[member="Marina DeVoe"] Idk, never been in girl-scouts, the school vhere i vas going as a kid didnt have them. Tho I think over here, theres no actualy distinktion betwen girl and boy scouts. Theres just scouts, in general, and its kids going out on hiking expeditions, learning about nature, and that kind of thing, all of them dresing-up in cute litle blue uniforms vith fancy ties and earning badges. I see them evry now and then, vhen I go out jogging to a hill-side near my city.
But no, unles they also learn to use, field-strip and re-asemble weapons, get vorked half to death on out-door training obstacle corses, are rekuired to perform 120 push-ups in 3 minutes (among other things, and un-like some countrys, the rules here are the same for both genders), learn to operate varius vehicles and mounted weapons, learn certain basics of hand-to-hand combat (realy helps if you alredy have a background on that, like I did), get sent on survival corses in the wild for 5 days at a time.... no, I dont imagine its much like being in the scouts.
Wel, exept being in a uniform. I guess thats vhere the similerity ends.