Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Valiens Nantaris

    Mission of Mercy - Event Lead Up Thread Signup

    Mission of Mercy From the depths of space, a distress call has been received. The good ship Troubadour has been found adrift, showing no signs of life. Renowned for both cutting edge stage production and the fantastic amounts of treasure rumored to be hidden aboard, the ship is a potential...
  2. Caesar Valen

    Trained by a Clone Trooper

    A long time ago in a galaxy far far away.... STAR WARS SURVIVAL SCHOOL Aldrenek Valen has taken his son to spend the summer on his homeworld of Rishi, he hopes there he will learn to overcome his fears, and be able to survive. Caesar Valen has mastered piloting a starship, but he still has...
  3. WolfMortum

    Fight Or Flight (Open)

    Lothal, Galactic Alliance Space, The Outer Rim Territories. He had visited this world once before though back then he hadn't come alone. He had been among a team of his fellow Disciples lead by the Knights of Ren in an attempt to secure supplies from a discovered cave system holding crystals...
  4. Darth Arkanus

    Mylls Survival Co.

    Corporation Name: Mylls Survival Co. Headquarters: Demonsgate, Locations: Demonsgate, Kesh Operations: Combat/Survival Gear, Combat/Survival Weapons, Vehicle Building Rationale: Bear Mylls father was a powerful political man who managed a significant amount of wealth. Bear, joined the...
  5. Sturgis Tal'Verda

    Just Another Routine Mission

    Empress Teta System Mozos Aboard Tu5k-Class Corvette; Talon 3 ~Several Hours ago~ The bridge was silent as usual. The Galactic Alliance war path on the One Sith had calmed down significantly in the last few months and even though the Shriek-Hawks, a Mandalorian company, was a registered...
  6. Sarah Valienca

    The Garden of Eden...

    THE GARDEN OF EDEN Survey Mission Delta 5, Eden Primus System Sarah woke up tiredly, and proceeded to crash her forehead against the top of her bunk. Wincing, she rubbed it as she sat up, and looked around her. The cabin was empty apart from herself, and Lyndia, her fellow scientist and...
  7. Lok Xiangu

    Eerie Flight [The Kathol Outback; PM to Join]

    One month ago... Thump, thump, thump, thump. Fear. It was the only thing that lingered within the atmosphere of the once O.S.S. Expander. Ever since the late crew of the Expander ventured deep within the heart and core of the Unknown Regions of the Galaxy an uninvited group of guests invaded...
  8. Seraphina Shel'tah

    Galactic Equipment And Robotics

    Galactic Equipment And Robotics Espionage. Medical. Survival. Your Needs Are Our Goal. PRODUCT CATALOG Bulk Orders Receive 10% Discount. Corporate Contracts Receive 15% Discount. Discounts cannot be combined. Espionage GE-RTJ - 5,000c - Multi-purpose pro-active frequency scanning radio jammer...
  9. Usa'ar Obath

    Rough Landing

    [member="Zrixtas"] The world was black. Slowly, Usa'ar Obath came to, realizing he was laying on the ground. It was cold and wet. His vision blurred, then focused. What had happened? His memory started to come back to him. He had been piloting with a convoy laden with raw resources from the...
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