Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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valery noble

Valery Alekseyevich Legasov (Russian: Валерий Алексеевич Легасов; 1 September 1936 – 27 April 1988) was a Soviet inorganic chemist and a member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. He is now mainly remembered for his work as the chief of the commission investigating the Chernobyl disaster.

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  1. R'Ruug

    Private  The Farmer in the Dell

    OLIVANT RANCH TAANAB She knocked on the front door, in the middle of the night. A Swordsman, she called herself. Fitting name, Olivant thought, seeing the fancy-looking blades on her hip. And the glowing red laser sword, burning a welt into the side of his neck. The armored, black-caped being...
  2. Jenn Kryze

    Private  Seafoam and Deeds

    LOCATION: Wielu Objective: Recover lost Beskar Tags: [ Valery Noble ] To venture so far beyond the Enclave's borders and into the Galactic Alliance's Inner Rim was certainly bold of Jenn Kryze. Bold, or downright suicidal, depending on one's point of view. Compared to the might of the...
  3. Amelia von Sorenn

    Approved Tech  Amulets of the Nobles [Character Contest]

    AMULETS OF THE NOBLES OUT-OF-CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent A special set of amulets for the Factodex Contest 2023 Image Source [HERE] Permission(s) Not Applicable Canon Link(s) Imbue Item Force Meld Primary Link(s) Not Applicable PRODUCTION INFORMATION...
  4. Silas Westgard

    Private  The Forgotten Taint

    Location: Thearterra Objective: Investigate the distress call Tags: Valery Noble For many months there had been whispers of a "plague" spreading fast on a planet close to the Galatic Alliance borders. Thearterra used to be home to an old foe named the Maw, a nightmare state that terrorized the...
  5. Thelma Goth

    Approved Tech  Valery Noble's Embroidered Heels

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create heels for Valery Noble. Image Source: Fashion Lady Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Thelma Goth Affiliation: Valery Noble Market Status: Closed-Market Model: N/A Modularity: No Production...
  6. Briana Sal-Soren

    Private  Unstoppable

    fa-play fa-pause Wearing: XoXo Equipment: Lightsaber Location: Jedi Temple, Coruscant Tag: Valery Noble Her breathing was heavy and focused, each mighty intake and exhale a testament to her determination as she pushed herself beyond her limits. It all felt so disjointed now, going through...
  7. Darth Carnifex

    Private  The Summation of Power (Valery Noble)

    "We've been very busy, my Lord, following your instructions to the letter." The wire-thin man pressed his index finger against the bridge of his glasses, pushing them back up his nose and setting them more securely against his face. Beads of sweat accumulated along his nose and cheeks, his...
  8. Kassogtha Cthylla

    Private  The Crystal Grimoire 2

    Kass' first few weeks as Chief Librarian were met with a flurry of special reserves. Students were requesting items from the vault at an unprecedented rate. Unable to keep track of them all, she decided to familiarize herself with the inventory by conducting a review of everything currently in...
  9. Corazona von Ascania

    Private  The Chips Are Falling

    The Crown Prince was dead by the hand of his own wife. Even worse, his union did not leave behind an heir. The King was beside himself with rage; as any father would be, especially at the death of his only child. Their monarch's tenuous health was a well-guarded secret, and now the court of...
  10. Balthus Larr

    Private  A Measure of Respect

    It wasn't the sunlight streaming though the bay window of his penthouse that woke Balthus up, but the soft chime of an alarm. With his face still partially below the rumpled sheets, he grimaced and rubbed a palm across closed eyes. His entire skull ached, and any confusion over why was dispelled...
  11. L

    Private  Interred With Their Bones

    Ten years ago Near the Dawn Temple, Spintir Valery Noble Master Zapal—Ilia—had been gone for four months. Four months without word, until a chip was found with a snippet of recorded audio. The Jedi Temple brought it to him without telling him where they had found it, having already listened to...
  12. Corazona von Ascania

    Private  Vergence in the Wood

    Even though the Harvest Festival was over, Cora had elected to spend another week in her home territory. It was nice to be away from Axilla, and even the modern luxuries of Ukatis' capital city could not compare to the rolling fields and bright skies of her rural home. It also gave her the...
  13. Pyeth Raffinki

    Private  Jubba Bird Café

    Location: Dagobah, Jedi Temple Objective: Welcome our Guest(s) Ambiance: X Tags: Valery Noble | Azure Rose Notable Equipment: Pyeth's Lightsaber Pyeth's Spear Alashgaan Jedi Attire Valery Noble had become a name synonymous with the Jedi. Her exploits secured victory from the Maw and helped...
  14. M

    Private  Fortune and Immortality

    TREASURE BUM TAGGE FAMILY MUSEUM | TEPASI TAG: Valery Noble GEAR: In bio THEME I want these rings. Another vague employer that has enlisted his services. All he had, additionally, on his datapad, was a picture of the two rings in question. Luckily every bum with half a brain knew what those...
  15. Katherine Holt

    Private  The Weight of One's Wings

    Katherine was slowly but surely getting used to the day-to-day life of being a Padawan. It consisted of training, lots and lots of training. Be it with her Master, her fellow Padawans, or a combination of the two. Even Rhemti wanted to teach her how to swim, which was an oddly specific thing...
  16. C

    Private  Kind Ambition

    Location: Denon Objective: Attend the charity ball Tag: Valery Noble "Welcome everyone to the 26th annual "helping hand" charity ball!" the classy host said to the gathering crowd on the dancefloor. Naturally, the people lucky enough to gain an invitation to such a prestigious ball clapped in...
  17. Silas Westgard

    Private  Crystal Clear (Part 2)

    Location: Azbrian Objective: Purify the crystal in the lost temple Tag: Valery Noble On the surface of the grassy plains of Azbrian, the bright sun beamed down on a lone ship. Silas had just landed his fighter after a short trip from denon, which was way less eventful compared to what he was...
  18. C

    Private  The Next Move [Solo]

    Location: Denon Objective: Take a call Tag: Daiya / Hex / Valery Noble / Cassus Akovin / Doc Painless "You did well... stay here honey" Cal whispered in her ear, one of which replied with a sleepy groan. Giving her a parting kiss on the cheek, Cal left the Zeltron girl in the bed alone to...
  19. C

    Private  You've got a friend in me [Valery Noble]

    CAEDYN ARENAIS Location: Coruscant, Jedi Temple Gardens. Tagging: Valery Noble. The cool night air was refreshing, and the open garden brought an appreciation for the outdoors and natural splendours of life that Caedyn Arenais had always greatly admired. His Homeworld, Commenor, had been a...
  20. Valery Noble

    Private  Going Down — Valery Noble

    Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring Appearance: Link Weapons: Lightsaber Tag: Danton "I'm going down!" Valery called out through her comms, hoping to get out a last message with the hopes that someone would hear it. Something had caused her shuttle to violently shake itself apart, and with...
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