Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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500 or -500?


The point is to win. If you dont beat the other guy up, they wil beat you up. And its fair - if they arent agresive/determined enogh to make the most of it, they dezerve to kiss the ground in a KO. Something i realy get tired of trying to dril-into the heads of some of the ppl I teach. Some of them keep asking "vhat if I hurt them, vhat if i hit to hard, vhat if, vhat if, vhat it..." yea. Thats not how a fight vorks. If you "give them a chance" you'l be the one beaten. The vhole idea is not to give them a chance, if posible. Takes a degree of ruthlesness. Its diferent if its a frendly spar, ofc, then going easy is ok.

Its a atitude I like to take in-to any kind of kompetitive sport/game. I play to win. As far as this game is koncerned - wel, nothings stoping them from trying to out-post us, so... bring it on, guys! :D

Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.

Wow...Ok. I'll have to take your word for it.
Just that I don't really compete like that. I mean, not in such physical type of sports. Contact sports, rather.
I do like other types of competitions. Like, I do run to see who's faster. But I do look back if I am ahead for like a bit. I don't want to keep going and get too far if like the other person tripped or fell. But yea, I do give it my all in such sports. :D
Wel the same logic applys to all kinds of sports. Give it all u got, and dont vory about the other guy. But theres a reazon I love phyzicality. It tests me, and its kind of katartic, vhen you and the other guy just beat each other up, and give in to it. Its so primal, raw and beutiful. Takes geting used to, tho XD . Kind of like sex, just more... idk... un-restrikted. hehe. Mixing the two is fun as wel.


Yea, you sayed that in the hobbys sektion. I'm impresed! I tryed shooting a bow a few times, a kompound one that my bf some-times uses for hunting... didnt end wel. The arrow ended about 5 meters of the target on most of the shots i maked :p . He tryed to teach me but... just not my thing. I like blades, i can throw a knife prety wel, and I like rifles, to a point (trained alot vith them, aftr all). Alot easyer to use.

Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.

Well, a compound bow has to be measured for you. Unlike a traditional bow which has a varied draw length (meaning a short or tall person, man or woman can use the exact same bow) a compound for the most part can only effectively be used by the user it was designed/set up for. Your arms most likely are not the same length as your boyfriend. And most likely he has a peep sight on it which means your eye wasn't seeing through the sight pins correctly.
Honestly, try a traditional recurve or longbow. You'll be surprised as how you can quickly become attuned to it. Seriously, you'll enjoy it...and you get to spend more time with your boyfriend in something he likes to do. One more thing you'll have in common that you both enjoy. :D

I don't hunt. I strictly target shoot, by the way. :p

Maby your right. It did feel like the arrow vasnt going vhere I aimed it, I suspekted it vasnt sighted right or something, thx for konfirming that. And yea, I dont know alot about bows, thx for the info.

Aniway, bf and I spend alot of time together. Rock climbing, going vith him on his hunting trips (i use a rifle tho XD), he likes sparring vith me, and can handle it rough (hes a kompetent fighter too), so... we do spent plenty of time together. :) . But yea... I think I'l take ur sugestion, and get a bow. Tho, I never seen him use anithing other then his kompound bow, so idk how wel he can teach me to use a re-curve or longbow.

On that note... you shuld try going on a hunting trip some-time. I mean, you wuld do wel, being a good shot. Not only is it a adventure, you learn alot. You learn how to read game-trails, you get to spend alot of time in nature, and vith interesting ppl, and learn even more from them. And that feeling vhen you take down a animal, after vorking hard and spending alot of time, hours, or even days sometimes, tracking it, finding it, and waiting in ambush for it... its empowering. I'd almost kompare it to the rush I get vhen I KO someone hard, after a nice hard bloody match. :D I dont like ppl vho hunt by baiting the game to a feeding ground, thats just un-sporting and easy. My bf and me like the real thing.

I do :) . But... not sure vhat to talk about. Thats actualy me most of the time irl. I'm not exacly vhat one wuld call "chatty", unles the topic hapens to be something I'm interested in, or have a wel-informd opinion on. I dont talk much, never did, im more a "less talking more doing" type. You know that study that says most women on average say 20k vords a day? Wel thats not me :p .

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