Kei had wanted celebration but one Jedi Master still could not except love, interesting really, when Kei and those here were going to war, but they could find peace in war. That was what he'd show him, emotion yet peace. Protection yet forgiveness.
@[member="Carn Dista"]
Kei walked calmly over to his wife and to Carn, kissing Aditya on the cheek, making sure she was not hurt, "Please go and get the others a drink, my beautiful wife, " He stood face to face with Carn, grining and giving him a respectful nod, in no uncertain terms making sure Carn was facing him, about two feet away.
Carn was obviously not sent by the Jedi council, Kei was a fool to believe he was. This was who their Master's were representing them now? No this was all Carn, this wasn't darron, syn or dragonsflame, they never would have gone there, they were far too much of a man, and a Jedi, to do this to a woman or anyone giving them a hug. That was the crux of the thing, from his studies, to a real old school Jedi a hug was a hug, woman or not.
"I don't know who you are or why you would refuse love, I cannot say who has hurt you in the past, but I forgive you for hurting my wife." He was genuinely sorry for this man, whoever he was could not feel any kind of love, peaceful or not, Jedi needed that compassion, love, else what were they but robots. He breathed deeply, looking at the Master, someone who was strong in the force, but Kei was also a man, who loved a woman, and married her. That was who Carn was manhandling right in front of him, a test to provoke him, a very chidish test now. Lesser men would have lunged for Carn, Kei was not a lesser man.
"You would be the most ill equipped Jedi here of all to stay and fight for anyone, leave in peace." He smiled, that was the general, that was the Jedi, that was what everyone expected of him. @[member="Tracyn Ordo"] was ten times the man Carn was at the moment to Kei. Tracyn he gave a damn. Kei could stand beside @[member="Tracyn Ordo"] because he would not have done this to a women.
Though this was Kei, the man, not the robot. "Any woman deserves respect and you broke that today, you are not a Jedi. It wasn't the council that came, but you. I am sorry I spoke ill of the council, because all today was about, was one man, one small man. Who is no longer welcome" Kei breathed deep of the force, and turned away, leaving Carn to himself and taking his wife with him, Echani flanking him as he did so Carn now found himself facing half a dozen Echani bodies who were equally unimpressed as Kei was. Not moving or fighting, just standing right in front of the master as a white wall, a wall of light.