1. What do you think of your name? It is a good name.
2. How often do you like to knock boots? I am celibate, so never.
3. How often do you have nightmares? Never.
4. What do you feel is your greatest accomplishment? Becoming a true Sith.
5. What do you feel is your greatest regret? Nothing...
6. If you could have another pet, what would it be? I have no need for pets.
7. What would you do if you suddenly became independently wealthy? Give all the credits to the Empire!
8. When you look at a stranger, what is the first thing you notice? Their eyes.
9. What is the most exotic destination you have ever traveled to? Coruscant.
0. Hyperspace. How do you pass the time? Meditating.
1. What are your religious beliefs? Every modern being knows religion is for fools.
2. Where do you see yourself in 20 years? Still serving the Empire. There is no greater honour.
3. What is your favorite sin? Pride.
4. What do you order at a Bar? Water.
5. What habit of yours annoys others the most? Not being Sithy enough!
6. What do you want to be remembered for? Making the galaxy a better place to live.
7. 1 - 10. Rate yourself on possessing: Generosity 5, Forgiveness 2, Loyalty 9, and Wit 8.
8. Name something you simply cannot bring yourself to do. Kill an innocent.
9. Bookstore. What section do you find yourself lingering in the most? History of all Sith Empires.
0. If you could read one person's Diary, who's would it be? Master Volitu's