Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Ball for All(Open to literally anyone)

Vittinghus forced a smile when he shook the hand of @[member="Arthur David Hardrada"]. "The weeks have been treating me well, my lord. Thank you for asking." In truth, Vittinghus had done almost nothing except continue his standard military operations. Constant missions of reconnaissance and searching for any other downed ships in particular had taken up almost all of the weeks in-between then and now. Any missions that Vittinghus hadn't been allocated to do, he had volunteered for. He was particularly suspicious of otherworlder's, but had trust in his lord and therefore dispensed of his suspicions, creating a smile as the two conversed. "And let's hope so, my lord." he replied after Arthur spoke about the foreigners.

Carliah Dakrone

Walking the Path to Redemption
Lilythe lingered in the background of the room, keeping her eyes on Arthur whenever he was near anyone she did not know or trust. While she had not come armed to the teeth and in her usual armor, she did have throwing knives and a dagger hidden on her person and she was more than willing to use them should someone threaten her friend. She hopped that no one would be stupid enough to attack him, but it never did well to under estimate the stupidity of others.


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
//Sorry I couldn't respond sooner, guys! 12 hour shift at work and all//

Well, as to conversations the droid was in, he slightly tilted his head to @[member="Count Morcus"] as he shared his plan of making copies of Magnaguards.
"I am afraid that somebody is ahead of that plan, Young Count, the Galactic Trading Guild has already been manufacturing those before their fall, I believe their holdings of droid works and starfighter construction has been inherited by the current Baktoid company, they have multiple forges for Magnaguard production."
He nodded at that, recalling the information,
"Besides, the Magnaguard are an outdated model, they are rather easily defeated in the field at current times,"
He motioned to the pair Count had by him,
"They may look imposing, but they are not up to the standard anymore, there have been much better droids with similar roles designed at current times, the lightsaber-wielding Echani Warrior-Droids, those hounds the Confederacy uses, I believe Sith had something similar as well, and of course."
He would bow slightly,
"Me and my brethren."
He would look to the Count once more
"I believe that if you wish to place them into the market once more, you need to have a look at their schematics and retrofit them."

Now moving on to @Arthur David Hardada's questions about HK and Sammo, the droid dipped his head slightly in affirmation.
"Yes, Sammo and I have served in the same unit, he then served under my leadership on the same ship. That ship is still in my possession but I have given him my old vessel, it is the frigate he currently sails on, the Young in Spirit."
He slightly tilted his head to Arthur,
"To be honest it was a bribe to keep him away from me, I find him rather annoying."
He nodded to @[member="Lilythe"] then,
"But I will make sure to transfer your thanks to him and make him aware."

And finally, HK would turn around as he heard @[member="Aedan Miles"]'s voice,
"Aedan you are still alive? Be careful of your piracies then, or you may end up with me on your heels. And as to me,"
The droid slightly looked to the others, nodding to Arthur as he moved away somewhere,
"Still leading the Abregado-Rae as Observer, I have returned rather recently from wanderings in the Unknown Regions, Abregado is fine, prosperous and peaceful, and I will be stepping back soon, I am in process of returning more power to the people."
He would look to Aedan once more,
"Of course I will remain there in case things start to turn into crap once more and I need to step in. How about you? Any new adventures?"

He would glance to Aedan's droids,
"Although I believe I may be low on troops, it seems I am the only one who does not bring any soldiers to those things."
Well at least not any he had to reveal just yet, it was always good to have a couple of body guards nearby


Bounty Hunter
Tiberius snuck off the cargo ship that he was stowed away on that had just landed and quickly made his way to the party that was going on. Although he was not invited per say he caught wind of it on his last hunt and decided that attending this party would be a good move for him to get his name out. After all he was a up and coming bounty hunter how else do you get your name out besides being bold. He ducked his way out of any pleasantries to arrive in the grand hall where the party was. He was amazed when he walked in and saw how vast the room was and he did a quick scan of the room for exit points...just in case, occupational habit of his. Tiberius saw many people that seemed to be of importance one way or another and could possibly be clients, although he wasn't the best at parties he viewed this more as a business trip than anything.
Tiberius quickly realized that he was still in full armor (minus his jetpack) and had his twin blaster in their holsters on his hip. It didn't help his cause that he still had his helmet on which didn't bother him any but he knew that probably put some people in the room on high alert and that was the last thing he wanted. He removed his helmet and tucked it under his left arm being careful to not make eye contact with anyone just yet. Tiberius quickly walked to a less populated area of the room he wanted to blend in with the crowd before he searched for potential clients.

