Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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“To sleep, perchance to dream – ay, there’s the rub” [First Order Dominion of Vassek]

Objective x: Do our own thing
Post: 4+5=20
Allies: [member="Greifen Ren"]
Enemies: None confirmed
Other: [member="Dissero"] [member=Verie Lacroix"]

One of the benefits of a mask, in a way the same as the troopers that followed the Order, was the opportunity to glance around a room out of the corners of your eyes – and not be noticed. To those present, Kriel was staring impassively ahead. Unspeaking, not drinking and a dutiful apprentice. But behind the visor, his eyes took in every detail of the room. The trophies sitting in glass cases, the notes we was doing his best to read upside down, not that it made any sense.

And he waited dutifully for his Master to respond, listening and learning the whole time.
Objective 5: Scavenger hunt
Post: 3:20
Allies: Unknown
Enemies: Unknown

As the laughter subsided, I began to retract the knowledge the instructors had said about Force Ghosts; mainly the part about if they could do harm to the living. I knew that there were documented cases about Force Ghosts aligned with fallen Sith Lords possessing the minds and bodies of the living, but I am Epicanthix and I'm quite sure my mind is safe from such mental attacks. But my body, not so sure. However, I was not dealing with a Sith Lord type Force Ghost, but a Jedi spirit who refuses to give into the belief he is dead, thus rebelling against crossing-over to the other side.

"Laughter? Is that your great weapon to prevent me from robbing you of your trinkets, Jedi," I said smirking. I nodded to the remaining troopers, an unsaid order for them to exit the building. Even if I was safe from such a body invasion, they may not be and I didn't want to spend time cutting down the possessed. When no reply came from the ghost, I added, "Ah, perhaps you are unable to reply. Did you lose your tongue before death, Jedi?"

"It pains me to have my first visitor in years be one who chains themselves to the Darkside," came the reply from the disembodied voice. Now it was my turn to laugh. I have studied the mantra of the Sith, their codes and philosophies, and since my fall to the Darkside I was no longer chained to anything. "Perhaps what you came here for was redemption. If that is what you seek, then I can help you. You are young and the Darkside has not fully taken you over," he continued as he materialized a few feet in front of me. I studied the entity in silence, fascinated by his beautiful face. There were no flaws, no signs of scars, he was in every essence of word perfect. And that angered me greatly.

"I wish someone had removed your tongue before death," I answered pointing a finger at him. "Keep you narrow, dogmatic views to yourself. I'm not here to be saved!" Then under my mask I smiled and added with a mocking tone to my mechanical voice, "I'm alive and you are dead. How could you possibly save me when you failed to save yourself?"
Objective: 2
Allies: None yet
Enemy: [member="OK-3103"] [member="Miles Cormin"] and the first order and the one sith allies
3 Howlers
5 Reapers on tripods
120 regular infantry, with infantry armour, and infantry blaster + auxiliary grenades various see sig
36 scout infantry light armour and carbines

Her commander came over to her, My lady we have a scout report in, they have seen first order scouts being dropped of here. He pointed to a data pad, and then carried on, ​I suspect they will be trying to find our positions, and what we are up to. Elaine did not like this, and gave an order Tell the scout platoon, to check vantage points and report in every five minutes. She then told him, Have the howlers track them if they don't report in hit that point, they may have been killed by the enemy. We should extract revenge quickly. She did not like that order, but it seemed prudent as they could be dead already by that point. Also if they do spot them the howler, could make a difference for them, as long as they could react quick enough.

Larry Cheswa

Second In Command of Sibar Laval. First Order
Objective 3: Shaken, Not Stirred.
Post: 3/20
Allies: All First Order
Enemies: [member="Elaine Thul"]
Lord Only Knows What Side Their On:

I see someone spot me, 'well hope I don't die, I don't want Sibar to take my stuff.' So in response to being spotted, I simply shoot him in the head with my E-11. Then three more arrive, 'probably should have thought that through.' And so the fight begins. They continue to fire at me while I return fire, "This is LRY-267 I am engaged with the enemy sending coordinates now." I take one out finally, 'two more to go. Hope backup gets here soon.' Suddenly one of them throws a detonator. "Well... This is bad." I dodge out of the way but not fast enough to be caught in the blast. 'that's going to leave a mark on the old armor.'
Objective: 2
Allies: None yet
Enemy: [member="OK-3103"] [member="Miles Cormin"] [member="Larry Cheswa"] and the first order and the one sith allies
3 Howlers
5 Reapers on tripods
120 regular infantry, with infantry armour, and infantry blaster + auxiliary grenades various see sig
34/36 scout infantry light armour and carbines 2 dead

