Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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3:10 to Kathol: TKO Dominion of Zonju V Hex


Nobody really knew his current face, so he didn't get that many stares as the Judges offloaded him in one of the station's shuttlebays. The nearby concourse saw nobody but Judges bringing someone in for processing, just a kid in stained coveralls. Simple enough: he could admit some degree of vanity. He'd liberated this region. No point in sullying his good, or at least all-right, name more than was strictly necessary. Then again, he hadn't felt that way in the moment, when he'd been staring down Sedaire and a warrant. Odd to think that he might care more about the opinion of the generalized public than about what Sedaire thought of him.

He didn't resist as they offloaded him in his collar and cuffs. Another set of Judges, weatherbeaten people who'd made some effort to clean up for the formal surroundings, escorted him to an interview room. He knew this kind of room: behind one-way mirrors sat investigators with the authority to ask questions and make decisions about his future. Lovely.
Objective: C (Sponsorship)
Post: 12/15


Wasn’t the strangest request she’d heard at a cantina. She slipped back onto the stool before locking eyes with the Twi’lek bartender. Tula, light blue skin, 23 years old. Captured from Ryloth at 15, served a part of a Hutt’s harem before moving “upwards” to work at one of his casinos serving drinks, eventually mixing them.

That was going a few years back, of course.

A curt nod, and the alien beauty shifted behind the counter to fetch some tea bags—standard, black tea. Nothing fancy, nothing expensive. Fa would undoubtedly taste how economical it was.

Tula stuffed the tea bag into a clean cup and poured hot—not boiling—water over it before passing the mug over to Tai Fa.

“I’ve been well, thank you.” Joza placed her empty martini glass on the counter and shifted so that she’d face her companion better while speaking.

The Twi’lek bartender was already at work mixing up another drink for the Zeltron. Two livers came in handy.

“Construction went well, thanks in part to you generous coordination.” The new glass arrived quickly, and she wrapped a few lithe fingers around the thin stem. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary in erecting the cantina. Normal little bumps in the road, normal ways to smooth them out or maneuver around them.

She raised the glass, using it to gesture to him before taking a sip.

“And yourself? I hope operations are running smoothly. Plenty of competition for mining out here.”

There was no wry undertone, no subtle wickedness to her. Just a simple, honest question in making pleasantries.

[member="Tai Fa"]
[member="Joza Perl"]

Perhaps she had reached out to him, because of his ties to the anti-slavery government on Ryloth.

If Lord Fa was one thing, it was an outspoken critic of the practice of slavery. A dreadful affair in his opinion and not one belonging to civilized society if anyone ever asked him. That did not mean he would privately chide his associates, of course.

They were reasonable and grown-up individuals who could make their own decisions.

"Competition makes the soul sing, my people often say." Lord Fa responded, before accepting his tea and politely inclining his beak to the bartender next. "Competition makes us strive to do better, to do more, to work harder and more efficiently."

He thought about it for a little while.

"No, the competition is a good thing, I think. Besides, few had the foresight of establishing a settlement with expanded facilities - we are here for the longer haul, yes?"

It didn't hurt that Tai was already floating proposals of buying up other mines in the vicinity. It wasn't easy to just start mining. You needed permits and regulations kept you taped out, which meant spending more money than you thought you needed.

Many were in heavy debts while the promised gold was still far away.

A backer with deep pockets could help them in that regard.

Ugohr Poof

The Traveling Gungan Salesman
Location: Zonju 5
Objective: Gold rush
Allies: KO and friends
Enemies: Unknown
Post: 24/38 (writer) 4/5 (Pizza Hutt)

"Malastare headquarters, disen Ugohr, calling in from Zonju 5. Mesa requesten a management team for disen new strip mall on Zonju 5"

So, by pre-ordering restaurant equipment as fit for a pizzeria that could fit inside 350 square meters, Jessica was already planning on signing the lease? Perhaps it was a little rash in Ugohr's mind, but Ugohr knew that they needed tenants for the project to work. May another team finish what I started today, and said team will run the mall, he thought, upon printing the lease agreement with all the preliminary terms, which were very similar to what they got on Terminus, just yesterday, but with the main changes being the space-dependent items in the lease. He presents the final version of the lease to Jessica, having affixed his signature as the landlord's representative, hoping to get the job finished before the clock runs out.

