Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Iris Arani

    Private  Oh Right You Were Coming Over

    Paint could be a messy thing to use, if people weren't careful. Or, they just wanted to have fun and deal with the mess later. Iris let out a sigh as she settled into the warmth of a bath. Usually she didn't care one way or another if she was covered in the various shades, but, well. Maybe she...
  2. Iris Arani

    Private  It's Not What You Think

    When was the last time Iris actually sparred with Briana? A while. A long, long while. Iris had learned so much since they last actually crossed blades. So, why not show off a bit? Was it showing off? Maybe. A little. She was proud of where she'd gotten in all this time. Even with all the...
  3. Valery Noble

    Private  You can run, but you can't hide

    Outfit | Weapon | Appearance Outfit | XoXo Location | Kathol Tag | Kragr Krayt "Why of all places would he come here?" Valery powered down the engines of the shuttle after she had taken it down in a clearing within the Kathol jungles and turned to Kragr. For some time now, she had...
  4. Alina Tremiru

    Private  What Did I Tell You Last Time?

    Kiffu had quite the independent folk. Alina let out a sigh as she lowered one such Kiffar from her grasp. The target, the goal. A Force Sensitive with knowledge she needed for her Inquisition. Her golden eyes watched impassively at his unconscious breathing. Needless to say, he didn't want to...
  5. Justice Lesan

    Private  While You Were Gone

    Wearing: xxx Arm: xxx Tag: Briana Sal-Soren The last training session had been brutal. JUstice was tired, but he was progressing much further than he even expected. Whatever insecurities Justice had when he first joined the Jedi order seemed to be melting away. It had started with realizing he...
  6. Tefka

    New Feature  Faction Resources Now Operational

    I'll start with the nifty minor addition: FACTION PANELS MAY NOW ADD "RESOURCES". These are currently basic text blocks to act as repositories for information for Factions. We only just got the dev to add it, so provide feedback on what is missing/what sucks/what can be improved on and I'll...
  7. Hollis Orenn

    Private  Before You Go (To War)

    Location: Coruscant Temple, Hangar Outfit: xxx Tag: Justice Lesan For the first time since her arrival on Coruscant, Hollis felt dread. It had been creeping up on her the past few days, no matter how she tried to ignore it. As she returned to her dorm after a training class, she noticed the...
  8. Alina Tremiru

    Private  There Are Things You Can't Hide

    Things for her apprentice had been going along swimmingly. He'd learned to accept his path in life. To find his beliefs in it all. Even bled his lightsaber to finally signify his loyalty to the Sith. Or at least the willingness to follow her orders. Mostly. She stood within the still being...
  9. Alina Tremiru

    Private  Not Who You Were Looking For

    There were few that could spring Alina to action faster than Alisteri. The distress call came in, and her infiltrator was up and off without any hesitation. She and she alone went to Daluuj. Whatever the reason for the call, it wasn't something she could just bring the Inquisitorius into. Not...
  10. Zel Nurek

    Can you make your character's story in first person perspective?

    I am going to make a sub account very soon...
  11. Jem Fossk

    Private  Funny Seeing You Here

    Courscant Jedi Temple Kai Bamarri The last time Jem had been here the place had been under attack. It had been her home. Her friends had been alive. Dagon had been an enigma, and her father... well. As far as Jem had been concerned, her father didn't exist. Jem had known nothing about...
  12. Declan Durinson

    Private  Would you mind sitting down for a minute?

    Declan sat on the cold hard floor of the empty cargo hold with his back against the wall, a cigarette between his teeth and the instrument he had stolen from The Summerlight Gathering in his lap. This part of the ship was supposed to be where they would come and go through The Change, to become...
  13. Zel Nurek

    Question  Do you have to say hi if you create a sub account?

    I want to make a sub account
  14. Mi'la Undari

    Private  Are You Serys-ious?

    Are you Serys-ious? Location: Yitabo, Spaceport Tags: Amani Serys Coming in for a landing, Mi'la had to ponder how much longer she'd have to stay confined to her starfighter. The N-Wing was nice of course, but the sores on would get from having to stay in that cockpit for hours on end? Ugh...
  15. Thirdas Heavenshield

    Private  You Are My Home

    Sev Tok Anvil Memorial Day "We're ready for you, Colonel," the presenter stuck her head through the rich velvet curtains before returning to the stage to work up the crowd. They had come from all over the planet and various other Concord worlds once threatened by the rampaging Bryn'adûl hordes...
  16. Iris Arani

    Private  Anything You Could Do You Can't As Well Anymore

    It'd been a long, long time since Iris last was on that rooftop. She still didn't know there was once a Sithspawn hide out beneath it. But, the view was really nice. More importantly, the place was big. Empty. Perfect for sparring. It's where Kai once taught her how not to hesitate and move with...
  17. Xyoz Maji

    Private  You Sucked Out All That There Blood

    Home. Man, he hadn't been home in a long, long ass time. All he remembered was waking up in a tomb, sated after feasting on the blood of the Jedi that had the unfortunateness of unearthing him. Then leaving into the galaxy. He thought his world dead. The last he knew, he killed it. Ate all the...
  18. Corin Trenor

    Private  In The Shadow Of You

    Ever since Corin started on down this road, it never so much as slowed down. Not even for a mere moment. From one mission to the next, the Padawan was on the move at all times; whether as a Jedi in this war he inherited from another and never knew all that much about truth be told, or...
  19. Matsu Ike

    Faction  The Danger Will Test You: Silver Jedi Rescue Mission

    The damage to the silver rest was extensive... compared ot many that had been rescued... countless more were still missing and relaations with the wookiees were strong but tense... no one was certain what had happened. One of the bigger things was trying to handle the influx of false claims or...
  20. TC-CS-4820

    LFG  A Droid You May be Looking For

    Greetings. TC-SC-4820 is a very special kind of operator, an infiltration droid who not only is a Bounty Hunter but also only mimics other droids. I wish to start his life on the forums proper, and also have a realitively easy yet still solid first attempt. This droid can either be something...
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