((I hope you don't mind the later entry))
Arthur smiled and shook his head to Vittinghus as the man said 'my lord'. "You do realize that you dont have to keep saying my lord, it sounds too much like im commanding you and not having a simple conversation, no need to get too stiff about the nature of this meeting." Arthur knew his words probably wouldnt change much but it would at least make @[member="Vittinghus Naure"] think a little more about things. Arthur's eyes scanned over the area again, noting the newcomer. "Make sure to have a good time my friend, no need for you to be stiff all night, have a drink or something." He smiled at Naure before stepping forward and towards @[member="Tiberius Rex"] "Ahh, and who is that i might have the pleasure of meeting in such relaxed attire, i wish i could dress as such but i have a reputation i have to uphold. Arthur Hardrada, king of this world and soon to be more than such. What brings you to my home in such a fashion, i do hope it isnt with malicious thoughts in mind.


Bounty Hunter
Tiberius smiled and gave a curt nod "no malicious intent @[member='Arthur David Hardrada'], I am Tiberius Rex a simple bounty hunter looking for potential clients and to get my name out. I heard of this grand party of yours on my last hunt, and unfortunately when most of my pay goes into my gear I don't have much of a wardrobe" he said with a slight laugh. "I do apologize though I do not mean to upset any of your guest but I swear on my honor no harm shall befall on anyone tonight unless it is in self defense" he said with a more serious tone.

"Do not worry, expecting people to show up with weapons is not a uncommon thing in my people's culture, im carrying a slugthrower and saber so there is no need to worry about such things. I welcome you to my home and hope that you find more conversations once ours is over, or not, either is conditional upon your own outgoingness or that of others. But for now you'll have to suffer through my talking to you, might i ask what it is was part oif your last hunt? Im a avid warrior myself so i always like a good story and if yours is interesting its worth the listen to." He smiled and looked back at the ceiling and rolled his neck once before looking back at Snogie and breathing in deeply to let his own tensions that he had accumulated without realizing it float away.
Veino slipped slowly over to the wall, noticing that a young woman who had the poise and tension of a warrior in an uncomfortable social situation, which he didn't even really have to use his empathy to tell that, was also near the edges in the same vicinity. He gave a nod and vague, polite smile. "This is quite an impressive place, is it not?"


Hasjo Hallu walked to the grand front doors of the manor. He wore traditional clothes of the Nautolan. Tried seal skin vest with chalk-white bones. Shark skin pouldrons adorned his shoulders. His wrists were accompanied by the fins of dolphins. At first sight it would be known that he was an aquatic species, or liked to fish a lot. A blue woollen cloak was draped over him, the hood drawn up.

Carliah Dakrone

Walking the Path to Redemption
"I've known Arthur for to long to be impressed by this place anymore," She replied glancing over at the person who had spoken to her. She didn't think anyone would be paying attention to her as Arthur was supposed to be everyone's main focus. She studied the man for a few moments before deciding her wasn't dangerous.@Veino Garn
(I apologize for the swap, I accidently posted with the wrong character)

@[member='Arthur David Hardrada']

Tiberius smiled "thank you sir, I will tell you the story of my last hunt but I must warn you I am not much of a storyteller" he said with a shrug. "Currently my main employer is a crime lord on the planet of Tatooine, so he sent me to Coruscant to bring in some minor politician that he had put into power. Tiberius didn't use names to protect his employers identity for the time being, plus he didn't know whether this man would know the politician or not and didn't want to find out he brought in a close friend of his. "So when I got to Coruscant I started tracking him and found him where I find most crooked the cantina trying to get lucky" he said with a slight grin. "As I approached him he realized I was there for him and bolted for what he thought was the back door of the cantina but ended up being the restroom. He cornered himself for me and made my job really easy, so it was no problem to disarm him and capture him. But on my way back to Tatooine with him he tried bribing me and one of those bribes was bringing me here so I could meet some of his influential friends. Naturally I was able to get the key info out of him...he sung like a bird when I acted interested. Sadly though he gave me all the info I needed without me giving him my word that I would release him.

"As soon as I dropped him off at my employers and checked to see if there were anymore bounties....there weren't. I decided to check up on this party he went on and on about, and sir that's why I'm here" Tiberius said with another nonchalant shrug. "I hope my hunt story was entertaining enough for you sir but keep in mind I'm good at bounty hunting not storytelling".
"You did fine my good man, and certainly a interesting chase it seems, being dragged across the galaxy for a simple target and all. I must apologize as there are more that i should get around to before it gets too late or things become less civil. Such things tend to happen in events like this when several different groups are kept in one place at one time." Arthur nodded to @[member="Tiberius Rex"] and moved to look around for another whom he could talk to, his eyes settling on a Jedi whom he had met before and walking to him, stopping with a quick bow before straightening up and speaking. "I must see, it is nice to see a Jedi here, how have you been my acquaintance?" Whether the man remembered him or not didnt truly matter but it would be a topic of discussion after all and certainly an interesting one at that, he was surprised by the Jedi actually being here but anything was possible it seems. @[member="Hasjo Hallu"]
Veino nodded, tracing the room as it stretched out ahead of him and behind him. He winced as his neck started hurting from craning it too far back. "That's impressive then. Even on Coruscant, I haven't seen as many buildings as grand as this. How long did it take to build?" It looked like it took a really long time, for sure. Probably longer than many of the cheap spaceports he'd spent time in.


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