Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. DM Player-Slayer

    Jungle Survival Training in Endor + Capture the Flag

    (Here'a sneak peak at the map ( the map hand out will be a bit better in the thread than this visual so players can use coordinate squares. ) You can Sign up here or by submitting an entry post. You can find the thread here: Field Trip to Endor Final Call for the Survival Adventure: Field...
  2. Lossa Aureus

    Faction  In Burning Sands - Jakku Survival Training (JJE/GA/Permissions)

    [OOC] If you did not sign up prior to the start of this thread, the time to join has closed. Location: Jakku, Desert - In Transit to Training Area Equipment: Jumpsuit and Robe, Jakku Mantle #2 Paddie Tags: Loomi Saahar Liorra Raphael Gallustrade Nathan Bloodscrawl Vera Noble Aris Noble Lily...
  3. Lossa Aureus

    LFG  In Burning Sands - Survival Training on Jakku

    An invitation reaches out to every Jedi organization within the known reaches of the Galactic Alliance system. Even reaching beyond to those lying outside of that reach given the sender's knowledge of those outside the system. The invitation mainly focused on those still in their padawan stage...
  4. Kaleleon

    Approved Tech  Vulptex Fang Utility Survival Knife

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a utility knife, survival knife for the Galactic Alliance Image Source: Artstation, Hunting Knife - Petri Saari Canon Link: N/A Permissions: CLICK Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Kaleleon Vitae Security Forces (Market...
  5. Nathan Bloodscrawl

    Approved Tech  BWE Soldier Survival Solution

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a healing stim Image Source: Permissions: N/A Primary Source: PRODUCTION INFORMATION Name: BWE Soldier Survival Solution Manufacturer: Bacta-Works of Epica Affiliation...
  6. Fenn Stag

    Public  Mothers' Sons

    CODIA SYSTEM PRISON SHIP "GUARDIAN" So god damn cold. It was the first thought that Fenn had- since he woke up. The last thing he remembered, and the details were fuzzy, was the sound of a stun blaster, and the blue ring that shot around him, near him. It knocked him off his feet, and that...
  7. Elias Edo

    Private  Down, But Not Out

    Tags: Valery Noble Above an UNKNOWN PLANET... “How’s it looking back there, Noble?” Elias' voice crackled through the comms. He was trying to keep the ship steady, give her a clear shot on the interceptors that were tailing them. He still couldn’t believe they were in this mess. By all...
  8. Hild Valor

    Private  Worthy of survival

    Hoth Appearance: Clothes + Cape TAG: Kathal Hild takes a deep breath of the cold air with a smile. This, this is the perfect vacation for her. Her outfit keeps her warm but it is still cold enough for her to enjoy the cold air on her face, in her lungs. It feels... Almost like home. Before her...
  9. Darth Tormenta

    Private  Survival of the Fittest

    Khamesi smiled to herself as some of her crew finally delivered to her something she’d been waiting several weeks for. With this shipment, with these beasts, her next step would be fairly easy. She directed them to take them down into the pits. While her crew and maids got things arranged, she...
  10. R

    Approved Tech  Raven's survival torch (lightsaber)

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Personal weapon for Raven Image Source: Here Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: Lightsaber PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Raven Affiliation: Raven Market Status: Closed-Market Model: N/A Modularity: Lightsaber crystals can be swapped...
  11. Hisashi

    Private  Survival || Briana Sal-Soren

    MORNING - TEMPLE GROUNDS What was the measure of success? Naboo had come under assault - as had the whole of the Southern Systems. The government which was thought unkillable was laid low. Not by man, but by demons. As for the shinobi, his focus was not upon the lieges of the blighted...
  12. V

    Private  Art of Survival

    A R T · O F · S U R V I V A L There was nothing here for them now, or so it seemed. Darkness had crept over the dunes of the red planet, a dull blue light illuminating the grains of sand in an eerie violet hue with the mixing of colors in the night. The surface of the world had been marred by...
  13. Noah Corek

    Approved Tech  Hekler'Kok Survival Machete

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a survival tool and if need be a last ditch weapon for Hekler'Kok can market Image Source: Here Canon Link: Vibro-machete Permissions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Hekler'Kok Defense Industries Affiliation...
  14. Noah Corek

    Approved Tech  Hekler'Kok Survival Shovel

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a survival tool and if need be a last ditch weapon for Hekler'Kok can market Image Source: Here Canon Link: Vibrospade Permissions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Hekler'Kok Defense Industries Affiliation: Hekler'Kok...
  15. A

    Approved Tech  OMEGA SQUAD - Cybernetic Survival Suit

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: A cybernetic powered suit for Omega Squad designed armor Image Source: Kyung-Hwan Lim @ Canon Link: N/A Permissions: My Subs, Gir Quee Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: BlasTech Industries, Aien Mueller, tech from...
  16. The Monster

    Approved Tech  Freebirds Industries - Survival Blaster Rifle

    ..........FREEBIRDS.. INDUSTRIES.......... OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a blaster rifle for market Image Source(s): Gallery Canon Link: None Permissions: None Primary Source: None PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer(s): Freebirds Industries Affiliation: Freebirds...
  17. L

    Persevere [Gianna] Anna watched the security terminal with wide eyes, the tears that had been falling from her eyes had dried now, leaving her face stained with her mascara. What the hell was happening? She watched the terminal intently, controlling the zoom feature...
  18. STaCLO

    CIS (Confined, Isolated, and Scared)

    0 Hours Before Incident On the small, but crowded station, a smuggler and their cargo arrived not too long ago. A single, unmarked, large cargo container is all the brought with them from an unknown location. The Station was a good resting point connecting the southern and northern parts of...
  19. Iona Immarya

    Stranded [Please Don't Let Me Die In This Rust Bucket!]

    The rusted, secondhand transport glided through the vast void of space, the newly painted on symbol of the Republic Remnants standing out in stark contrast to the worn metal around it. In a few moments it would be making the leap to hyperspace, defeating the icy grip of the confines real space...
  20. Luther Lewis

    Tremors Beneath Your Feet

    Source: Original Artist unknown. Prologue: Zai Avery had arrived first for once. That was rare for him, he was used to fighting for the best pickings. He had also been prepared for encountering a crew. He had medical supplies aboard his skiff...
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