Kolai Onolz
The Verpine nodded in agreement. "Krksakser, kreserkekkrk, krasakkerkaskerka kreserk kaser." (I am aware of this. I managed to fix the problem by using smaller, but more plentiful, magnetic rails. With these, the smaller pellets where more easily kept in place coming out of the barrel.)
He took the Volley Gun and began to examine it. He admitted that it was a very well put together piece of technology. And it did fix the problem with the pellets. However, he could see a few places where it might be improved. "Ksrserkas Kren. Krser krenerkas kasers." (It's very nice. I might be able to improve it, though.)
He took the Volley Gun and began to examine it. He admitted that it was a very well put together piece of technology. And it did fix the problem with the pellets. However, he could see a few places where it might be improved. "Ksrserkas Kren. Krser krenerkas kasers." (It's very nice. I might be able to improve it, though.)