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Alina had been all throughout the remnants of the Sith Order by this point. Searching for allies and enemies alike, to make sure she knew who stood where. To sow the seeds of her eventual ploy within the Order and erase the past that kept clinging to power. One side or the other. Or, as she'd...
Medical Center
Tython had been something of a wake-up call. But even in the wake of such a climactic event, days continued to pass, the galaxy continued to spin onward. And though the battle remained deeply ingrained in Amani's memory, her more zealous, reactionary impulses had died down in...
It'd taken longer than she'd like to admit. Finding him again. Alina went back to the appartment to collect her wayward apprentice, bring him home. Remind him of his place and finally continue the training she had so neglected. She had.. Apologies, to give. For abandoning him like she and so...
Yo, it’s a ya boi, back with another LFG. MY part of the annihilation is doneski so I’m too antsy to wait for more threads. As per usual, I’m up for just about anything. Got an idea you’ve been interested in exploring? By all means pitch it to me adn let’s see if we can workshop a good thread...
"Wow!" Saya uttered the stereotypical sound of wonder and amazement as she stepped off the Revenant Dawn, a gift from her father. She hadn't been left Akarui in years. Not since her father had left of his mysterious voyage almost eighteen years ago. She'd only been an infant then, and Akarui had...
This was tiring.
After everything on Tython, Iris wasn't sure when the last time she slept was. Had it even been a day yet? The medical shuttle she'd been helping out on was just packed to the brim with injured individuals. She wasn't even sure where they might've been from. Not that it...
Location: Jakku
Objective: Get ship fixed
“What do you mean broken? What specifically is broken?”
The little droid beeped at her and Holly rolled her eyes.
“Thank you for those gripping details!”
She walked down the ramp of the small vessel and noticed immediately how hot this planet was...
Another dead end.
Another dead group of jackals who swore they possessed the information wanted.
Another dead bar.
Well, not dead per say. Certainly not alive. Even the flames have died down to dull red embers. The wind stoked the charred remains as though the ruin of the establishment once...
My Mona Lisa
Reav Medical
“There’s no such thing as Mad Science”
“Here at Reav Medical we believe progress must be constant and new knowledge must always be sought after. With a resourceful Arkanian-based Committee of Ethics, we believe our scientific advances are to be achieved and shared...
Almost ritualistically, Amnesia cleaned the blood off her weapons. The smell of charred flesh never made it to her helmet, but she knew it was there. The enemies of the Dominion were numerous and hidden in almost every crevasse on every backwater planet she could think of. Even a Mandalorian had...
Hello there,
I have an idea for a character. A sithspawn that breaks away from the Sith and tries to find redemption, steadily turning lightside or, even cooler, grey. But I was wondering if any Sith players wanted to RP being her creator. I was thinking of her being a unique...
They'd been through hell, the three of them. For two of them, quite literally.
Siv had only been in the netherworld once, on an Enclave-sanctioned expedition through some sort of gate near the Scarif system. He'd only known...
The outer Tion Cluster was nothing too remarkable. On the edge of empires, just off of developed and often used hyperspace paths like the Daragon Trail and the Perlemian Trade Route, and home to only a handful of populated planets.
All in all, it was a perfect place for a travelling Sith Cult...
Nar Shaddaa - A little after Midnight local - The Ram Jam Fight Bar & Entertainment Lounge
Rax leaned over, snorting into the bucket presented as the club went wild. He didn't look so hot. Bruised and bloodied, sweating like a racehorse, and his lip was clearly split from the bare-knuckle...
J u n o
Location: Downtown
Time of Day: Early Night
Mentions: Quill Kaohal
Another night another artwork, Juno had been inspired by the presence of the Jedi order here, they were an interesting group of heroes, a stereotypical vast organization of people with absolute physical, spiritual and...
Greetings Ascendants!
Currently, we have submitted the capital city for our homeworld, but we want you to decide what comes next! Would you like to see a new headquarters for a division? A temple filled with evil? A party city? The sky's the limit!
Simply post below with your idea(s) and the...
She had been black-bagged.
Middle of the night. Torn from her own bed. Morpho didn't know the who but she could hazard a guess why. You didn't make friends mining data on the holonet. For her nothing had been too hot to touch. She had been getting away with it for the better part of three...
Aradia dallied in the market. She didn't need anything but time. Visiting home was always a bit... hard to swallow. It probably wasn't fair to her family that she behaved this way, they hadn't done anything to deserve it, but like always Aradia lingered just at the edge of everything--...
Not apologizing for the disappearance. I had my reasons and everyone here knows "RL comes first". That being said, I MIGHT be up for something here and there, don't really know. Either way I'm not among the missing anymore.