Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Vian Sarad

    Character  Sajhaan Khiza

    SAJHAAN KHIZA Faction: Pyke Syndicate / Hutt Space Consortium Species: Zygerrian Homeworld:Kadavo Gender: Male Age: 37 GSY Height: 1.86 Meters Weight: 86 kg Hair: Black Eyes: Dark Skin: Greyish, furry Voice: Keith SIlverstein as M'aiq (ESO) Sajhaan Khiza born to the slaving species known to...
  2. Jho'Henig

    LFG  Threads for a Paaerduag smuggler

    Hello there! I'm looking for RPs that my unaligned smuggler can join. He is two headed (but you cannot hear his second head), he is very greedy and somehow, he is against slavery (only if you pay him low). I'm looking for any type of thread
  3. Marcella Fiora

    Private  Unseen Vice

    M A R C E L L AㅤF I O R A Location: Coruscant Spaceport A2-7C - Docking Bay 381 Tag: Zanvic "Ironhide" Dak Unusual Cargo The humble roar of Marcella's YT-1760 gave her comfort, it wasn't a particularly large or unique ship however one she loved dearly as it had carried her through life for the...
  4. Jho'Henig

    LFG  Paaerduag smuggler seeking for threads

    Hi, everyone! My character is a Paaerduag smuggler and I'm currently looking for threads. Side of the conflict does not matter, money does.
  5. Spek Zhio

    Private  A Smuggler's Life for Me!

    source: Midhun Francis - ArtStation House Sonador Sable Foundry and Residential Nexus D'Qar, Ileenium System Sanbra Sector, Outer Rim Territories Aboard the Azure Alcyone The starship had breached into the planet's atmosphere, and was flying a mere couple of thousand kilometers above sea...
  6. V

    Character  Viera Aros

    Viera Aros Basic Information [ENCADRE title="Character Profile" title_align="center"; block_align="fright" width="450px"] Faction None Specialization Smuggler | Being pretty Species Human Gender Female Age 26 Eye Color Green Hair Color Black Force-sensitive No [/ENCADRE]...
  7. T

    Character  Theezo Pierbinn

    Theezo Pierbinn Birthplace Morellia Age 86 - Appears 21 Rank Smuggler Faction Freelance Home Spaceship Species Morellian Gender Male Force Sensitive Negligible Height 1.625m(5'4") Weight 70.3kg (155lbs) Hair Color Burnt Orange Eye Color Sunburst Hazel Skin Color Tanned...
  8. Larst Nogg

    Character  Larst Nogg (Trandoshan Smuggler)

    “I’m Larst, Larst Nogg. That’s Lars to a friend of mine though, and I can make friends just about as quickly as I can make enemies. You can ask em’ all, I wouldn’t advise it though, they tend to shoot first.” NAME: Larst Nogg FACTION: Kraken Coalition RANK: Unranked (As of yet) SPECIES...
  9. Vian Sarad

    Character  Qwint Akkaro

    Name Qwint Akkaro Birthplace Mon Cala Age 56 GSY Occupation Fishmonger / Ex-Smuggler Species Mon Calamari Gender Male Force Sensitive No Height 1.93 Meters Weight 67 kg Hair Color Bald Eye Color Grey-Blue Skin Color White w/ brownish mottling Voice Brian Murray as Long...
  10. Kitanwarr

    Character  Keziah Azadi (v2)

    KEZIAH AZADI Birthplace Lothal Age 35 GSY Occupation Smuggler Home Nomadic Species Human (Lothalite) Gender Male Force Sensitive Unknown Height 1.75 Meters Weight 75 kg Hair Color Black Eye Color Blue Skin Color Coppery Voice Phil LaMarr as Gambit BIOGRAPHY: The...
  11. Jerec Yularen

    Approved Planet  Dvar

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To bring to Chaos a fantastic location featured in one of my favourite Star Wars fanfictions. Image Credit: SungJun Kang ; Wikipedia ; Dien Bien Phu Red Star Miniatures [x] [x] [x] Canon: n/a Permissions: n/a Links: The battle of Dvar [x]; First Order...
  12. Luna Evanstance

    Private  Go All the Way

    This thread takes place prior to current threads. Courscant. It was one of the few places that Luna hated to frequent. The large, shiny buildings, decadent fashions, and mindless politicians never seemed to fix anything that was wrong with the Galaxy. But thankfully, she wouldn’t have to...
  13. Tae'l Vizsla

    Question  Bringing the space western to chaos?

    Star Wars to me has always been one parts Jedi shenanigans and one parts space western, With rutheless bounty hunters, Gunslinging smugglers and lovely scenes like the mos esly cantina or basically the entire first season of the mandalorian. So for all the gunslingers, Samurai-Cowboys and...
  14. Corellian Confederation

    Corellian Confederation

    THE CORELLIAN CONFEDERATION "Between war and peace, no being should just consider the former. No being must jeopardize the latter. Now, we - those alone in the void - come together once more. We unite our stars, our waters and our lands. Under Corellia we protect our peace. Under Corellia we...
  15. Jerec Asyr

    Character  Jerec Asyr, Revisited

    Text for screen readers and searchability:
  16. Pan Markus

    Character  Pan Markus

    NAME: Pan Markus FACTION: Freelancer RANK: Captain SPECIES: Human AGE: 34 SEX: Male HEIGHT: 5'10 WEIGHT: 120 EYES: Green HAIR: Brown SKIN: Caucasian FORCE SENSITIVE: No...
  17. Revy

    Private  Credits, Creeds & Commodities

    The White Raven was a vessel that was meant for containing and delivering ravenous beasts to clients. It would be no different for Revy to make her ship available to those that needed safe passage into worlds...that otherwise did not prefer their kind. She knew how these particular clients felt...
  18. Evelyn Shaw

    Character  Evelyn Shaw

    General Information Name: Evelyn Shaw Nicknames: Eve, Evie Age: Mid-to-late twenties Gender: Female Homeworld: Eshan Occupation: Smuggler Known Residence: Unknown Affiliations: Outer Planets Alliance (Current) Allegiance: Herself Force Sensitive: No Alignment: Neutral Physical Information...
  19. Brie Jaxx

    Character  Brie

    Brie Jaxx FACTION: Darkwire OCCUPATION: I collect stuff... even though nowadays there is more ''pew-pew'' going on! SPECIES: Human, nothing special realy. AGE: 18 GSY SEX: Isn't it obvious? Is it the helmet? HEIGHT: About... 5' 5'' (1.68 m)? WEIGHT: I don't realy know that, never sat my...
  20. Amz

    Character  Teyla Riggs

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