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The Landing Zone // Alien Quarter // Bonadan // Corporate Sector Space.
It was upon the foul-smelling world of Bonadan that Khonsu and his element of the Golden Company sought momentary respite amidst the ochre-hued clouds, amidst a galaxy engulfed by the fires of conflict. There were many...
Intent: To create a re-active aqueous gel to mitigate kinetic impacts as a component for an upcoming power armour and liner submission.
Image Source: None.
Restricted Missions: If Required.
Primary Source: Thermal Gel.
Name: GC-CKIDG/01 -...
| Allied. | Neutral. | Hostile. |
The Sith Empire
Active Retainer Contract.
The Core Imperial Confederation
Active Retainer Contract.
The Confederacy of Independent Systems
[Unfriendly Relationship; Echani KOS Orders Issued.]
The Order of the Silver Jedi
Intent: To create a "Limited Edition" series of Wrist Rockets.
Image Source: Gorkamorka Fansite.
Canon Link: Wrist Rocket.
Restricted Missions: If Required.
Primary Source: Repurposed Canon Articles, Brilliant Missile.
Manufacturer: The Golden Company, The Thyrsian Hierarchy - Armourer's...
Intent: To create a tracked modular, and mobile fortress for use by the Thyrsian Sun Guard.
Image Source: Rynn's Might - Warhammer 40,000 Wikipedia. Recolour by Me.
Canon Link: Not Applicable.
Primary Source: Repurposed Canon Articles, Hyperion Solar Lances.
Manufacturer: Republic Engineering...
There was little that Khonsu could say about the world of Lipsec. While the system was of some historical importance, as its namesake was given over to a hyperlane that connected this disparate world to the greater universe, as it meant nothing to the mercenary. He cared little for the Imperial...
"Not all are judged equally under the gaze of the Sun, come, taste its glory!"
DESIGNER'S NOTE: Just because the weapon is capable of melting armour plating with sustained beams, it does not grant the user the ability to call hits during a Collaborative PvP scenario, as that is - and will...
"Woe betide those who deny the wroth of the Sun."
Intent: To create a Heavy Walker for use by the Thyrsian Hierarchy, and by extension the Golden Company.
Image Source: Immortal, from the Starcraft Wiki,
Canon Link: Guided Missiles.
Primary Source: Repurposed Canon Articles, Hyperion Solar...
herp derp
Despite being flavoured by the regional dialects of its people and various tribal customs, the Culture of Thyrsus fundamentally remains as a warrior society. Formed upon the three pillars that are commonly seen amongst similar sentient collectives, those of martial strength...
Greetings, Scion of the Sun.
We welcome you to the Vault. It is within these Hallowed Halls that you will learn of our people’s glorious and tragic past. From the records contained within these archives, you will learn of our storied history and how the ancestors of mighty Thyrsus earned...
Inner Rim // Japrael Sector // Japrael System
Onderon // Iziz City // Some Seedy Cantina.
Although the Golden Company had carved out an infamous reputation amongst the stars for being brutally effective shock troops in service to the highest bidder, they were often hired for other...
Intent: To create a standard armament for the Golden Company and Thyrsian Hierarchy’s Auxiliary Forces.
Image Source: MIDA Tactical - Destiny Fashion - Destiny 2.
Canon Link: Not Applicable.
Restricted Missions: If Required.
Primary Source: WESTAR-M5 Blaster Rifle...
Intent: To create a new Force Application vehicle.
Image Source: Leon Woon Ir Vin - Artstation Link.
Canon Link: Not applicable.
Restricted Missions: If required.
Primary Source: Repurposed Canon articles.
Manufacturer: Republic Engineering...
OOC NOTE: This submission does not permit the user to call damage or hits on those taking damage from this Slug. That, as always, remains in the hands of the party taking the damage from the acidic slug.
Intent: To create an acidic slug for use by specialized...
Intent: To create a "Standard" Corvette for use by the Golden Company.
Image Source: Fractalsponge - 3D Art.
Canon Link: Not Applicable.
Restricted Missions: If Required.
Primary Source: Repurposed Canon Articles.
Manufacturer: The...
Intent: To create a “standard-issue” deflector shield generator for the Golden Company.
Image Source: Hardware Zone - Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Render.
Canon Link: Deflector Shield(s), Personal Energy Shield(s).
Restricted Missions: If Required.
Here you will find any commisioned pieces of faction art made by yours truly or invested individuals around the website. Please feel free to post any of your creations on this topic, and I’ll add them to the list. As I haven’t thanked these people enough already, I’ve listed their character...
Intent: To create the Standard NPC Unit Entry for The Golden Company.
Image Credit: Halo Arena Vision Piece, by John Liberto [x] and Halo Achillies Armour Preview, 343's Halo Waypoint [x] - Recoloured and Edited by Khonsu Amon utilizing Pixlr Photo Editor and...
Mercenaries often find themselves divided by profits, which of them nets the greater cut and how long they’ve served; either from when they fought under another’s banner or how long they marched under their newfound outfit. In the Golden Company, the profits earned from every contract are split...