1. What do you think of your name? It's frakkin' snazzy, duh.
2. How often do you like to knock boots? Why can't I just shake 'em?
3. How often do you have nightmares? Like, never. I don't dream.
4. What do you feel is your greatest accomplishment? Finally buying my own ship! Well... kinda...
5. What do you feel is your greatest regret? No regrets! Right? Er... Maybe leaving my parents like I did...
6. If you could have another pet, what would it be? A [member="Kohai Drenn"].
7. What would you do if you suddenly became independently wealthy? Uh, share it with my friends and Mom and Dad.
8. When you look at a stranger, what is the first thing you notice? If they do the spacer shuffle.
9. What is the most exotic destination you have ever traveled to? Kushibah. That was weird.
0. Hyperspace. How do you pass the time? Tinkering, drinking, or cleaning up the mess I made while raiding the kitchen.
1. What are your religious beliefs? I don't know. I'm not even sure where heaven is.
2. Where do you see yourself in 20 years? *drumroll* SPACE!
3. What is your favorite sin? Is drinking a sin? Probably at my rate.
4. What do you order at a Bar? Mantellian brandy, Taanab gin, or Corellian whiskey.
5. What habit of yours annoys others the most? I guess my dialect, or whatever ya call it.
6. What do you want to be remembered for? That's a good question. I hadn't really thought about that... I guess I'd like to be remembered for being a frakkin' snazzy friend.
7. 1 - 10. Rate yourself on possessing: Generosity (9. I'm pretty generous, I think.), Forgiveness (7. Thought I was good there, but having some rattles with Grax.), Loyalty(10. I'm definitely a good wingman. Pretty frakkin' sure, at least.), and Wit (5. I'm kinda quick but I have a feeling I'm not the brightest burner.)
8. Name something you simply cannot bring yourself to do. Lock in with [member="Graxin Rade"]...
9. Bookstore. What section do you find yourself lingering in the most? Bookstore? I don't really read...
0. If you could read one person's Diary, who's would it be? I really don't read--as in, I can't. Not well, anyway. But I wouldn't mind knowing what [member="Davik Tren"] is crankin' in his spare time. Or [member="Robb Killian"]. I think those guys are tracking' for something...