Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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valery noble

Valery Alekseyevich Legasov (Russian: Валерий Алексеевич Легасов; 1 September 1936 – 27 April 1988) was a Soviet inorganic chemist and a member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. He is now mainly remembered for his work as the chief of the commission investigating the Chernobyl disaster.

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  1. Auteme

    Private  Where I Stood | Valery

    Valery Noble The steps to the Ilum Temple felt foreign now. Not that she'd been here often -- four times. Twice as a padawan herself; the first for a crystal, the second for a friend. The rest were accompanying groups to visit, as had been her duty. Even though she'd never built a lightsaber...
  2. A

    Private  Tactical Retreat

    Aldric planted a boot firmly in the slippery dirt slope, finding his footing before offering Valery a hand, “C’mon, we’re wasting daylight,” He smirked. She was hardly lagging behind, but he found it in him to tease her regardless. Kamparas was a quiet planet, free of the urban sprawl of many...
  3. Romi Jade

    Private  Reconnecting (Valery)

    Inkari Penthouse suite, Hapes fa-play fa-pause Valery Noble Occupying the lightly furnished veranda, she stood opposite the sitting area, some several feet away from two sofas and a bubbling fountain, the room was illuminated by disk-shaped lamps, though most of the lighting here was...
  4. A

    Private  Like Old Times

    Azbrian Farm life was quiet. And for Aldric, that was all he could really ask for. It had been the exact kind of thing he had been looking forward to for years now, and for some years after it had been fine. He was easily content. He had paid his pound of flesh in the galaxy’s endless turmoil...
  5. Lossa Aureus

    Private  A Star in the Making

    Location: Jedi Temple - Padawan Halls, Coruscant Equipment: Concealed Sling Bag, Danger Jacket, Outfit, Heartbeat Heels, Concealed Device in left ear, Long Handled Double Lightsaber Tags: Makko Vyres Valery Noble She had snuck her ship into the landing area, well aware that she could be...
  6. Vian Sarad

    Private  Through Blood, Salt, and Tears

    Crait. One of many worlds that has played a significant role in Galactic history. In the old days of the Rebellion against Darth Sidious' Empire, it served as the location for a rebel base. It is said that same base served as stalwart fortress against a rather aggressive Imperial remnant calling...
  7. Kai Bamarri

    Private  An Interruption

    Iris had more or less dragged Kai straight from the Reef back to the Jedi Temple, and from there to Master Valery Noble. They caught up with Valery in one of the meditation rooms. This area of the Temple had survived the sacking of Coruscant more or less intact, so there was little to no...
  8. Kara Jade

    Private  Focus & Control

    Now Kara wouldn’t openly admit it, but the Prosperity had already become something of a home for her. Not just a place she had to stay, somewhere she was told to return to. But rather a place she was happy to be at. Thus, when Kara heard the ship had survived the defence of Tython, she was...
  9. Valery Noble

    Valery Noble — Chapter I

  10. Z

    Private  Lads Night Out

    Objective: Get flat out drunk Location: Coruscant Attire: Clothing Accompanied by his squadmates +Zeke - Brown +Kenth - Orange +Carmine - Green +Felix - Blue "Remember boys, get hammered and try to stay out of a fight if needs be" Zeke to his men who were on either side of him. All of them were...
  11. Quintessa Zambrano

    Private  Solstice Eclipsed

    First Solstice Village - Uvatar II, Outer Rim Territories It began with the bugs. The tiny, ergovorous insects were seeded within the village’s power generators days in advance of the Kainate raiding party’s arrival. It had been a relatively painless task for Quintessa to carry out, though it...
  12. Amani Serys

    Private  Je Ne Sais Quoi

    Commercial District Promenade, Galactic City Coruscant was becoming an increasingly regular haunt for Amani. With a return to the Jedi came a return to the Core, dividing her attention further than it had been in years. She wasn't very well going to abandon all her former pursuits, but now they...
  13. I

    Private  Raid Beyond the Border

    Location: Near Thrantin Ship: ANV Tython Tag: Nexo Valery Noble On the ANV Tython... "Captain, the Jedi are preparing their starfighters for launch," Commander Darek told Izah, whose golden gaze had been focused on the stars beyond the viewport with their usual unbreakable focus. She had only...
  14. Alicio Organa

    Private  A Waltz for Three

    SANCTUARY CITY, ALDERAAN SUNSET Alicio had more time on his hands these days, and he wasn't sure how to feel about that fact. Thranta Park was beautiful in the early evening. In the full light of Alderaan's star, it didn't seem like much; a small open area in the city overlooking the bay. It's...
  15. Amani Serys

    Private  You're Gonna Carry That Weight

    Even in the aftermath of Tython, its consequences were far from over. A shuttle of evacuees had been pursued in their escape, leading to a crash, and survivors in need of rescue. Amani was already a highly empathetic person, but the cataclysmic assault on her homeworld had granted a deeper...
  16. Sasmay Cull

    Private  The Throne, Adrift

    WEAPONS: N/A EQUIPMENT: Personal Robes TAGS: Valery Noble LOCATION: Near Hast The Gray Queen's Throne sat in orbit around the derelict Shipyard that had provided ships to an empire of old. Decrepit and left adrift. Pulled apart by those daring enough to draw near the edge of known space...
  17. Paareth

    Private  Very Angry

    Teth Rthori, a remote Ithorian farming settlement Valery Noble Quiet day, Ithorians going about their business, keeping out of everyone's way. Purple sky of teth over rolling hills and Prairie land with many fields surrounding it, crops that were handpicked to keep a careful balance of soil...
  18. Amani Serys

    Private  Patient Zero

    Tahv, Kesh The glass city of Tahv was no stranger to tragedy. It had risen, only to fall, then rise again from its own ashes; A cycle that had spun on since the days of the Old Republic. Brynadul incursions were just part of a longstanding dynasty of misfortune to strike the Keshiri people...
  19. Valery Noble

    The Road to Tython — Valery Noble

    Ignited in the battles on Jedha and Adrathorpe, the fire in the heart of Valery Noble burns brighter than ever before as darkness pierces into the very heart of the Alliance. With her home on Empress Teta ravaged by the Maw, the violet guardian turns her gaze to an imminent battle unlike any...
  20. Alicio Organa

    Private  The Masquerade

    CORUSCANT, SENATE EVENT CENTER EVENING The venue was at the very base of a tall tower. Not at the very top, like many of it's kind would be gathered. Bright lights and beautiful waltzing music leaked out of the ground floor of a skyscraper, coloring the side of the domed Senate Building with a...
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