Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A celebration of two. (mandalorians, republic)

@[member="Aran Ordo"]

Leori swam about twenty feet before diving down further and backtracking so that she would be underneath him when he passed. When he passed, she poked him in the chest and belly. Then she popped out of the water behind him. The Jedi Master was laughing.

She waited for him to surface again and possibly protest verbally before she pulled water from twenty feet behind him, creating a large wave that would crash over his head just after she grinned.

Not Ordo

Just under the upper hand.
Aran popped up for air and sputtered after the pokes. He held his only clothing on and began to protest. However, hardly a word came out before he was drenched with a wave.

He should have known it from the grin. He dropped below the surface with the wave and swam for bottom.
Two could be tricky. He swam below her and tried to pop up behind her and pull her under from behind.
@[member="Aran Ordo"]

Leori guessed that he dove under the water since he wasn't on the surface when the wave dissipated. He was nearby though, she could sense it. The Jedi Master would give it a few more moments, just in case.

He was getting closer again. And he pulled her under. She hadn't been expecting that. Bravo to him for pulling one over on her.

But she wasn't finished yet. With the Force, she took hold of him and raised him to the surface, then out of the water as she surfaced again. Leori grinned again as he rose higher in the air. "Now that wasn't very nice was it Aran?"

Not Ordo

Just under the upper hand.
@[member="Leori Sheltrak"]

'Ha ha!" He thought for a moment in triumph. He got her. See Jedi weren't so all powerful.

That brief line of thought quickly disappeared however as he found he could no longer move his arms. He quickly began moving towaed the surface and not because he wanted to. Within moments he popped out of the water and began rising above the surface. His mouth was open with surprise and then he managed a grin. He knew when he was beaten.

"What if I say sorry and offer a truce?" he asked
@[member="Aran Ordo"]

Leori grinned. "But you're not sorry. A truce is for your benefit more than mine hmm?"

She tapped her chin as though she was considering it. "I accept your terms." And then she dropped him.

Not Ordo

Just under the upper hand.
@[member="Leori Sheltrak"]

"Leori! Wai...!" He started to say as she released him and he began fallimg toward the water. He tried to angle himself so that he would belly flop but it only half worked and his legs slapped the water.

He came up and looked at Leori with a look of sheer terror.

"Close your eyes!" He said in a hurry. He had managed to not belly flop but he had lost a crucial piece of clothing. His only piece.

He tried to swim around her as his soaked boxers floated behind her.

"Just have to go over there." He said embarassed.
@[member="Aran Ordo"]

Leori winced a little bit as he hit the water. It certainly sounded painful....and he lost his underwear. Now it was just funny. But she tried to keep a serious face as he look abosolutely terrified when he looked at her. She just couldn't keep it together when he told her to close her eyes. The Jedi Master laughed.

Leori shook her head, and used the Force to lift the boxers, and drop them on top of his head. She grinned. "There you go." The Jedi Master wasn't one to gawk at him, so she wasn't even looking anywhere that wasn't above the water's surface. And she ducked under the water silently.

Under the water, she swam underneath him then behind him. She ran her finger down his spine then tried to swim away.

Not Ordo

Just under the upper hand.
@[member="Leori Sheltrak"]

Aran watched in dismay as the boxers he had been hoping to grab rose from the water and planted on his face. He reached up slowly and pulled them off his face to see she was gone...again. He was about to drop below the surface when he felt a finger run down his spin and send chills up his back.

"GAAAAAAA!" He yelled. Then without thinking he jumped to try and catch her as she swam away.
@[member="Aran Ordo"]

The muffled sounding yell that he let out made it all worth it. She stopped just out of his grasp after he jumped. Leori turned around and saw that he still hadn't managed to get his underwear on, for they were floating where they were.

"Decided not to bother with the underwear eh?" Leori chuckled. "That's brave of you."