The officer came back to Elaine, ​My lady the scouts have been engaged here, by a storm troopers. She looked at him, and gave an order. Tell them to fall back, and get the the howlers shell that position. It had begun, the commander raced to coms, and got the order to scout leader to Lieutenant Mackery Withdraw and keep eyes on them, artillery is in range. He replied Roger we are at three hundred meters away, will fal back to five hundred. As they head quickly back, a signal went to howler crew, and HE rounds towards the enemy scouts. They fired with loud and bang, they rolled back slightly with the recoil, and she could hear the whistling noise as shells head towards the target. Soon the enemy, would be coming at them with more than just a few scouts.

She looked at the transports, they where almost half finished with loading refugees from this planet on them. Could she hold out long enough, to get the rest on board.....

Larry Cheswa

Second In Command of Sibar Laval. First Order
Objective 3: Cheswa, Larry Cheswa
Post: 4/20
Allies: All First Order
Enemies: [member="Elaine Thul"]
Lord Only Knows What Side Their On:

Well this is just great, the the ground explodes with enemy fire, suddenly someone fires, and I am hit square in the shoulder, "GAH!" I scream as I fall on the floor, one of the soldiers grabs my wrist and starts to drag me, 'this is great, JUST FANTASTIC! Captured by the enemy. This ain't going well at all.' One of the soldiers radios to the Lieutenant, "We have captured an enemy scout sir." As they drag me to be questioned I try to break free, "Don't struggle, it will make it worse that it already is." I agree with him, I am stuck, with no way of getting out at the moment, if only there was a distraction....

Miles Cormin

Objective: Troops on the Ground
Allies: All First Order
Enemies: All hostiles

Miles saw the guns begin to fire from the enemy position, and knew that the guns had to go down fast. Tracking the gun's shells, Miles spotted the flash of barrels.

"This is trooper RV-4456 to command!" he yelled into his comm system, "I need artillery or air support to Sierra sector, repeat Sierra sector! I have enemy gun positions at coordinates Sierra-57, repeat Sierra-57!"

Miles resumed observing the enemy positions. He hoped the artillery would be taken out quickly. His tiny squad was nothing against this kind of firepower.
((Sorry for the delay!))
Objective 6
Allies: [member="Arthan Corvax"]
Enemies: Magnaguards and Stuff

Cameron was silent as the turbulence of the assault shuttle's approach rocked the cabin with varying degrees of intensity. By the time the vessel had reached the initial point of its approach to the objective area, the flight crew had dropped to an altitude that was so low the spacecraft remained largely in ground effect. The smooth, low-level approach provided the the stormtrooper platoon accompanying the Sith Lord the opportunity to make final preparations.

"Lord Ren, ten second standby."

No words passed between Cameron's lips as he came to his feet and moved casually towards the exit of the troop bay. When the vessel was five seconds from its destination, the bay doors began to open. No sooner had the vessel started to nestle to the ground than the Master of Ren's booted feet crunched into the soil. The resultant thrusts of the vessels repulsors caused dirt and debris to stir up around them and force Cameron's dark blue and gray cloak to flutter violently.

Stepping forward, his gaze immediately surveyed the horizon before falling upon the Disciple that had been tasked to aid in this particular objective. Had he attempted to speak with the cult? There were some that might have thought their assistance could have been of use, but that was a fallacy. It was a dream-world that the weak elected to live in. That being said, he'd not expected the young man to engage a host of Magna Guards, entities that had given even the best of Jedi a run for their money.

Exhaling softly, Ciardha Ren turned his hooded head towards the platoon commander. "Lieutenant."

"Yes, sir?"

Slowly, Cameron's gaze tracked back to the battling Disciple. "Execute the cult members." The Master of Ren paused as a thin smile touched his lips. "All of them." There would be no negotiations, no continuation of this cult. Cameron would ensure that the blood of the past saturated the soil of Vassek.

