Alna Merrill said:
20 Questions: For your Character
- 1. What do you think of your name?
Never really thought about it. Guess it's always served me alright. 'Alndys' sounds kind of like a disease, so I usually go by 'Alna' or something.
- 2. How often do you like to knock boots?
When the moment is right, I guess? Doesn't happen often.
- 3. How often do you have nightmares?
Just as often as anyone else. Maybe less. I sleep pretty deeply.
- 4. What do you feel is your greatest accomplishment?
Once sold a Rodian a 'Sabacc table' made out of sheet metal and half a protocol droid. She thought she was ripping ME off!
- 5. What do you feel is your greatest regret?
I wouldn't mind knowing where my brothers and sisters got to. Too proud to look them up, I guess.
- 6. If you could have another pet, what would it be?
ANOTHER pet? Please. Most animals don't do well in space, and those that do, are kinda gross.
- 7. What would you do if you suddenly became independently wealthy?
'Suddenly'? I've got my own ship, enough stuff to fill it, and enough credits to eat where I want and wear what I please. If that isn't wealthy, I don't know what is!
- 8. When you look at a stranger, what is the first thing you notice?
Body language. It's usually boring and accented, though.
- 9. What is the most exotic destination you have ever traveled to?
I don't know. I've been all over. Pretty sure I spent a weekend in Hutta, though I can't remember it at all.
- 0. Hyperspace. How do you pass the time?
There's always something to fix, take apart or polish on my ship!
- 1. What are your religious beliefs?
Don't have any. Hard to argue with the Force when I've seen holovids of what it can do, though.
- 2. Where do you see yourself in 20 years?
In a better ship, with better stuff.
- 3. What is your favorite sin?
...Not sure how to answer. I like sleeping in sometimes, and when I'm pissy I eat too much or curse too often. Does that qualify?
- 4. What do you order at a Bar?
Drinks. One for me, two for the customer.
- 5. What habit of yours annoys others the most?
If I keep looking at your hands and feet when you talk, I promise it's not because I think you're going to rob me. Unless it's because I think you're going to rob me.
- 6. What do you want to be remembered for?
Never really thought about it. I guess I'd like to be remembered for being good at what I do.
- 7. 1 - 10. Rate yourself on possessing: Generosity, Forgiveness, Loyalty, and Wit.
Two, two, four, four.
- 8. Name something you simply cannot bring yourself to do.
Things for free.
- 9. Bookstore. What section do you find yourself lingering in the most?
A what?
- 0. If you could read one person's Diary, who's would it be?
Who keeps a diary? And who's that occupied with anyone else's thoughts? I can barely keep up with my own, most of the time.
Update time! Big things happened in the land of Alna over the past, like, year or more of her life.
20 Questions: For your Character
- 1. What do you think of your name?
It's pretty good, I think. Alndys sounds goofy, which is why I introduce myself as Alna. I think most people know me by that, rather than my actual name. So that's nice.
- 2. How often do you like to knock boots?
When the moment is right, I suppose? I can catch hubby's eye when I set out to.
- 3. How often do you have nightmares?
No more or less than anyone else, I think. I sleep pretty deeply, though, and tend not to remember dreams or nightmares if I have 'em.
- 4. What do you feel is your greatest accomplishment?
Gosh. I helped make the first new hyperlane in Force-knows-how-long, married the man I did it with, founded a company that grew to span the Galaxy, became a mother. That's a pretty solid array of accomplishments - I'm a proud lady. We gave the company up, but knowing that you built something that successful is an amazing feeling. I suppose that, at the end of the day, I'm glad that becoming obscenely wealthy didn't change Jorus and I a bit - and that we're both happier for getting back to who we really were at the start of it all. I hope Mara eventually can have that kind of understanding of herself, and that kind of love in her life. Hopefully, I'm a decent enough mother to instill that.
- 5. What do you feel is your greatest regret?
Not keeping in touch with my siblings. There's a lot of plans and schemes I never really followed up on, and I don't know but that it's too late anymore. I'd like to know what Kosmo @[member="Ironwolf"] is up to, and where he's taken my ship. I really aught to send @[member="HK-36"] a Holomail or something and see what he's up to - @[member="Sarge Potteiger"], too, if I could find a valid address. Might as well add @[member="Jak Sandrow"] to the list, and @[member="Cira"] and I are a bit overdue for that second glass of wine. I've always been the sort to lose myself in my work, and I think they know that. Sarge does, for sure. I hope they're not offended that I didn't invite them to a wedding that Jorus and I didn't really have!
- 6. If you could have another pet, what would it be?
I don't think a spaceship is any place for a pet, but I wouldn't mind having a dog around for Mara to play with.
- 7. What would you do if you suddenly became independently wealthy?
Already happened. @[member="Jorus Merrill"] and I decided to pass the reigns of our empire off to people better suited to the lifestyle. It's an odd feeling, working your whole life to make a handful of Credit and then making ALL of the Credit - and giving it all up.
- 8. When you look at a stranger, what is the first thing you notice?
Body language. I'm a Lorrdian, it's my native language - people will tell you their truths with their shoulders and hands while lying to you with their mouths.
- 9. What is the most exotic destination you have ever traveled to?
Our exotic getaway is a jealously guarded secret. I'm not telling!
- 0. Hyperspace. How do you pass the time?
Drafting new ships that'll never leave the drawing board. Spending time with my daughter, Mara, or her daddy. Now that I'm not a CEO, I need to do actual work for a living again, but that's fine. It takes more than a year for these callouses to melt away, after all! And I'm still the best salvager for months in any direction, as far as I'm concerned.
- 1. What are your religious beliefs?
Jedi lifting things with a gesture and Sith calling down lightning make a pretty strong argument for the Force being an actual 'thing'.
- 2. Where do you see yourself in 20 years?
I'm not sure - that's the best part. Still married, sure, maybe with another little one to keep Mara on her toes. Might be getting a bit old and grey for salvage work at that point, but that's what apprentices are for, right?
- 3. What is your favorite sin?
Don't tell Jorus, but I sometimes sneak a few cigarettes during the day when he and Mara are busy elsewhere. I don't want Mara to see, of course, so the engine room of the
Gypsymoth has become my own little smoking lounge. I even keep a little stereo and some magazines back there.
- 4. What do you order at a Bar?
Beer, usually? One for me, two for the customer. Or if it's just Jorus and I, a beer for me and a whiskey for him.
- 5. What habit of yours annoys others the most?
I guess it's what I mentioned above - I've got friends, now, so it's kind of rude of me to periodically lose myself in work and forget that I've got people outside of the family who give a care about me.
- 6. What do you want to be remembered for?
Being a good mother, a loving wife, and a hard worker.
- 7. 1 - 10. Rate yourself on possessing: Generosity, Forgiveness, Loyalty, and Wit.
Working on it, not very good, capable, and decent.
- 8. Name something you simply cannot bring yourself to do.
If you're good at something, never do it for free. And never, ever encourage laziness. Even a genius has to pull his weight.
- 9. Bookstore. What section do you find yourself lingering in the most?
If I read - and I usually don't - it's reference books and manuals. Or one of the romance novels I keep in the cubby under my bunk.
- 0. If you could read one person's Diary, who's would it be?
@[member="Fabula Cavataio"]. Love that girl to death, but she's clearly got some profound things going on under the surface that I don't know about. I'd love to help her through 'em, but it's slow work. A cheat sheet would be helpful.