"We only have 20 minutes left, Ugohr" one of the security guards told him.

"Yousa will have hersa lease signed before wesa leave"

Noire Vanya Tal

OBJECTIVE: C - Establish an Aurum Saccs Bank HQ
POST: 8/15 (sponsorship and contract for Aurum Saccs Bank)
[member="Cla'Mari Rha"]

"Oh?" Noire inquired curiously at just what would be that prize. A curiosity that only increased at the sight of what Cla dubbed, "The Fountain." The more that the woman discussed about it, the more Noire was intrigued. It was not unlike any other deal that hadn't been done with an Arceneau Trade Company station.

"That sounds like a valid offer." a pause and then Noire inquired,"What form of reactor or power source are you considering for the Fountain?"

Would they be interested in perhaps utilizing one of BDE - Planck Redistributor?
OBJECTIVE: C - Establish an HQ for MaraTibx
POST: 7/5 contract for MaraTibx
@Bryce Bantem

Six pondered over the request. Logically she knew that her template would have offered a place that would be both comfortable and convenient for Mister Bantem.

"Miztah Bantem," she began, the familiar drawl of the Queen of Trade floating across the comm. "I am at your disposal. Whatever is the most convenient for you." Six added with a faint smile. As a duplicate, she was able to mimic the same mannerisms and subtle nuances of the familiar curvy, redhead.

"What would you prefer?"
Location: Zonju 5
Objective: Gold rush
Allies: KO and friends
Enemies: Unknown
Post: 25/38 (writer) 5/5 (Pizza Hutt)

True, Jessica was going to sign the lease, but upon hearing the security guards warn the Gungan about how time-constrained they are, he'd better have a good reason. I guess, he could be forgiven if his new duties force him to always be on the run: being higher up in the corporate food chain, even in industries where clients are numerous and varied, often gives one a schedule where one has to hustle in their every move, she thought, while finally getting this nerve-wracking expedition done.

"May the Force be with this restaurant"
Objective: C (Sponsorship)
Post: 13/15

There was truth in that. Typically businesses did not think of expanding if they were afraid of competition—hence why many branched out to different avenues, as Joza was experimenting with.

In all honesty, she had a bit of an edge in the entertainment industry. She was decently established in some circles as a dancer, and her race certainly didn’t work against her. Zeltrons were well known for their indulgent, festive behavior. Her people often did well in this sort of field.

Being off world helped too—less completion among other Zeltrons, carrying their reputation in party expertise across the galaxy. Heartbeat’s growth had been slow and steady. That being said, certain areas were harder for her to break into than others.

The cantina had come easily enough to her—she knew her consumer, what sort of market she was catering to. A notch or two above the one she’d grown up in. Designing an environment they’d feel comfortable in was easy.

“One grows best through challenge,” She took a sip of her martini, shortly, before swirling the glass gently. “I’d imagine the same goes for a blooming business.”

Something something struggle, something something adversity.

The crowd had doubled since Fa’s arrival, regular taking up tables and booths, flanking them at both sides on the bar. The waitresses were busy at work, clothing tight and short enough to be pleasing—a little more conservative by Zeltros standards. Enough to be fun to look at, at least.

Joza’s gaze flickered over towards her peacock companion.

“Do you frequent places like this?”

The question was in mild jest, a note of good-natured humor to her voice.

[member="Tai Fa"]
[member="Joza Perl"]

In Lord Fa's experience it was the same in every business.

The only difference was the kind of owner, who operated the company at hand. Some thrived in a situation where anything and everything could happen. Where corporate intrigue was the march of the day and where they were never too sure if competition hadn't gotten the better out of them. At least until the stock updates went up for the new day.

Others... did slightly less well in such tense environments, but usually they were the first to go. First, they would try to compensate their own failures by shorting competition, but eventually they lost control over it all and were doomed.

"Not at all." The Thirriken responded seriously, before taking another sip of the tea. It wasn't very good tea admittedly. But it wasn't polite to just let it stand after requesting it in the first place.

"I prefer more silent accommodations. Perhaps some poetry reading or a tea house."