As the stormtroopers tended to their task, Cameron stepped forward towards Arthan. For the moment, he did not engage. The young man had brought this trial upon adversity he would be forced to realize his true potential and rise above the odds.

Or he would die.

Either way, Cameron was content.
Objective 3: Intelligence
Post: 6+1 /20
Allies: All First Order
Enemies: Elaine Thul

After the better part of a day, Colrenth not only had the patrol schedule and pattern down, he his target, on the guard on this shift, always stopped for a smoke on an isolated well concealed corner near a dark alley this is where he’d strike from, he would kill the guard, takes his clothes and credentials, and use to gain access to CNC center deactivate the security, and call in ground troop to help secure the facility. He stealthily moved into position and waited for the time to strike.
Objective 5: Scavenger hunt
Post: 4:20 (Pack Your Own)
Allies: Unknown

Enemies: Unknown

Most people in our shared galaxy try to claim that they have the ability to upset anyone or anything by just spitting a collection of letters together. Well, nobody does that better than me. I mean if there was a way to offend an entire species by saying no more than three words, nineteen letters collectively (props to those that figure that out), than I am the lyrical offender. But let's roll back to reality. For some reason most people live in that facade.

The Jedi Force Ghost faltered slightly, assuring me that I had metaphorically lined up for the game winning field goal, and WHACK! Game winning kick. Come prop out the less paid teammate. Now as I stated before, my understanding of how Force Ghosts work was practically a lie. Ok, not a lie. I'm just trying to make myself look cool for the camera.

The Force Ghost, angered by my choice of words, went from Holy Ghost to poltergeist. Every object, piece of rubble, and one little itty bitty spider roach went flying all over the place. I put my hands on my hips, unimpressed by the show, and said, "Yawn. I paid good money to see a magical show. One Tanye East would say Leyonce could do that better." For fear of lawsuits, names have been changed to protect my ass.

In a slow sputtering example of slowing sputtering things down, the Jedi Force Ghost halted his tantrum. "Are you for real?" I patted myself down and replied, "Realer than you. Now unless you are unable to turn this holoshow into grade A entertainment, I'm going have to say these harsh words to you. You're fired!"
Objective: Misc.
Allies: [member="Kriel Firin"]
Non-Belligerent: [member="Dissero"]
Posts: 5/20

Greifen folded his arms at Dissero's question.

"Non-belligerent, should the courtesy be returned," He told him plaintively. "As I said, we have little interest in interfering on this moon, or in your daily affairs. Our main concern is the planet of Vassek itself."

There were many curious baubles around the room, relics from a bygone age that Greifen would have intently studied, had he the time. Unfortunately, he could not spend very long gazing at the old artifacts from General Grievous. His focus remained on Dissero alone. His apprentice, meanwhile, remained loyal and dutiful by his side.

"There is one other thing we should require. Your support, should Vassek ever be invaded by our enemies." Greifen paused for a moment, allowing his words to sink in. "You see, Lord Dissero, I know admittedly very little of you, but what I do know is that you are a man who is very powerful in the Dark arts. By my estimation, quite more than you would have everyone believe. If you wish to cloister yourself here in your castle, that is your prerogative. But in the galaxy at large, the war still rages. Indeed, it has never stopped. And I should think you would consider it fortunate that the system on which you reside is being taken by a force loyal to the Dark Side, and respectful of your residence. I believe you will find us a much preferential neighbor to anyone that may try to usurp us from this location. Hence it is in your best interest to assist us, should the need arise."
Objective x: Do our own thing
Post: 5+5 of 20
Allies: [member="Greifen Ren"]
Enemies: None confirmed
Other: [member="Dissero"] [member="Verie Lacroix"]

His Master was courteous, that much was clear. He was plain speaking and factual and gave both assurances of cooperation but also a hint of what might be if the peace was not maintained. So Kriel listened and did his best to understand the nuances. The difference between the actual words and the underlying intent. His Master was right, better the First Order than the Galactic Alliance - who would not be as accommodating. But then, he suspected the man here would prefer nobody was his lord and master, and this would determine the outcome of the conversation in the Disciple's eyes.

