Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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valery noble

Valery Alekseyevich Legasov (Russian: Валерий Алексеевич Легасов; 1 September 1936 – 27 April 1988) was a Soviet inorganic chemist and a member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. He is now mainly remembered for his work as the chief of the commission investigating the Chernobyl disaster.

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  1. Arris Windrun

    Private  Blood in the Mud

    NAR KAAGA - Hutt Space - It rains on Nar Kaaga. The destitute, wayward, and enduring left their impressions in the mud. Arris Windrun left her own mark, too. The cybernetic misfit spit blood into a puddle. "Ready for round two?" A voice called out from the Rowdy crowd, answered only by...
  2. Goros the Hutt

    Private  The Jedi, The Beast, and One Hutt too Many

    Kriffin' Cantina Collective, with an Outer-Rim Light-Bardcore Bithswing fa-play fa-pause Goros the Hutt was as fat, pink, and greedy as ever, with his fingers in every kind of pie—both literal and figurative. He gorged himself, devouring trays upon trays of food, carried by slaves who...
  3. Saverok

    Duel  Battle of the Times [Ask]

    The neon lights flickered in the damp, smog-filled alley as Saverok stood in the shadows, taking it all in. Coruscant. The beating heart of the galaxy. He had seen it rise and fall, shift and change, yet somehow, it always stayed the same. No matter how many wars raged above, how many empires...
  4. Bambrat Vaskos

    Private  Treachery At Home [Valery Noble]

    Valery Noble Skako Minor had consistently remained under the control of the Trade Federation of Planets, notwithstanding the Denon Act, which limits corporate ownership of planets within the Galactic Alliance. Though there had been motions in the Federal Assembly for an investigation into the...
  5. Jack Wright

    Private  Past Mistakes

    (Tag: Valery Noble) CORUSCANT JEDI TEMPLE MEDICAL WING "All done, your leg will be healed in a few days, Master Jedi." Jack didn't even have the heart to make a joke, waving the droid off with a small smile, settling back on the bed in relaxation, physically, that was. Not with a chest...
  6. Corazona von Ascania

    Private  Lit From Within

    "It's not that I want to learn this skill to attack - rather, to defend myself if someone tries to use it against me again." Pyrokinesis was not a power that Cora had willingly sought out. The day Horace had held her down and pressed a hot iron poker into her abdomen, she'd had a perfect view...
  7. Efret Farr

    Private  The Picture of a Lady

    fa-play fa-pause It was a gift too, being able to look at the flower that stood alone in a simple crystal vase on the table as morning sunshine filtered through the sheer muslin curtains. To enjoy a warm, sweet cup of caf, which was difficult considering the kind of warmth and sweetness she...
  8. Silas Westgard

    Private  Better Found Than Lost

    Location: Epica Objective: Investigate hideout Tag: Valery Noble A month or so after their confrontation, Silas had finally figured out where to start. For all that time, Silas had been brainstorming everything he knew onto paper. Some were easily rememberable, while others took a bit more...
  9. Idris Rozveeil

    Private  Fly-over Country

    fa-play fa-pause Each flight team in Scarecrow Squadron had run their required training regimens for the week, which meant that Idris himself had flown the same course and completed the test mission four times. It was exhausting, especially when the sessions ran on consecutive days, but he...
  10. Amani Serys

    Private  About Time

    It had been some time since Amani had been in the Coruscant Temple. She had been hard at work on a long-term mission to the Outer Rim alongside the Vonnuvi Enclave. Though she had time to keep up with family matters on Alderaan, focusing on her work with the Enclave kept her out of NJO business...
  11. Efret Farr

    Private  Social Call: Valery Noble

    fa-play fa-pause "What are you doing, Toric?" The Kessurian male looked over his shoulder at Efret and Nirrah. He was kneeling in front of an open cargo crate, and was taking items one by one from a pile he had created nearby and packing them into the box: tubes of nullification resin...
  12. Kryos

    Private  Hell to Pay

    Coruscant Tags: Valery Noble Azurine Varek Fiery eyes stared down at the crowd below, intensity and frustration growing as his patience waned. Locals and tourists intermixed on the busy street as afternoon turned to evening. Normal people carrying on normal lives, drifting from shop to shop...
  13. Alicio Organa

    Private  We All Lift Together

    Alliance General Ministry Canton, Fondor Office of the Chancellor - Amelia von Sorenn - Lupa Visz - Valery Noble - Kahlil Noble - In the public eye, it would be impossible to notice if Alicio was beginning to wear himself thin. But behind closed doors, it was becoming all too obvious. The...
  14. Voice of the Captalist

    Faction  Cake By The Ocean [ Corporate Interests Guild ]

    ARCHAE TEUTHIS In a large, glimmering office building on the water world of Archae Teuthis, assorted business owners from across the galaxy gathered on the neutral planet on the edge of Galactic Alliance space. Up in a gleaming conference room with windows overlooking the vast oceans...
  15. Judah Dashiell

    Private  We Built This City

    Business District | Valery Noble Expanding was an expensive endeavor. Creating a mega umbrella company was also a time consuming and expensive endeavor but at the least, in the end, would streamline operations. His sons would remain in charge of their respective businesses but for Makai, it...
  16. Jack Sandrow

    Approved Armor  "Aspida" - Custom Jumpsuit for Valery Noble

    Armor set DESCRIPTION After Jack and Valery's escapades on New Cov, and after Jack had promised Valery a new jumpsuit to replace the one that had been sliced up, he set to work using New Cov plant matter to adapt a previous design. Focusing on lighter, thinner, more weave-like material, the...
  17. Samuel Creed

    Private  A Meeting Between Masters of the Force [Valery Noble]

    New Cov Jedi Temple Valery Noble The moment had finally arrived for Samuel Creed to meet with Grandmaster Valery Noble, the esteemed head of the New Jedi Order. Samuel had carefully crafted his request to speak with her via holomail, ensuring it would not disrupt her many responsibilities...
  18. Silas Westgard

    Private  Within Reason

    Location: Azbrian,Westgard homestead Objective: Relax Tag: Valery Noble It was coming to that kind of year where the green plains of Azbrian were replaced by a white sheet that covered the planet in its cold embrace. The thought itself was an indication to prepare for the winter, one of which...
  19. Sraak Akdesh

    Private  Hearts of Kyber || Lightsaber-building

    Hurikane The Sullustan refugee settlement. The new warren was bustling with life as the air was filled with the jabbering sound of Sullustese language. The community had finally seemed to dwell on some sort of normalcy after fleeing Sullust during the Sith invasion. Moisture farmers began their...
  20. Alicio Organa

    Private  A Walk in the Park

    THRANTA PARK, SANCTUARY CITY ALDERAAN Alicio spent a lot of time at Thranta Park, when he first arrived on Alderaan all those years ago. Back when he wasn't a Senator, or a King, but the Crown Liason of Sanctuary City. It was his job to steward the city's growth in it's final stages of...
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