Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A celebration of two. (mandalorians, republic)

Ordo approached, as though he knew it was time to chat. When Rianna introduced him, she bowed slightly. "I'm pleased to meet you, Ordo. And pleased that you could make my friend smile again. I haven't seen her smile like this in a very long time. May the Force be with you both." Leori smiled.

Her hair was still dripping, on the floor. She thought it time to make her exit. "I won't take any more of your time, I just wanted to congratulate you and wish you the best. I think it's past my bedtime." Leori chuckled and nodded to @[member="Ordo"], @[member="Rianna Organa"] and @[member="Aran Ordo"]. "Good night," she said with a wave, before turning and leaving. It would not be the last time they would meet, of that she was certain.

Leori Sheltrak left the party and retired for the evening.
@[member="Leori Sheltrak"] @[member="Rianna Organa"]

Ordo smiled as the nearly soaked Jedi spoke and said her good nights in a hurry. He wasn't a rocket scientist but a wet haired mando and a wet haired Jedi gave the impression someone had gottee their feet wet, along with a few other things.

"Good night Jedi Shektrak." Ordo said as she began to leave. "Aran see her out please."

The young mando walked away with the Jedi and Ordo moved closer to Rianna.

"I think they got a little wet." Ordo said looking at his riduur. The woman was gorgeous in her dress and the night was drawing to a close. "I think soon we should kick these kids home and we can go unwind. How about you?"
"Night Leori, be careful and get dry before you catch a cold" Rianna watched Aran and Leori, "I think you are right, and it will be very interesting to watch and see what happens there" Rianna turned to look up at her husband "I say let everyone stay and drink till their hearts content, but yes I'm ready to go whenever you are"

Rianna was pleased with all everything had gone, how could she be anything but pleased. But. She did wonder what would happen if ever the Mandalorians and the Republic, and Jedi stood on opposite sides, what would she do.

"Good company and a pretty face, maybe?" Betna asked with a laugh. A little color rose to his cheeks, but he did his best not to sound awkward. Flirting wasn't his forte.

That said, she seemed to be interested. Or, at the very least, polite and kind. With this in mind, however, Betna prepared to get shot down. For him, it was the way of things.

@[member="Anija Ordo"]
She laughed lightly and smiled at him. "I don't mind the company, either..." she replied softly as she leaned against the edge of the bar, reaching over to pour him a glass of netra'gal before pouring herself on as well. "So, tell me Arrbi... how did you happen to become the best brewer of Netra'gal in all of Keldabe... if not Mandalore herself...? This is quite excellent.." She looked sideways at him, only slightly self-conscious due to her current attire.
@[member="Arrbi Betna"] @[member="Ordo"]
"Honestly? I got bored one day and taught myself how to brew in my spare time. A few months later I started offering anyone willing a free beer to taste test and it got real popular. I managed to get some money together and got a brewery going. Honestly, it's just the same recipe as anyone else's, I just add a little cinnamon and do a lot of the work myself when I can."

Betna shrugged a little as he took the Netra'gal.

"So what do you do, Miss Anija?" he asked pleasantly.

@[member="Anija Ordo"]
Anija smiled. "I can taste it.." she said softly. "As to what I do.... I'm still training.Boring, I know But I've been focusing a lot on piloting, engineering, and such. Buir was teaching me how to build and repair ships." She looked over at him speculatively. "Buir tells me Mandal Motors was working on revamping the old Bes'uliik design. I'd be interested in acquiring one." She sighed wistfully. "He also wants me to get some more combat experience, but I haven't found an opportunity just yet."

@[member="Arrbi Betna"]
"I don't know about MandalMotors with a new design, but I know Mandal Hypernautics has been cranking out a lot of designs lately," Betna said with a chuckle. It was true, the company had been pumping out ships and fighters more so than ever, though he only knew this because his first business, Mythosaur Munitions, had been subsidized by the much larger company.

"Piloting and such isn't that hard, it just requires a lot of technical know-how and good reflexes. Good intuition is always nice, too," Betna said as he sipped at his drink once more. "What are you trying to get combat experience-wise?"

@[member="Anija Ordo"]
She laughed lightly at his comment. "Of course, buir taught me quite a lot in that area." She was silent for a moment, sipping her drink as she thought about it. "I'm not really sure. Maybe a little of everything... close-range, melee, and blasters?" she shrugged. "I haven't had much opportunity nor inclination to join any of the ongoing campaigns. I've been more focused here at home with my training and all."
@[member="Arrbi Betna"]
"I can teach you a few things if you'd like," Betna offered. "Really, it's training and know-how, but not a lot of people know that it's also thinking on your feet. Tactics on a minute scale, so to speak. It applies to pretty much anything and everything, even with shooting and fighting."

The Mandalorian shrugged and sipped at his beer. It was good, one of his best, but the back of his mind kept telling him that it could be better. Maybe he'd try a little more cinnamon and then cut it with a different blend of hops.

"I can also teach you how to dogfight in a fighter if you want?" he said as he brought his mind back to the task at hand. "I have access to Mandal Hypernautics' hangars so you can try taking on different types of starfighters."

@[member="Anija Ordo"]
@[member="Arrbi Betna"]

She nodded and when she replied, her words were thoughtful. "I am familiar with some of that. I grew up on the streets on Corellia, so had to think on my feet a lot. Though I could probably use some refinement. Buir's training has helped some as well." She took a slow sip of her netra'gal and thought on it some more.

She thought on his second offer. Sure, buir had taught her how to fly and to repair ships. She'd honestly jump at the opportunity to learn more in that area. After a moment, she grinned. "Certainly. I'd be most appreciative of any skills or knowledge you'd be willing to teach me in either area."
Betna nodded and smiled at the young woman before him. He felt they were hitting it off rather well, though he could be wrong. He wasn't that great at reading women if he was honest.

"Sounds great!" he said happily. "Are you free later this week?"

@[member="Anija Ordo"]
Anija thought his question over for a moment and then nodded. "Lek, I should be. Not sure what else buir has planned for me. He's been pretty busy lately." She sighed and shook her head as she sipped her netra'gal. "And I would welcome company."

@[member="Arrbi Betna"]
@[member="Arrbi Betna"]
That got her attention quickly, and her eyes widened for a moment as she studied him. "Uhm.. two days should do fine. I don't think Buir has me doing anything for him for at least another week.." she replied with a smile as she nervously brushed a few strands of hair from her face. "Where did you want me to meet you... Mandal Hypernautics hangar?"

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