To be completely honest, Kiskla was used to being liked. She was charismatic enough, and her tongue-and-cheek commentary awarded her the snickers and appreciation of most. However, when it came to knowing her and liking her? She wasn’t sure how many there were. In fact, Marcello didn’t even know her, despite his fairly accurate description of herself — especially on the point of cynicism. As far as company went, there were rarely opportunities for genuine smiles or bits of laughter; apart from Phylis Alince she wondered if there was anyone in her recent or immediate circle that had the opportunity to genuinely make her smile out of humour.
To be honest, she’d noticed that from time to time but had focused her attention elsewhere, on things that did encourage a genuine smile; like the ascension of those she taught. Still, she was impressed by his frank assessment; one of the reasons she’d reached out to him on the Necropolis was his ability to remain practical in a potentially compromising situation. A trait she was sadly short in. Sure, she could make snide commentary in the face of oppression, but that was her cynicism once more and her disconnect with the reality that perhaps she might never speak again if she didn’t learn to hold her tongue.
His explanation was fair enough, and she appreciated his honesty. As a Jedi, he’d been conditioned to resist the tempting appearances of those one might find appealing - therefore his explanation revealed the brutal reality that it was more than just her features that caused his reactions.
She shifted her weight, slightly uncomfortable.
The fact that Marcello was so boldly independent was largely the reason that Kiskla could entertain the idea of reciprocation. It wasn’t a forced emotion, because she obviously had copious amounts of respect for the Naboo native; and his ability to maintain a façade of relaxed humour when she’d been on her death bed was remarkable, as was his patience demonstrated on Anaxes. She was exhausting and a pain, she knew that, but the cool thing was he knew that too. Either way, she suspected that if anything were to unfold that it would be hindered by constant nearness. As a fact, Kiskla was a distant person and preferred to be enigmatic. She liked to work on her own, or shelve her own responsibilities. She was an only child and was therefore used to being left to her own devices.
Abstaining from interrupting, Kiskla looked toward the sprawl of the skies and followed where Marcello was looking to find whatever had slipped his mind. He mentioned she was irritating, and her jaw tensed in offence, although the thoughts of understanding stuck her immediately afterwords and she looked back at him while he spoke. There was a slight nod to her movements, indicating her appreciation of his honesty.
She lifted her hands to her face and pressed against the middle of her nose, and expanded down her cheeks. She wasn’t good at conversations that threatened to step on emotions. She was downright awful at them; especially when she had the potential to hold a lot of sway in the outcome. Although, Marcello didn’t seem particularly bothered by the outcome, which was nice.
But that still didn’t explain why the expression had been so public. Even this outpouring was in a somewhat confidential area. She decided that she would pursue it at another time, considering he seemed in an area where he had given up the opportunity for solid ground and was standing in a relatively vulnerable spot.
For someone who usually had all the answers, she was woefully silent. Did she thank him, kiss him again? What did she do now?
“Hm.” She acknowledged simply, although she hadn’t actually meant for the sound to slip from her diaphragm. It sounded more condescending than anything and that’s not how she wanted to put anything.
Why couldn’t they just fisticuffs again? At least she knew how to do that. She usually liked an audience, but not when it came to her personal life, only for her skill or exerting her political prestige. She honestly couldn't think of a thing to say, other than the fact she appreciated his honesty -- him standing there took courage. Or maybe it didn't. He would move on if things went awry, it sounded like he always did.
Instead of focusing on what was serious, or between them, Kiskla emotionally retreated. Now she could understand his confusion. Being put in the spotlight was awkward and she tucked some hair behind her ears before realizing that his stomach was growling louder than his words. She used that to work with, rather than addressing how she might feel or how she could feel.
For once, she needed some time to come up with some sort of reply; witty or otherwise. Congratulations Marcello, there's only been one other to back her into a corner ever. She didn't like it, and she would allow her defiance be manifested openly. Besides, unlike Marcello her reactions were rarely calculated; and in the moment she admired his bravery of admittance. She oft' admired him, but when it was personal? There would be a reward.
Now, Marcello was of impressive stature, but Kiskla was no midget herself. Swiftly, she made his comfortable distance uncomfortable and reached up to cup his rugged jawline. With the assistance of her heels, she gave a slight tug to even the playing field and pressed her mouth against his. It was maybe seven mississippis after she had captured his lips that she released them, and dropped her hand and took a step back. Her initial reaction had been to recoil; but then she realized that wasn't who she was, and that's not how she would turn this out to be. Thoughtfully, she recalled his stomach's growl and spoke on it, buying herself some time for her own thoughts.
"You should probably address that." She was giving him the option to go his separate way, but more than that, she took a large step backward to indicate that if he were to go get some sort of nutrition she would not be accompanying him.
@[member="Marcello Matteo"]