Lord Fa looked up from his tea, studying Joza intently.

"Yourself?" It was not a joke. Tai was not the kind of individual who made assumptions based on speculation and the skin tone of an alien. That seemed unfair and defeatist in approach, quite frankly. For all he knew this one had finished college top of her class.
OBJECTIVE: C - Establish an Aurum Saccs Bank HQ
POST: 12/15 (sponsorship and contract for Aurum Saccs Bank)
[member="Noire Vanya Tal"]

"Not really sure of the power source but that may be negotiable. If you don't mind me asking what plans do you have for the refining process. My ex husband once took me to a dreadful planets called Devildoor or something like that. Mining seemed to be all they did on that hot, lava filled world. Are you just going to melt the stuff or is it a more elegant process?"

Cla began to sip her tea as she let her new business partner enlighten her on the mechanical process of her business. It was not that she was really interested, more that she wanted to let her partner talk more as she felt she was dominating the conversation to much.
Objective: C (Sponsorship)
Post: 14/15

Joza had, in fact, not graduated college at the top of her class. Technically, she was a high school dropout with an angry, rebellious youth. Raised by a single mother in a tiny apartment in a much seedier area of Zeltros, she hadn’t taken schooling to heart, often skipping class. Her mother wasn’t around much, working late to make ends meet—and she often did. While absolutely loving, Yula Perl was a tired, soft woman who was too exhausted to fight her unruly daughter at every turn. One of Joza’s biggest regrets would always be treating her mother the way she had—ungrateful, bitter and childish.

She’d managed to put the woman through nursing school though—an aging prostitute was typically not a wealthy prostitute. It was the least, the very least she could do for someone who’d loved her unconditionally despite everything she’d put her though.

At the mention of silent accommodations, Joza shook her head lightly in recognition.

“Quiet areas at a certain time and place have their charm.” Not a lie, either. Especially after spending weeks on end with a rambunctious toddler who decided to test all of the different noises he could make.

“Though,” She took a long sip of the martini, pausing just in time as a nearby table unleashed an uproars laugher. “I gravitate towards more stimulating environments. I grew up in the city, so I suppose I’m just more comfortable in places like this.” Ambient noise and the constant bustle of life put her at ease, part of the reason why the idea of camping in the wilderness was so unappealing to her.

[member="Tai Fa"]
Objective: A
Friends: [member="Kimiko"], [member="Bryce Bantam"]

Looking around the establishment, he waved his friend offer aside, smiling. His friend had grown, not only physically but mentally as well. If the red head's brain grew as much as the kid's biceps did; look out world.

"Someone's gotta watch your behind as you eat," Leaning his hip against the counter, he ordered a glass of water, sipping it appreciatively before continuing. "I intend to get you to that date of your's in one piece and on time."

Grinning he looked outside, curious as to who the talkative, not-so-sane woman was really. He never got the full gist from Ki, and din't think he ever would.
[member="Joza Perl"]

Lord Fa inclined his head in acceptance.

In the end it mattered little, he supposed, everyone had their own way of enjoying themselves in the spare time they had. If this one wished to sit around and drink away into the night, while the music rose and the atmosphere thickened... who was he to make a judgement on that? No, it did not matter at all. Perhaps Tai would never be the one to dip in such joy himself, but that was not necessary to accept another person's line of thought.

Besides, without people like Joza, he wouldn't have been able to make money on this cantina.

So it also paid off to be acceptive of other people's habits. Especially when there was actual profit to be had in the mix of it. For a brief moment the Thirriken simply sat there, enjoying his tea and letting it all wash over him.

As a Zeltron Perl would simply sense serenity. From a bird who seemed completely at ease with himself and the world around him.

"Would you like a tour of the settlement itself?" The question came then after another sip was made. "I am aware you were mostly focused on your cantina and may not have had much time to explore."

Negative Prime

Space Elf.. its a thing apparently.
Location: Zonju 5
Objective: Gold rush
Allies: TKO
Enemies: Unknown
Post: 5/5

All in the town was built in a rush but it came together pretty fast.
thank the force for prefabricated housing.
soon the town looked like a .. well town.
it'd need some stiff added.

then The rest of the clan arrived.

then thay messed it all up.
Objective: C (Sponsorship)
Post: 15/15

It was true, the Zeltron hadn’t had much time to tour the other facilities since setting her sights on the cantina. Her focus had been heavily towards developing her business properly that she’d neglected to have a look around at the very area she’d be working with beyond the basic clientele.

