@[member="Cambria Zadira"] Natol'ine had the very smallest of idea of how to control pain. In fact if you looked close enough you'd see her pinching her right palm with her fingers, still the same girlish smile here though,
"yeah i'd like that, I mean, if you have time." She beamed a Nato-like smile, the face had a bright radiance to it even if pain was behind it, probably more so because of the pain Nato was shielding.
Standing there, against the wall as she continued to hear the judgments from a man she'd never even met, Nato gave a sigh, unlike Kei it made her personally lose interest really fast. The huffed up judgements hurled about, she just wanted to be the best person she could, do the right thing. Through the force a knight like
@Cambria Zadira might sense that Natol'ine, probably the most unlikely of everyone here, would hold the key to a lot of things eventually. A small flicker of it was present, and how that all turned out was still in the making. Just a glimpse, of one unassuming girl who didn't have two words to say to the shouting Jedi, or the flash even, being not overly disturbed by any of the scene.
Flash.... she closed her eyes tight.... Several small crystals through the force were visible on her spine and one larger, damaged, one in her chest. All had a light in their force, on an otherwise relaxed and unassuming girl's aura. The kiffar girl had a strength of character maybe to just stay relaxed, a strength yes and no, but a trait that would increase as time and the war went on. There was definite pain however if you looked closely enough, she took a firewine from @[member="Sera Inkari"], @[member="Fyor Nayus"]'s favorite drink, the old pasty face, she still wished he'd have come with them.
"Heya," smiling very brightly at @[member="Yusan Fenn"], having seen him but not been sure what to say, he was the one who had helped save her. There was a blushing embarrassment, not from a hidden attraction but from not being sure what to say to him, after y'know, saving her life. Maybe a crush? No, she didn't get crushes, no. 'sides, he wasn't her type, no sir.
"How are you doin' big guy?" Big guy was Nato's term of endearment for anyone who she started to care about, though he probably wouldn't know that, physically size didn't really come into it, it was the size of the person that counted.