She just smirked and used the Force to launch herself out of the ocean as a Dolphin would jump from the water, and she reentered the water, grabbing his underwear. And she began to swim back to shore with all the speed she could muster.
To be completely honest, Kiskla was used to being liked. She was charismatic enough, and her tongue-and-cheek commentary awarded her the snickers and appreciation of most. However, when it came to knowing her and liking her? She wasn’t sure how many there were. In fact, Marcello didn’t even know her, despite his fairly accurate description of herself — especially on the point of cynicism. As far as company went, there were rarely opportunities for genuine smiles or bits of laughter; apart from Phylis Alince she wondered if there was anyone in her recent or immediate circle that had the opportunity to genuinely make her smile out of humour.
To be honest, she’d noticed that from time to time but had focused her attention elsewhere, on things that did encourage a genuine smile; like the ascension of those she taught. Still, she was impressed by his frank assessment; one of the reasons she’d reached out to him on the Necropolis was his ability to remain practical in a potentially compromising situation. A trait she was sadly short in. Sure, she could make snide commentary in the face of oppression, but that was her cynicism once more and her disconnect with the reality that perhaps she might never speak again if she didn’t learn to hold her tongue.

His explanation was fair enough, and she appreciated his honesty. As a Jedi, he’d been conditioned to resist the tempting appearances of those one might find appealing - therefore his explanation revealed the brutal reality that it was more than just her features that caused his reactions.

She shifted her weight, slightly uncomfortable.

The fact that Marcello was so boldly independent was largely the reason that Kiskla could entertain the idea of reciprocation. It wasn’t a forced emotion, because she obviously had copious amounts of respect for the Naboo native; and his ability to maintain a façade of relaxed humour when she’d been on her death bed was remarkable, as was his patience demonstrated on Anaxes. She was exhausting and a pain, she knew that, but the cool thing was he knew that too. Either way, she suspected that if anything were to unfold that it would be hindered by constant nearness. As a fact, Kiskla was a distant person and preferred to be enigmatic. She liked to work on her own, or shelve her own responsibilities. She was an only child and was therefore used to being left to her own devices.

Abstaining from interrupting, Kiskla looked toward the sprawl of the skies and followed where Marcello was looking to find whatever had slipped his mind. He mentioned she was irritating, and her jaw tensed in offence, although the thoughts of understanding stuck her immediately afterwords and she looked back at him while he spoke. There was a slight nod to her movements, indicating her appreciation of his honesty.

She lifted her hands to her face and pressed against the middle of her nose, and expanded down her cheeks. She wasn’t good at conversations that threatened to step on emotions. She was downright awful at them; especially when she had the potential to hold a lot of sway in the outcome. Although, Marcello didn’t seem particularly bothered by the outcome, which was nice.

But that still didn’t explain why the expression had been so public. Even this outpouring was in a somewhat confidential area. She decided that she would pursue it at another time, considering he seemed in an area where he had given up the opportunity for solid ground and was standing in a relatively vulnerable spot.

For someone who usually had all the answers, she was woefully silent. Did she thank him, kiss him again? What did she do now?

“Hm.” She acknowledged simply, although she hadn’t actually meant for the sound to slip from her diaphragm. It sounded more condescending than anything and that’s not how she wanted to put anything.
Why couldn’t they just fisticuffs again? At least she knew how to do that. She usually liked an audience, but not when it came to her personal life, only for her skill or exerting her political prestige. She honestly couldn't think of a thing to say, other than the fact she appreciated his honesty -- him standing there took courage. Or maybe it didn't. He would move on if things went awry, it sounded like he always did.
Instead of focusing on what was serious, or between them, Kiskla emotionally retreated. Now she could understand his confusion. Being put in the spotlight was awkward and she tucked some hair behind her ears before realizing that his stomach was growling louder than his words. She used that to work with, rather than addressing how she might feel or how she could feel.

