Character  Jacen Terrik | League Spacer

    JACEN TERRIK Age 30 GSY Species Human (Corellian) Gender Male (he/him) Height 6’2” (1.8m) Weight 190lbs (86kg) Force Sensitive Undetermined Faction(s) League of Autonomous Worlds Spacers Alliance Ship Firefly (Dal Una class YF-450 heavy armored freighter) -|| APPEARANCE...
  13. Victor Thrash

    LFG  Seeking Unsavory Types

    Scum and Villany, looking for ya. Especially if you're a smuggler looking to have a young, impressionalable scion to scam/take under your wing. Double points if you're a hutt. Tripple points if you're a shell hutt. Quadroople Points if you're none other than Hondo Onaka
  14. Pal Veda

    Dealing with Pirates 101

    His brown hair blew back in the wind as his speeder bike raced across the desert. His eyes were protected from the twin suns by his Rogue glasses while the scarf covering his nose and mouth kept him from choking on the sand. The throttle was nearly maxed out, and his path was clear for...
  15. Secenva

    Character  Secenva

    SECENVA Age 33 GSY Homeworld Csilla Species Chiss Gender Female Height 1.70 Meters Weight 60 kg Force Sensitive No Voice Lady Dimitrescu INVENTORY Equipment An outfit consisting of synthlleather, armorweave, a nexu-fur coat, and a modified tracker helmet An SM-1A1...
  16. Schmarmee

    Character  Schmarmee

    SCHMARMEE Age 22 Species Rodian Gender Male Height 5'9" Weight 155 lbs Force Sensitive No PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION Schmarmee is a pale green Rodian with large, dark purple eyes. He has a semi-muscular build from being a mechanic and moving cargo. Most often spotted in dusty clothes...
  17. Janith Rintao

    Character  Janith Kaya Rintao

    Janith Kaya Rintao Age 26 Species Genetically Engineered Hybrid - Human/Zeltron Gender Female Height 5’7 | 1.70m Weight 131 lbs | 59.4 kg Force Sensitive Yes PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION Beautiful in appearance - and of course for obvious reasons as she was originally genetically made...
  18. Kell Nedrann

    Character  Keldar Saarkis

    KELDAR SAARKIS Age 35 GSY Species Lannik Gender Male Height 1.35 Meters Weight 50 kg Force Sensitive No Voice Colin Farrell as Penguin PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION In most aspects, Keldar falls within the norm for Lanniks. He has a large, bald head with protruding ridges and deep-set...
  19. Jho'Henig

    LFG  A smuggler in your area!

    Meet Jho'Henig, an incredibly greedy two headed smuggler with earning as much money as possible as his main priority. He does not care about allegiance. So, I'm looking for some threads for this character. I'm interested in working for some existing faction in particular.
  20. F

    First Reply  The Dashing Smuggler

    // LOCATION //: Marcasite Cantina |:| Nar Shaddaa // OBJECTIVE //: Survive the Night // EQUIPMENT //: Custom S-195 Blaster Pistol [2X] | Talon Vibrodagger | Arkanian Energy Shield // THEME //: Yesterday's Jawa In the bustling, neon-lit underbelly of the galaxy, nestled within the sprawling...
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