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Intent: To make a company location for RMIA so they can expand their operations legitimately.
Image Credit: here
Canon: No
Links: RMIA
City Name: Yornekk (Paradise)
Classification: Underground isolationist Yuuzhan Vong colony.
Location: Felucia...
The Yuuzhan Vong were not quickly broken. In their souls was something that could last for weeks or months under pressure and torture. Ardgal had a love-hate relationship with the beings.
On one hand, extremists of theirs had helped to make him the soulless being he was now. They had cut him...
"I have heard the languages of Apocalypse, and now I shall embrace the silence."
The cogs move behind the face, ever churning, steadily unstable. Not long ago had this planet known the grip of the One Sith, only to be turned over to a far more deserving benefactor. The Legion. Amassing...
Attack/Defend the battle droid manufacturing facility PvP
Defend the Collateralhulk Command ship from a swarm of Coralskippers and Yuuzhan Vong frigate analogues PvE
Defend civilian areas from Yuuzhan Vong hordes PvE
Subaltern Kash Val strode across the control centre of the...
Image Source: [x]
Intent: To expand on the established lore of a canon concept.
Development Thread: If needed
Manufacturer: Yuuzhan Vong Shapers, Legion Yun’Do Shapers
Model: N/A
Affiliation: Yuuzhan Vong, The One Sith
Modularity: With further Shaping (new submission/modification request)...
“And why, pray tell, do you think that I would want to take part in this exercise?” Khallesh asked incredulously. She was sat in the Grashal where Master Shaper Jun Phaath worked.
“Because the Supreme Commander has decreed it, of course!” Jun Phaath replied. She smiled and spoke sweetly in her...
Source: Starship troopers
Intent: To reduce the ambiguity of Yuuzhan Vong weaponry, while also providing a new spin on former weaponry. To create something more feasibly put onto custom ground vehicles and fleet ships, or used as ground emplacements.
Development Thread: If needed...
Legion Yun'Do (Faction Page), roughly translated to the Legion of God's Woe, is the remaining contingent of Yuuzhan Vong, Yuuzhan Vong-Formed Sentients, and Yuuzhan Vong supporters in the One Sith faction. While remaining stubbornly attached to the True Way and the doctrine of traditional...
Image Credit: King Kong (2005)
Name: Kraal Cucumbers
Designation: Non-Sentient
Homeworld: Yuuzhan'tar & Thral
Language: None
Breathes: Type II
Average height of adults: 6 meters
Skin color: Salmon.
Hair color: None.
Distinctions: Kraal Cucumbers, when laying in wait to feed, appear...
"Faster! Guvvuk!"
Legs pumping, callused feet hitting the ground, leaping over fallen logs and other obstacles Mokurzmau and six other warriors of Domain Pasaar moved through the jungle. A ship had landed within their territory. Perhaps the other Domains intended to be lax in their duties, but...
Image Source: Me
Intent: To modify the original helmet to better suit the fighting style of the Hand of the Dark Lord and to serve as a means of intimidation and demoralization
Development Thread: If needed
Manufacturer: Hrosha–Gul Shapers (Legion Yun’Do), Vrag
Model: Personal armor — Helmet...