Their business venture had been uneventful thus far, which was a good thing. She gathered the impression that Fa knew what he was doing, given the rapid expansion of his company. All in all, she took no issue with him and found the Thirriken rather pleasant in their minimal interactions.

Nothing seemed amiss, of course. Just pretty words between the two to solidify their deal.

“Of course,” Joza offered him a kind smile. “I’m afraid that I don’t know much about mining, but I’d love to see what you’ve established here on Zonju V.”

[member="Tai Fa"]

Noire Vanya Tal

OBJECTIVE: C - Establish an Aurum Saccs Bank HQ
POST: 8/15 (sponsorship and contract for Aurum Saccs Bank)
[member="Cla'Mari Rha"]

"Melt the stuff?" Noire gave a small blink. It dawned on her that she hadn't explained what the refiner and harvester did at all. The brunette immediately apologized.

"Pardon me Miz Cla, I should have been clear." she began, shifting closer so as she could fully face the Twi'lek. A soft smile grew upon Noire's lips.

"The Besh Desh Esk Planck Redistributor is a harvester of Dark Energy." came the elaboration."A source that is plentiful and available readily everywhere."

A small hand gesture followed.

"It refines it into Quintessence."
Objective: Establish A Night Club
Post : 5/5 [12/25]

An influx of companies had come to Zonju V. Many had come to set up a mines, however the majority of them, to her knowledge had come to set up business as soon as the Kathol Outback had arrived. The young businesswoman knew this would be good for service-based companies like hers, as she could get profit out of it.

Maria saw her new nightclub. In the opening day of the club, she cut off a ribbon in ceremonial tradition, as many people came in to see what Golden Entertainment, and local builders had made. All the instructions she had given had been followed to perfection.

"And now onto another adventure." she mumbled, as she saw people enjoying themselves.
Objective: Establish Another Night Club
Post: 6/10[13/25]

And now she was on her way back to Zonju V, in the hope of establishing another night club for Golden Entertainment. She had taken a great risk investing in a planet like Zonju V, when it would be better to establish a Night Club somewhere nearer to the Core. Nevertheless, where others saw a barren world, Maria, at least from an historical perspective, saw a world that would soon have a rising middle class due to the gold rush. Every day, businesses were being made here. In her opinion, the foundations to something great were being laid, and she wanted to get as much benefits as she could from it.

"Transmitting IFF tag." she said, as he began landing on the spaceport. She soon exited her ship, then left the spaceport to the construction site.

It was time to begin.
Objective: Establish Another Night Club
Post: 7/10[14/25]

When she had arrived, she could see a different design, but still following on some of the same things that were prevalent in the two night clubs that Golden Entertainment had established. Despite here efforts, the company was still not as well known as some other entertainment companies in the galaxy. Slowly, but surely though, Maria was beginning to see the company she managed gather more name-recognition, although it most certainly was due to the business she had conducted in Zeltron.

It had been months since she had left Zonju V, and when she had returned, many things were different, at least from her limited perspective. The capital city had experienced a large urban growth. That meant that meant excellent news for her, as it allowed her to tap into a larger market. More importantly however, it meant better growth for the people of Zonju V. A win-win situation for both her, and Zonju V.

"I would like a status report on how the construction is going."

"Yes mam." the individual replied.
Objective: Establish Another Night Club
Post: 8/10[15/25]

"Like before, we are progressing ahead of schedule. Nevertheless, there is a festival arriving in the next few months, and many of our workers wish to participate in it. It is a traditional festival for many of the people here, however it is ahead of the schedule that you specified for us."

Maria then nodded, replying with "Leave it to me, and just proceed at the rate you are going with." She would converse with the heads of Drakos Systems to give them more money to get more workers. Fortunately for them, she knew of a certain someone that could give her the means without affecting his finances, or the finances of Golden Entertainment.

"I'll have the next batch of workers arrive soon." she said, as he she left the meeting room.

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