Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. M

    Faction Threads

    A list of all ongoing and completed faction threads will be housed in this thread! If you have something that needs to be added to the list, please post here! Faction Thread List: Uh oh! No threads yet! Someone tell Scotty we need more power!
  2. S

    Hello Friends

    Hello Friends, I've made a new character and I plan on RP'ing her here in the OS. I've made a thread where any and all of you can come join me at the Sith Temple and do whatever your heart desires. Come RP with me, come steal some artifacts, grab a stormtrooper in the hall and beat him up, I...
  3. Valiens Nantaris

    Looking For Something To Do

    So I'm a Padawan, and whilst I had some good ideas for this character she's never really come alive for me. So I'm looking for suggestions on what to do next with her. I'm guessing I'll have to rescue [member="Thurion Heavenshield"] sometime, but other than that I'm not sure where I'm going...
  4. Leena Keldrono

    A Call to the Padawans!

    Hey there guys! I have almost completed Leena's character bio and I was wondering if there was any padawans willing to thread when she is all finished? We could plot something while I complete it! I am really looking forward to RPing and have my little padawan make some friends. Anyone up for...
  5. Jonathon Patches

    Looking for a spark...

    Got a light? Wait, that's not what I meant. As I am sure many of you have noticed, I have been quite active in the posting game forums, roleplay discussion, intro threads, and all forums except the RP ones. My muse has been a bit lacking of late, so I am looking to kick things up a notch...
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