Larry Cheswa

Second In Command of Sibar Laval. First Order
Objective 3: Double O Cheswa'
Post: 5/20
Allies: All First Order
Enemies: [member="Elaine Thul"]
Lord Only Knows What Side Their On:

I try to reason with the soldier that's dragging me do their base, "You know there will be more of us coming right? Thousands of us, just let me go and ill-" He cuts in, "I don't care, orders are orders and I know that these orders are right." I stop talking. 'Hmmm, I have seen this in a holotape before, maybe...' I talk again, "You will take my handcuffs off." He screams at me, "Why should I?" I continue to repeat the sentence, "You WILL take my handcuffs off." He complies, "I will take the handcuffs off." He takes the cuffs off, "And you will take this thermal detonator and explode your ammunition's bunker." "I will explode the bunker." And with that he walks off. I run toward were I saw my E-11 blaster fall and picks it up. Out in the distance, I hear an explosion and screaming. "Sibar would be proud."

Tanomas Graf

[Objective] 4 Is it a bird?
[Post] 1/20
[Allies] The First Order
[Enemies] Pirates

Vassek was a secluded system, perfect to carry out illegal activities away from the watchful eye of the First Order. That is what many of the pirates thought as a small convoy of ships carrying narcotics and stolen credits were making its way through the system, they were escorted by a few medium-sized frigates that had been defaced with graffiti. The ships themselves were in a rather good state, despite the obvious turbolaser marks here and there. The convoy consisted of a few freighters that were sparsely armed with only laser cannons to deter the common starfighter, with the frigates dealing with the larger predators that had come to claim the small fortune.

Captain Graf made his way through the security foyer of the bridge, stopping for a couple of seconds to check a monitor before continuing along the corridor. He walked all the way to the end of the command walkway, passing the crew pits which were filled with naval officers doing their specified duties. The captain stopped completely in front of the viewports of the bridge, admiring the blue vortex of hyperspace before turning to a bright-eyed lieutenant, who walked up to give his report on the ships activities.

"We're coming out of hyperspace in five minutes, Captain." The lieutenant said, "Good, alert the crew to man their battlestations, I want all turbolasers operational before we come out of hyperspace." Graf said, the lieutenant gave acknowledgement and went on his way as Graf turned back to the viewport. Graf began to formulate his tactics based on the convoy intel provided by agents, the best course of action to face an enemy while outnumbered two to one would be an ambush. The superior weaponry of the Order would also tear through whatever pitiful excuse for escorts the convoy had.

A few minutes had passed and all crew were already at their battlestations, preparing to destroy pirate scum. An ensign reported that they were only a minute from exiting hyperspace. Graf didn't even need to turn around to know that everyone was anticipating this moment, to appropriate the fortune and narcotics from the pirates that was obviously being smuggled for the Resistance and other rebellious factions in the region of space.

The vortex of hyperspace disappeared and stars streaked once again as the Retribution-class Star Destroyer Reprisal exited hyperspace, right next to the convoy. "Concentrate fire on the escort frigates, the freighters won't bother us but destroy their engines before they make the jump to lightspeed." Captain Graf ordered as dozens of lasers ejected from the position of the Reprisal, mostly hitting the frigates.

Larry Cheswa

Second In Command of Sibar Laval. First Order
Objective 3: Golden Larry
Post: 6/20
Allies: All First Order
Enemies: [member="Elaine Thul"]
Lord Only Knows What Side Their On:

I run off away from the fight, heading back to base. "This is Captain LRY-267, I just escaped the enemy and blew up their ammunition. Hope you can see it from space!" I run back to base, "Troopers get to your stations this is not a drill! This is not a drill!" The soldiers get ready for battle, and I head into my room. Several minutes later I come out in full green incinerator armor, shiny and brand new, ready for anything at this point, 'I think I used the Force back there, i'm not sure, I will have to alert command later.'
Objective: 2
Allies: None yet
Enemy: [member="OK-3103"] [member="Miles Cormin"] [member="Larry Cheswa"] and the first order and the one sith allies
3 Howlers
5 Reapers on tripods
115/120 regular infantry, with infantry armour, and infantry blaster + auxiliary grenades various see sig 5 dead
34/36 scout infantry light armour and carbines 2 dead

She saw one of her ammo dumps explode without reason, her men started to look for might done this, she however saw a storm trooper beginning to make a run for it. She decide not to have her men mow him down, she would do it instead. She began to force run towards him, she would was going to kill or capture him using the force and her lightsaber. He was not sith, he was some clone, and he might have secrets she could use. She began to force run towards him, with lightsaber in hand.

