Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. O

    Character  Oksana

    OKSANA Age: 42 Species: Human Gender: Female Height: 1.78m Weight: 63.5kg Force Sensitive: No PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION With short dark brown hair, piercing green eyes and fair skin, Oksana would be a pretty lady if she wanted to. However her line of work calls for cargos, armored vests, shirts...
  2. Miri O'Hare

    Character  Miri O'Hare

    O'Hare Music TROOPER'S LAMENT Aliases Miri Red Baron O'Hare Class(es) TIE Pilot Smuggler Racer Flagship Lanvarok [Previously] The Aquarius Birthplace Pamarthe Age Late Twenties Personality Traits Withdrawn Competitive Hard Worker Education Traits Pamarthen Education Imperial...
  3. Arron Starstrider

    Character  Kabarr Xanada

    KABARR XANADABASICS Faction: Umbral Lotus Birthplace: Taris Species: Pantoran Age: 32 GSY Gender: Male Height: 1.78 Meters Weight: 86 kg Force: Non-Sensitive Voice: JB Blanc as Kuben Blisk HISTORY Kabarr Xanada was born to Pantoran parents, immigrants from However, he did not experience the...
  4. A

    Character  Aela Wren 2.0

    Aela Wren Full name: Aela Dienna Wren Birthworld Corellia Species: Human Gender Female Age: Adult Height: 5"4 Weight: 52kg Faction: Independent Contractor Rank: Mercenary Pilot/Smuggler Aela was born on Corellia in the old capital of Coronet City to middle class parents. Her mother...
  5. Liin Terallo

    LFG  In Need of a NFU Smuggler

    Hello! I am currently requesting a smuggler that is not a Force wizard to search for anti-Force artifacts and voidstones! Payments can include credits, biomolecules or something else. Is there anyone interested? :)
  6. J

    Character  Jules

    SOCIETAL Name: Not Given Alias: Jules Titles: None Homeworld: Coruscant Current Home: Transient Faction: None Force Sensitivity: Y (not known) Force Rank: N/A Force Alignment: Neutral APPEARANCE Race: Human Age: Twenties Gender: Female Height: 5'5 Build: Slender...
  7. Darth Kinrath

    Character  Moab Bastra

    MOAB BASTRA Faction: The Braxant Covenant Species: Human (Cyborg) Homeworld: Socorro Gender: Male Age: 37 GSY Height: 1.96 Meters Weight: 94 kg Hair: Bald; Black, if grown out Eyes: Brown (Natural); Blue (Cybernetic) Skin: Caucasian Force Sensitivity: No Voice: James Spader as Ultron Moab...
  8. Jt1989

    Character  Uzuro “Uzu”

    NAME: Uzuro FACTION: The highest bidder RANK: Hired hand SPECIES: Gen'Dai AGE: 200 SEX: Male HEIGHT: 2.5m WEIGHT: 160kg EYES: Blue/green HAIR: none SKIN: Purple FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes (but not trained and doesn't like sith or jedi) STRENGTHS: Quick Regenerative...
  9. Jt1989

    LFG  Trying to get back into this!!!

    Just looking to find some people to start back up with m, seeing as it’s been like 7 years since the last time I was active here. But I’d love to get back in it and run my new character Nola and possibly¿ find a new crew she can storm the galaxy with?
  10. N

    LFG  Who's up for some Skullduggery?

    I'm looking for some threads and new connections with my latest character, Nalah Tezan, a Zygerrian smuggler, con artist, gambler, and general scoundrel. Her specialties are in card games, social cons, and smuggling rare/luxury goods, although she's had a few stints in thievery and private...
  11. N

    Character  Nalah Tezan

    NAME: Nalah Tezan FACTION: The Family RANK: Associate SPECIES: Zygerrian AGE: 28 SEX: Cis Female HEIGHT: 1.7 m WEIGHT: 70 kg EYES: Ice Blue HAIR: Black FUR: Grey-Blue FORCE SENSITIVITY: N/A APPEARANCE: Nalah is a Zygerrian woman of fairly average height but remarkable beauty, owing to her...
  12. Gatz Derrevar

    Public  The Smuggler and the Smuggler's Moon

    Gatz was quite fond of Nar Shaddaa. Yes it was the armpit of the galaxy, where the Hutts had centralized their cartels. Yes it was a cesspool of every violent murderer, drug smuggler, or general misanthrope the galaxy had to offer. And yes, the smell of rot permeated the whole damn moon. But it...
  13. Gatz Derrevar

    LFG  Smuggler, looking to do a little business.

    Looking to dive headfirst into some roleplay. Gatz is a former Jedi Youngling turned smuggler who spends most of his time ferrying spice from Nar Shaddaa into more civilized parts of the galaxy. He's no stranger to seedy jobs, and risking his neck for profit. He does, however, draw the line at...
  14. Corvusrattus

    Character  Pav’ati Vier

    PAV’ATI VIER Scum of Coruscant
  15. Mig Gred

    Approved NPC  Halgen Nal: Smuggler turned Marshal

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Create an app for the NPC Marshal of Vercopaanir Farming Outpost. Image Credit: Here, Treasure Planet Role: Marshal Permissions: N/A Links: N/A PHYSICAL INFORMATION Age: 40s Force Sensitivity: Non-Force User Species: Keed Appearance: A particularly large...
  16. Sazaku

    Character  Sazaku

    Name: Vres'azak'uorca (Sazaku) Homeworld: Csilla Age: 18 Rank: Padawan Weight: 225 LBS Height: 5’9 Hair color: Blue Eye color: Red Skin color: Blue Race: Chiss Gender: Male Force Sensitive: Yes Faction: N/A Biography: Sazaku was born on Csilla in 857 ABY, a time where the world and the Chiss...
  17. Sorr Kortu

    LFG  Socially Awkward Smuggler for Hire (And to make friends!)

    Looks like Sorr needs allies and friends and I want to flesh him out some more! Sooo does anyone wanna start a thread with a noob Smuggler. Smuggling jobs are good but we can do get to know your threads as well! I'm aiming for more adventure type RPs though like I am open to anything!
  18. Chris Flynn

    Character  Chris Flynn

    Name: Chris Flynn Affiliation: Death Riders SC (Swoop Club) Height: 5’10 Weight: 155 Species: Human Home planet: Exocron (Kathol Sector) Appearance: athletic build, sandy blonde hair down to shoulders, goatee. Blue eyes. Chris wears several Club rings and Swoop Cut with the emblem on the...
  19. Valery Noble

    LFG  Looking for a smuggler

    Title says it all really! Looking to write with some characters who aren't jedi or Sith and mix things up. I have an idea for something Valery would need moved and a fun thread with a smuggler could be cool! Preferably one whose criminal record isn't bigger than a physics textbook. If...
  20. Latyuo Shuy

    LFG  Smuggler Duo Looking for work

    Latyuo and her partner in crime Supisy Blen are looking to make some credits. As long as it fits in the cargo hold they will see it to the final destination. If anyone wants to just hang out and talk ship that would be fun too.
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