For once, she needed some time to come up with some sort of reply; witty or otherwise. Congratulations Marcello, there's only been one other to back her into a corner ever. She didn't like it, and she would allow her defiance be manifested openly. Besides, unlike Marcello her reactions were rarely calculated; and in the moment she admired his bravery of admittance. She oft' admired him, but when it was personal? There would be a reward.
Now, Marcello was of impressive stature, but Kiskla was no midget herself. Swiftly, she made his comfortable distance uncomfortable and reached up to cup his rugged jawline. With the assistance of her heels, she gave a slight tug to even the playing field and pressed her mouth against his. It was maybe seven mississippis after she had captured his lips that she released them, and dropped her hand and took a step back. Her initial reaction had been to recoil; but then she realized that wasn't who she was, and that's not how she would turn this out to be. Thoughtfully, she recalled his stomach's growl and spoke on it, buying herself some time for her own thoughts.

"You should probably address that." She was giving him the option to go his separate way, but more than that, she took a large step backward to indicate that if he were to go get some sort of nutrition she would not be accompanying him.

@[member="Marcello Matteo"]

Not Ordo

Just under the upper hand.
@[member="Leori Sheltrak"]

Aran's eyes widened once again as he realized she was right he had forgotten his underwear. He stopped to turn back as she used her jedi trick to jump out of the water and come down and grab his underwear. She instantly started streaking toward shore.

"Leori!" He called swimming after her as fast as he could. "Leori! Hey hold on! That's not funny!" It wasn't funny mostly because it was happening to him, but that was beside the point.
@[member="Aran Ordo"]

The Jedi Master could hear him calling and could only smile to herself. Leori reached the beach again and turned to watch him frantically swimming. She swung his underwear with a grin. "Come and get them Aran!" She called.

Leori wasn't mean. She would wait until he was closer before giving them to him. When he was near the shore, she turned away from him and tossed them over her shoulder for him to retrieve. And she stood smirking.
@[member="Verz Horak"]

Well then they'd be going over new territory together, she smiled and once again felt the heat in her face. She began to taste the foods, washing it down as she went, looking over at Ord'ika and his new wife. Wife. Hard to think of him married, not that he couldn't be, but he just never seemed the type to need anyone.

Then she looked at over Verz'ika, and smiled just for no reason, but to smile.

Not Ordo

Just under the upper hand.
@[member="Leori Sheltrak"]

Aran was actually a good swimmer unlike his buir and made good progress. She said come get them? Well he steeled his nerves and made it to where he could touch and began walking to the shore.

He was waist deep when she turned and tossed his underwear at him. She was a good shot too as they landed on his face. He walked a little further in and slid his underwear back on. He moved quietly as she stood with her back to him likely smirking.

He however like his father was stubborn and decided to run up silently and wrapped his arms around her.

"I knew I'd catch you eventually." He said as he braced himself for the inevitable trick.
@[member="Aran Ordo"]

Leori didn't hear Aran coming toward her, but she could sense him. She didn't move. When he wrapped his arms around her, she realized how cold the water was. The Jedi Master warmed her body, and in turn his, since he was pressed against her back. "You got me," she said sounding defeated for his benefit. The warmth was nice, and comfortable.

"Now that you caught me, are you going to punish me? Or did you have something else in mind?"

Not Ordo

Just under the upper hand.
@[member="Leori Sheltrak"]

Aran smiled and turned her around. Maybe He should. Maybe he should get her. She smelled nice and she was warm. What would people say if they came out and saw them there in b their underwear standing so close. He leaned in for a kiss and stopped himself.

"You are quite a woman miss Leori Sheltrak, Jedi Healer." He said as he offered hos hand and put an arm around her.

He waited. Why should they not dance? Makes as much sense as anything else. He thought about a Kiss again but he would see how things went first.
@[member="Aran Ordo"]

Leori was turned around. She looked up at him as she waited for his response. A lengthy silence told her that he was considering his next move. He leaned closer then stopped himself. The Jedi Master was glad that he did. It was better than having to ruin the evening by rejecting him and having to leave before it got awkward. Now was not the time.