Meanwhile the first of the ships, began to set of towards her new found home world, for the destitute of the galaxy who need a place to call home.
Objective 3: Intelligence
Post: 7+2 /20
Allies: All First Order
Enemies: Elaine Thul

Colrenth positioned himself in the shadows of the alley, as the guard approached for his smoke break standing the near the entrance of the alley and face toward the command and control center. Colrenth pulled his poison laced vibro dagger from it’s sheath, and a lighting quick motion Colrenth sprung from shadows, placing his gloved left hand over to guard’s moth to muff in screams while simultaneously plunging the vibro dagger into man heart, he watch as man vines turned black as the poison worked through his bloodstream. Seconds latter the man was dead Colrenth dragged his into the shadow, took the man clothes and access card. He finished the man scheduled patrol and used the access card to gain entry to the facility.

Miles Cormin

[member="Larry Cheswa"][member="Elaine Thul"]
Objective: Troops on the ground
Allies: First Order
Enemies: Hostile

Miles heard the TIE fighters before he saw them, and couldn't help but think to himself:

There is no sound in the galaxy more beautiful than twin ion engines.

Miles and his squad cheered as a squadron of TIE fighters swooped in and pounded the enemy positions, their laser cannons striking the enemy guns with precision and power.

"Trooper RV-4456 to air support," he said into his comm, "Good hit, repeat good hit! They're going to be feeling that one!"

Suddenly, a flash of silver caught Miles's eye through his helmet, which he had set to image enhancement for recon work. He gazed through his visor and binocs and spotted a young woman, with blonde hair and carrying a lightsaber, running from the direction of the enemy positions. He also spotted a mound of rubble that hadn't been there before.

"Command this is RV-4456, I've got a Force-user exiting sector Sierra, in pursuit of a stormtrooper," he said into the comm. Just then he felt a tap on his shoulder.

"Sir, we've got enemy transports exiting the area," one of the other scouts said, "Permission to order them destroyed?" Miles was about to give the go-ahead, then he remembered that there were civilians on that transport. He could not let them be killed.

"Tell the TIEs to engage but be selective," he said, "Target their engines. I don't want any unnecessary deaths on this mission." Normal protocol would be to just destroy the ships. Anyone affiliated with the enemy was a target. However, Miles just could not bring himself to do it. Unbeknownst to him, he had left his comm line with command wide open.

(OOC: Got tired of waiting so put the TIEs in myself. Anyone has a problem let me know and I will edit the post.)

Larry Cheswa

Second In Command of Sibar Laval. First Order
Objective 3: Golden Eye Larry
Post: 6/20
Allies: All First Order [member="Miles Cormin"]
Enemies: [member="Elaine Thul"]
Lord Only Knows What Side Their On:

I watch as the lady with the lightsaber runs toward me, 'Oh what have I got myself into now!' I run away as fast as I can, which is fast considering im wearing fifty pounds of armor and gear. "Troopers fire on the Force user! I SAID FIRE!" I run back into the base firing at [member="Elaine Thul"], "I SAID FIRE!" It seems that just about everyone but a few ran away from the Force user hellbent on liberating this world. 'Cowards.'
Objective: 2
Allies: None yet
Enemy: [member="OK-3103"] [member="Miles Cormin"] [member="Larry Cheswa"] and the first order and the one sith allies
3 Howlers
5 Reapers on tripods
100/120 regular infantry, with infantry armour, and infantry blaster + auxiliary grenades various see sig 20 dead
30/36 scout infantry light armour and carbines 6 dead

Her howlers opened fired on the ties as they came in, using Ion shells. Those shells where developed for this reason, giving them an area of affect, this made bring down fighters a little easier as they did not have to hit. Still they had more than they would be able to cope with, soon they would have to sound the retreat. She also saw more storm troopers coming, she sent a blast of lighting at the one she was running after. She head back to her men, and then as soon as she was behind her lines, the Thul Reapers opened up. The scout troops began picking off enemy storm troopers, and her line infantry began forming up. The refugees began getting on transports quicker just grabbing what they could, some what of panic was going on know.

ooc guys don't push your attack, longer it takes you to win the more post you can do, towards 100. :)

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