Inanna looked at her hand. The wound was already sealed, thanks to her Shi'ido physiology, though it still stung a little. "
That's true," she agreed.
Still, she made an attempt at taming the beast. Closing her eyes, she reached out and tried to influence the creature to be a little nicer...
Inanna's eyes flew open and her hands immediately went to her nose. "
Ow, feth!" she exclaimed, cursing like a sailor. The thrown tree nut had hit her square in the nose.
While she pinched her aching nostrils, Resh made his attempt. A few moments passed, then the creature descended from the tree and hopped toward Resh. "
Oh, it's a Kowakian monkey-lizard," Inanna realized as it approached. "
I should've guessed..." There was a reason the nasty little shits were a popular pet among Hutt crime lords.
It was positively cooing now, snuggling up to Resh's leg with its weirdly oversized claws. "
What did you tell it?" Inanna asked, surprised it was being so friendly.