Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Credit Wizard

    LFG  Diplomatic & Social Thread Anyone?

    Greetings everyone on chaos Recently I have been trying to expand upon my rp opportunities with my new main character, Baron Monkrove Irs'Valachie Moldova. So I figured that I should make a diplomatic and social thread to establish my character a bit more and give people the opportunity to...
  2. Desdemona Rue

    Anyone wanting a Merc to do a thread with?

    Does anyone want a Merc for a job or thread?
  3. B

    Explorers of Batva? (Assembling a Group For a Campaing Thread)

    For a millennea, the desolate, and dark, world of Batva was isolated and ignored by the greater galaxy. However, only recently has it become noteworthy to others. First, some wayward spacers, who remain nameless in galactic records, found the planet by accident. Yet, a recent pulse in the force...
  4. Saija Kwann

    Public  'Back at The House' -- Thread Discussion/invites

    OP: For the Mandos and others, a post mission cool-down/in-between battles thread on the planet Smarteel in Wild Space. Unwind...or get into trouble, write drama, RP with each other, introduce a new character...
  5. Saija Kwann

    Public  Back at 'The House' -- Post-mission follow up

    Previously on SWRP Chaos... My posts: Post here before entering thread! OOC chatter/discussion/ideas/whatever: Linky <-------- =============== ( With Kronn...
  6. Darth Strosius

    Census and Thread Poll!

    Hello everyone! Today I bring you all a quick little census and poll to ask what sorts of threads you want to see going forward! I know that dropping this on the back of the ownership election is way too many things to vote on, but not to worry because this is just a short little thing, and...
  7. Yula Perl

    Public  [Interest Check] Public Club Thread

    Thread up here! Y’all already know what time it is. Another year, another big ‘ol party thread open to everyone. This is an interest check for a public thread to take place at Solstice Vine night club on Bespin, which is currently neutral on the map. Anyone is welcome to join—Jedi, Sith...
  8. Kitter Bitters

    Bomb Scare Thread

    Link: Story: a bomb has gone off at a restaurant on the planet Coruscant. This could be a terrorist attack, or a targeted killing. Police remain uncertain. If you would like to join...
  9. Evelynn Ostium

    Anyone fancy a thread?

    Does anyone fancy a thread with Evelynn? We can use her HQ or somewhere similar on Coruscant.
  10. Tefka

    Staff  Re-Opening RPJ Applications

    Ohayo gozaimasu!!! ^_^!!!! <3 Senpais, today we're re-opening RPJ applications for admission to the SWRP Official Staff Team!!! To apply, please DM the below template to all the Senseis!!! Who can apply? You must be aged over 18. You must have and provide your Discord account. Expectations...
  11. Jacob Calhan

    Warden, scientist, and secret police looking for thread ideas.

    So, I've got my character pretty well figured out and I'm looking to make the profile either tonight or tomorrow afternoon, and I want to start some threads asap. TLDR of the character is that he's a force sensative scientist, kinda like Darth Plageus. After he gets into the wardens of the...
  12. Cedric Grayson

    Public  Refrain | Post-Korriban Annihilation Thread

    Dreshdae Deciding whether their assault on Korriban was a victory or not came down to the individual. On paper, their objectives were more or less achieved. The forces of the Sith empire were hunted down, many imprisoned, others killed, and the places of knowledge on the accursed world purged...
  13. Kaiya

    Hey , first time in an rp thread

    Hello everyone I just wanted to say .I’m really excited to try something new in writing . I haven’t written for fun in such a long time but I have heard good things about this rp. I’m still working on my character and icon too.
  14. Evelynn Ostium

    Anyone up for a thread?

    To any on Coruscant, do you want to do a Thread? IF any of you care Criminal based characters, then Welcome aboard!!! If not, then that's ok as well. I'm waiting on two factory items at the moment to be reviewed, so I'll wait to post till then. We can do this pubic or private. I don't...
  15. Dolor Cordis

    Anyone want to thread?

    Does anyone want to do a thread with me? Don't mind if its private or public, or what we do. It could be a face to face calm thread, ship battle or even close combat. Whatever someone is up for, I'll most likely be down.
  16. Cedric Grayson

    Annihilation  End of An Era | AC Annihilation of Korriban - OOC Thread

    The Sith are beaten, but in time they will return. This has often been the creed by which the great powers that have undone the Sith in the past have lived by; the threat is over, but not extinguished. The conflict, while quieted for now, ever remains. The Crusaders of the Ashlan Goddess are not...
  17. Caltin Vanagor

    Private  Do we really need a thread title after so long? (See ya fourth wall!)

    IT'S ALWAYS DARKEST BEFORE THE DAWN... Location: Commenor Tag: Ala Sitting in one of the showroom corporate locations of Guardian Authority Ltd., Caltin was actually on the stairs lifting and setting down a Jedi Interceptor. The showroom was closed and the security staff knew exactly who...
  18. Aeshi Tillian

    Thread Tracker

    Uncharted: Worlds of Light (Forcers exploration/mystery arc) Rescue Service, Away!: Search and Rescue in the Remnants of Csilla Itera-n Nova: Working with the Rebellion to outspend the local criminal elements to start shifting the power base The Grand Cruise: A cruise on the Dream of the Rim...
  19. Tefka

    Oblivion  Oblivion Event Q & A Thread

    Here you can find questions and hopefully answers about the event.
  20. Tefka

    Omni's Blessing Nomination Thread

    ALL OFF-TOPIC SPAM IN THIS THREAD WILL RECEIVE IMMEDIATE DISCIPLINARY ACTION. Only Omni Drones may nominate players to receive Omni's Blessing. OMNI'S BLESSING Character To Receive Blessing: (@mention character name) Noteworthy Post: (working URL link to post) Blessing To Recieve: (please...
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