- Intent: To Create a standard Armor Unit
- Image Credit: Here
- Role: Home Guard
- Links: The Fringe Imperium; Illmane
- Unit Name: 1st Battery
- Affiliation: The Fringe Imperium
- Classification: Recruit Armor
- Equipment:
Hastatii-Class Armor - MK-1 Heavy Ballista Rifle
- MK 1- Ballista Rifle:
- Thermal Detonators
- Any Vehicles Specific to the Imperium
[*]Description: The 1st Battery of Armor is a standard Large Armor Unit. Their primary function is Offense and Defense in the Illmane System. They are nothing special, and are considered rookies and cannon fodder.
- Unit Size: Large
- Unit Availability: Common
- Unit Experience: Recruit
- Combat Function: The 1st Battery of Armor is a standard Armor Unit. Deployed en masse they man their positions with eagerness and most times eat the bullets that fly at them. Morale is average among their ranks and their struggles are that of the common class of folks on Illmane. Overall they are the first Line of Battle During an invasion.
- Home Field Advantage
- Armor Support
- Eager to fight and die
- Vulnerable to Anti Armor Units
- Vulnerable to Veteran and above Units.
The 1st Battery of Armor have no major history. They've been around since before the Netherworld and are common citizenry recruited into a Battery with the standard issue Armor pieces and decent training. They've seen no major battles nor written no epics.