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500 or -500?


Oh dont get me vrong, I'm VERY inapropriate about most things ;) , but I got a certain rule about not calling anyone kid vho isnt a actual kid. :p Lets just say it irks me, reminds me to much about how the dril-sargents used to treat newbies during my time in the army.

Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.

Hmm.... I’m guessing it’s nothing like being in the Girl Scouts, huh? The hardest thing is trying to sell the most cookies.
But its the parents who sell the bulk of it at work.

[member="Marina DeVoe"] Idk, never been in girl-scouts, the school vhere i vas going as a kid didnt have them. Tho I think over here, theres no actualy distinktion betwen girl and boy scouts. Theres just scouts, in general, and its kids going out on hiking expeditions, learning about nature, and that kind of thing, all of them dresing-up in cute litle blue uniforms vith fancy ties and earning badges. I see them evry now and then, vhen I go out jogging to a hill-side near my city.

But no, unles they also learn to use, field-strip and re-asemble weapons, get vorked half to death on out-door training obstacle corses, are rekuired to perform 120 push-ups in 3 minutes (among other things, and un-like some countrys, the rules here are the same for both genders), learn to operate varius vehicles and mounted weapons, learn certain basics of hand-to-hand combat (realy helps if you alredy have a background on that, like I did), get sent on survival corses in the wild for 5 days at a time.... no, I dont imagine its much like being in the scouts. :p Wel, exept being in a uniform. I guess thats vhere the similerity ends.

Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.

Yea, the uniforms and sash full of badges are like medals on a soldier's uniform. Only the uniforms here are khaki, and the campaigns are more craft based.
No camping trips. Well, truth be told; only followed up to Brownie. That's the ranks before going into the Girl Scouts. Hiking and craft stuff, yea. A sleepover at an indoor amusement park...private booked, of course. :)

Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.

You know them. Not like the big outdoor ones, but for kids. They are like indoor play gyms for kids. Spongy floors, slides, things like that. Those places even book birthday parties and stuff. Sleepovers too and the buiding is secured.
Brownie scouts by the way only go up to like the 3rd or 4th grade depending on your age. Then there are junior etc.
Interest was lost after Brownies.

No I dont know. I hav never seen a in-door amusement park. Must be something you got over there, over here, out-door ones are for kids mainly, we grown-ups hardly ever go to amusement parks at all, unles it is to take a kid there :p . Last time I vizited any kind of amusement park, vas about 2 years ago, vhen I taken my couzin's kid there, vhen i vas watching him for two days. He vas driving me crazy running all over the place, so I decided to take him there for him to have fun and blow-of some steam.

As for b-day partys, those tend to hapen in homes, one kid invites a few others to there home (if there parents alow it), and celebrate.

Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.

Yes, we have birthday parties at home also. But mostly so parents don't have a mess to clean up, they book parties with such places as indoor play areas/establishments. We book parties here in places like bowling alleys, laser tag arenas, etc. There is a lot of indoor entertainment here in the states beside large and extremely large theme parks. I have a yearly pass to what we call Great Adventure and it's water park, Hurricane Harbor. Then too there is the safari ride through open space free roaming animals.

But the indoor ones are good for kids all year round.

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