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valery noble

Valery Alekseyevich Legasov (Russian: Валерий Алексеевич Легасов; 1 September 1936 – 27 April 1988) was a Soviet inorganic chemist and a member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. He is now mainly remembered for his work as the chief of the commission investigating the Chernobyl disaster.

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  1. Valery Noble

    HNN Interview — Valery Noble

    Subscribe here to follow this exclusive Interview! Brought to you by Holly Starstorm
  2. Valery Noble

    Approved Location  New Cov Jedi Temple [NJO]

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To make an entry for Valery's old Enclave, and how it was rebuilt to be used by all Jedi on the board. Image Credit: All images are screenshots from SWTOR. Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: Valery Noble — Grandmaster of the Temple in the Days of the Old...
  3. Valery Noble

    Approved Tech  Valery's Double-Bladed Lightsaber

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a sub for Valery's new primary weapon. Image Source: Commissioned art I own | Artist: Link! Canon Link: Double-bladed Lightsaber Permissions: Kyyrk — Weapon Development Thread Primary Source: Lightsaber Lightsaber components Lightsaber...
  4. Valery Noble

    Change of Direction

    Change of Direction Only 2 years ago Valery had stepped out of stasis and into a Galaxy similar in some ways, but vastly different in others. Her journey to adjust and find a new purpose had initially been very difficult, but several Jedi had helped her find her place and after a...
  5. Phalsi Drynchen

    Private  Shadow Practice to Practical Application

    NEW FACES Objective: Meet and Greet Equipment: Under-Armor, Clothes- The First Picture, The Mask, Just in Case Cloak, Scope- on belt, Wrist Device, Slicing/Gaming Tool, The Encoil, Zerek Stowaway Node, ICE/iBorg Clarion Personal Translator Weapons: Four Zenji Needles, Pair of Blue Lightsabers...
  6. Valery Noble

    Approved Tech  Valery Noble's armbands

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To begin the process of developing Valery's personal gear. Image Source: Commission I own | Artist: Link! Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Valery Noble Affiliation: Valery Noble Market Status...
  7. Bendak Crail

    Private  Cat & Mouse

    With the Knights of Ren gained the artifact belonging to Kyrel Ren, Bendak Crail was eager to bring the weapon back to its Master. The weapon in itself the Crossguard saberstaff so strong that it wasn’t easy to grasp. The weapon filled with so much darkness, and so much rage it made his simple...
  8. Aurelion Nova

    Private  A Fated Meeting

    Aurelion's Lightsaber Ossus. A world long-held to great importance to the history of the Jedi. The world contained the summation of their knowledge, or perhaps now more accurate to say the ruins of such, from untold generations. It is a world known to the galaxy since before the formation...
  9. Alexa Io

    Private  Radical Darkness

    Location: Meeting Room, The Tower, Eve, Scintilla Wearing: xXx Equipment: Chassella's Chakrams │ Chassella's Twin Lightsaber Shotos Tag: Valery Noble Chassella did not find herself in the City Center often, or much less, away from the Eight Arrows Temple. Having dedicated her life to the Divine...
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