Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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yuuzhan vong

  1. Ahrokhet Kursyr

    Approved NPC  Rhak'ashahr Suvuun

    Rhak'ashahr Suvuun OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create and detail an ally and friend for Khet Kursyr ​Image Credit: Role: Friend and blood-sworn to protect Khet Kursyr. A direct and powerful warrior, he is Chewbacca to Khet's Han. Links...
  2. Ambrose Cadera

    Spores on the Wind (Vong & Clans of Mandalore)

    Qiilura’s sun shines on my fur, and the settlement of Kad’Harang is further along than the last time I ventured to my homeworld. After the Mandalorians saved a good amount of our population from poaching slavers, a new capital city was commissioned to act as a waypoint and dissemination zone for...
  3. Y

    Yorik Krul

    NAME: Yorik of Domain Krul FACTION: The Yuuzhan Vong Empire SUBFACTION: Domain Krul RANK: Commander SPECIES: Yuuzhan Vong AGE: 49 SEX: Male HEIGHT: 210 centimeters WEIGHT: 155 kilograms EYES: Glowing Red Implants HAIR: Black SKIN: Tattooed, bone white, scarred and crawling with...
  4. Z

    Outer Rim Biotech, PTY LTD

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Image Source: [member="Zhaelor Anor"] Canon Link: N/A Primary Source: N/A CORPORATION INFORMATION Corporation Name: Outer Rim Biotech, PTY LTD. Headquarters: Taris Locations: Taris, Trantor, Denon Operations: Yuuzhan Vong Biotech research, development and...
  5. Tchurokk Yun

    Tchurokk Yun -Prophet of the New Empire

    Name: Tchrokk Yun Faction: Yuuzhan Vong Empire (Praetorite Vong) Sex: Male Homeworld: Zonama Sekot Rank: Warror-Seer Eyes: Grey Hair: None Age: Early 30's Caste: Priest Biography: Tchrokk Yun was born on the world of Zonoma Sekot in the year of 824 ABY a bastard of a shamed one and a...
  6. Alexandra Porte

    Ghorza Yim

    WIP.............. "Fy'y Roog! Fy'y Roog!" The battle cry of shapers. NAME: Ghorza Yim [pronouced with a silent H] FACTION: The Yuuzhan Vong Empire DOMAINE: Yim CASTE: Shaper RANK: Initiate SPECIES: Yuuzhan Vong DEITY WORSHIPPED: Yun-Ne'Shel LANGUAGE(S): Yuuzhan Vong, Galactic Basic...
  7. Ehud

    Ehud Jamaane, Godless Priest

    "I am Vong. No 'Yuuzhan' necessary." NAME: Ehud Jamaane FACTION: Yuuzhan Vong Empire RANK: Priest SPECIES: Yuuzhan Vong AGE: 224 SEX: Male HEIGHT: 6'7'' WEIGHT: 235 lbs EYES: Pale White HAIR: N/A SKIN: Wrinkled and grey FORCE SENSITIVE: Force Dead STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES: +Know Your...
  8. Z

    The Yuuzhan Vong Empire

    The Yuuzhan Vong Empire IC Information "The Force is nothing more than an idea, and the best way to extinguish an idea is to replace it with a better one, such as we bring." - Nas Choka The time has come for the Yuuzhan Vong Empire to show this galaxy the True Path. Our way worships life...
  9. Z

    Zhaelor Anor

    ⱫⱧ₳ɆⱠØⱤ ₳₦ØⱤ [hr]฿₳₴ł₵ ł₦₣ØⱤ₥₳₮łØ₦ Zhaelor Anor wearing his armor and cloak Name: Zhaelor Anor Clan: Domain Anor Homeworld: Yuuzhan'tar; Intergalactic Void Species: Yuuzhan Vong Relatives: Unknown Languages Known: Galactic Basic Standard, Huttese (literate), Sy Bisti and Yuuzhan Vong Deity...
  10. Yasha Cadera

    The Domain of Agony (Clans of Mandalore Dominion of Orinda)

    The Domain of Agony Clans of Mandalore Dominion of Orinda Objectives 1. Research the Vong presence on Orinda & take samples of the spores. 2. Archaeological dig in the ruins of the Battle of Pallaeon & entreat with the Orindan Human Population. 3. Take Naval Control of the Sector. Orinda...
  11. L

    Approved NPC  Stend Choka

    STEND CHOKA OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To sub a supporting cast member for a series of threads ​Image Credit: [x] Role: Rebel Leader | Guerrilla Commander Links: Into Darkness | Alderaan PHYSICAL INFORMATION Age: Late 50’s Force Sensitivity: Force Dead Species: Yuuzhan Vong...
  12. Elpsis Kerrigan

    Approved NPC  Mezha Krazhmir

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Expand on Tephrike by subbing a rebel character for the Firemane gang to interact with. Create a Vong who defies some of the common tropes associated with that species. Image Credit: Here. Permission: Can use Firemane tech because I own the company. ARGH gear...
  13. Darth Vulcanus

    The Holy Covenant (Yuuzhan-tu Zhaelor)

    Join Today Discord
  14. T

    Tsaa Choka

    Voice Sample + Vong Supremacy: Absent in the Force, Enhanced strength, speed and reflexes + Pain!: Accustomed to pain to the extreme. Relishes how it feel and willingly inflicts it. For far too long my kind as been scattered, enslaved and treated less than they deserve. We are Yuuzhan Vong...
  15. Darth Carnifex

    Mal Areen

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Create a Vong follower of the Sith Emperor Image Credit: Click - Alexandrescu Paul Role: Warmaster of the Khar Grish Links: N/A PHYSICAL INFORMATION Age: 46 Force Sensitivity: Non-Force Sensitive Species: Yuuzhan Vong Appearance: SOCIAL INFORMATION Name...
  16. B

    Zeir Atona

    NAME: Zeir Atona FACTION: Domain Atona RANK: Shaper, Warmaster of the Domain Atona SPECIES: Yuuzhan Vong AGE: 102 Years old SEX: Male HEIGHT: 6”2’ WEIGHT: 220 lbs EYES: Yellow, Orange HAIR: None SKIN: Grey with Black Tattoos FORCE SENSITIVE: No...
  17. Coratanni Cartel

    Approved Tech  Syvak Masquer

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a new and unique tool for members of Boethiah Image Source: [member="Netherworld"] Canon Link: N/A Restricted Missions: N/A Primary Source: [X] PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Boethiah Model: Syvak Masquer Affiliation: Boethiah Modularity: No...
  18. Kur-gal Kwaad

    Approved Tech  Glistaweb

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Illie made me do it. Image Source: / Restricted Missions: / Primary Source: Glistaweb, Yuuzhan Vong Technology, Voyxn, Biot The New Jedi Order: Star by Star – Screenshot The New Jedi Order Sourcebook – Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2, Screenshot 3...
  19. Subject 37

    Approved NPC  Allaria See'lah

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To sub another important Member of the Legion ​Image Credit: Tony Yin Role: Member of The Legion of the Damned Links: Legion of the Damned PHYSICAL INFORMATION Age: 47 Force Sensitivity: No, Force Dead Species: Yuuzhan Vong Appearance: Allaria, if that is...
  20. Subject 37

    Approved Tech  VT-Syra Slug

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Sub a cool new thing that does stuff Image Source: N/A Canon Link: N/A Restricted Missions: N/A Primary Source: Me, I'm great PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Vanir Technologies Model: VT-Syra Slug Affiliation: Open-Market Modularity: No Production...
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