She smiled when he spoke. "I know that I am," she agreed, and resumed their previous dance position. "You're a good sport Aran."

Leori would begin dancing when he began leading as he had before. "I haven't had this much fun in a very long time."
Rianna watched Ord'ika as he went out to make merry with his friends, she could not actually believe she was married and her friends and some of her family had arrived to help celebrate. As Rianna sat there watching, she felt the familiar presence of her sister @[member="Arianna Darklighter"]. Looking towards her she could still see hints of disappointment in her face.

Rianna smiled, "You can give it up you know, its not as bad as you think" Rianna knew her sister was just upset over how she had gotten married not that she was married, though some words regarding Mandalorians had been spoken.

Arianna came up and sat next to Rianna, "You know Rianna he is Mandalorian, the first time he shows up at the House the staff we think he's attacking" Arianna just was not sure how her sister the quiet, bookish healer was going to make a marriage with a warrior such as Ordo. It seemed to her it was doomed before it had even begun, and she had told her sister as much when she finally told her.

"Plus I'm rather disappointed you didn't like my choice of dresses" Arianna smiled, teasing her sister, "but you deserved it you should have helped more" Arianna picked up a glass of wine from the table, from the spot marked with her name. "This should have been held on Alderaan, you should have been married there in a manner fitting a Dutchess of Alderaan." Arianna was bitter, how come her sister always seemed to cut corners. "@[member="Theodosius"] and @[member="Faith Balor"] were unable to come, Theo stayed for business and Faith said something about @[member="Dar'yaim Balor"] being out on business and no one to stay with Bud and Arla" Arianna sighed, "Theo by the way sent a bottle of a very good wine, I left it at your farm house for you and your husband"

Farmhouse, her sister the Dutchess would live in a farmhouse.

Arla, the name again. Rianna looked over to Arianna, "D's family," Rianna looked around on the floor for Arla, "do you see the red head over there with the orange armor." Rianna felt excitement building within her as if she were chasing a clue, "her name is Arla Balor"

Arianna looked over, "Interesting, I'll have to find out. Don't know many Balor's"

Arianna reached for Rianna's hand, "Are you sure he's the one, cause just as easy as it is to marry you can divorce I looked it up" She wanted to protect her sister, wanted to make sure she was happy.

Rianna shook her head, "Dear Arianna, I really do love him" that would end it, Rianna knew even watching the brown eyes of her sister as they looked over to Ordo, who was so different from Rianna. She would let it go. They were all family, a tight family this would be fine.

Arianna smiled, "Do you think they know?" This was a familiar conversation for them, the only survivors of their family, the only ones left to carry on the name Organa until Theo and Faith came along. Rianna felt a sadness growing within her, she missed her parents even still. She wanted to bring down House Ulgo, but could not. Rianna leaned over to Arianna, "I think they know, and watch, and are proud of who we are." It was the most comfort she could ever offer.

"Do you think Maeve is still alive Rianna?" The other unanswered question, Rianna shrugged her shoulders, "I don't know I never stop looking, one day we'll know" The day was already long, the night sky was filled with stars, Rianna was growing tired.

Not Ordo

Just under the upper hand.
@[member="Leori Sheltrak"]

Aran began to lead a pleasant slower step as night began to creep up on them. She was different and she was fun. He didn't know where this would go but it was nice just to enjoy.the moment.

"I haven't had fun like this for years." Aran replied. "Thank you for the company."
@[member="Aran Ordo"]

Leori danced with Aran there in the sand, both standing dripping wet in their underwear. It would be strange to passerby people, but she had yet to see anyone. The fun unfortunately would have to end eventually, and life return to a semi normal state. For now, she could enjoy it though.

"Thank you. You have no idea yet how nice it is to let my guard down for a little while and have fun." It would probably come up at some point. But that was not a conversation that she would be having this evening or any one soon.

The Jedi Master looked up at the dark sky. "It's getting late, and I haven't even congratulated the bride and groom." She laughed. "Actually, I haven't met your father yet."

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