Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Chance Encounter [Feena]


Well-Known Member

Striding briskly from the back his transport, Ziaden straightened his shirt and pants quickly before stepping into the Peace of Mind, a rather expensive restraunt not that far from the Monument Plaza. He hated dressing up so cordually, but it was better to keep up the appearance and show up nice than to have to answer questions.

Currently he was wearing a matching outfit that had cost him 500 creds. It was of course black, luckily not only so. Along the sides of the back of his arms starting near his wrist and ending near his shoulders were navy blue intricatly designed flames. The collar on the front of his shirt came up to this somehow still dashing, frilly puff of black and navy lace. He had it modified from the original design to minimize the poof in the front, he felt it was hideous but was sworn to -at blade point- that it was more fashionable. It was made out of some exspensive silk he couldnt remember.

Greeted at the door by a man in an expensive suit, Zaiden explained his reservations and was led through the massive glass doors and into the serving room. Massive diamond and crystal encrusted golden chandeliers hung from the cieling. To his left was massive ornate windows that showed the distance of the massive city-planet that was Coruscant. He did not like the Jedi, but he loved the was home..

Growling low in his throat, Zaiden ripped the lace off the front of his dress shirt. In his oppinion the tears were more fashionable.

Hell anything is more fashionable, He thought, as he rubbed the little black spot on his throat, that looked like a small crescent moon. His birthmark itched from the lace rubbing against his neck, and this was something he could not stand.

The waiter he realized had been talking consistently since they entered, while he had been lost in his own thoughts. With a raised hand to silence the man, "Is my guest here yet?"

"No sir, not yet. But as I said, you are welcome to wait at your table for him or come back. We may be able to find other options if necessary." The man replied nervously, clearly not used to being hushed.

"I'll wait." Zaiden replied, gesturing for the man to continue to show him his table.
The Eternal Queen
Feena had been here before, so often that she was recognized at the door at once. She'd been coming here since she was a child, when ever Father was home (rare as that was) he would reward her for doing well in her studies by taking her out. It was the only time she was ever allowed outside, at least until she was brought the the Jedi.
She was led to their 'finest table' with the simple greeting of 'Master Jedi', and also poured a glass of blossom wine without her needing to ask first. For today, she was dining alone, but this was where she would often take clients and her well-to-do friends in the republic. Once she even dared to take her husband and children here. Once. Her son Cecil had been well behaved, even the baby Felicity had been reasonably quiet, but Lucinda decided that a food fight would 'liven the place up'.

"My Lady, would you like an appetizer or a salad?"
"A salad, if you would please. My usual."
"Very good, Madam."

As the stuffy-looking waiter walked away, Feena took a moment to examine tonight's clientele. The usual business types, nobody of importance today. And there was a new person too. A... force user? She stared at him for a long time across the room. Not someone she recognized. Jedi? Maybe, but if he was a Jedi, then surely he would have recognized her.


Well-Known Member
Zaiden kept his eyes on his menu, but the force was whispering to him. Someone had eyes on him. Pretending to be a normal man unaware of the eyes, he would know if it was simple coincidence in a moment if the staring continued.

Grabbing his shoulder length hair, he pulled it back and tied it tight in a long thin tail that draped over his shoilder. He looked to the man standing next to himself waiting.

"Bring me wine. No preference. As long as it is exquisitely tastey, and slightly fruitful. Then tell your waiters I wish to be left alone to my own devices." Zaiden stated calmly, and with that handed back the menu. The man nodded and walked off without another word.

Sighing, Zaiden pulled out his holocom. No word. So then the man should be here within the next half an hour. Absent mindedly he found himself stroking his neck again the irritation still evident.

"Gotta slice Harko to pieces when I get back. Wasteful fashion sense." He murmured thoughfully.
The Eternal Queen
The Councillor stared and continued to stare. It was rude, yes, but only someone of noble breeding, only someone who actually belonged here would take notice. Something about him.... Her eyes locked on the birthmark he was scratching at. Something familiar.... She could not put her finger on it. She motioned for the waiter and leaned in.
"That gentleman over there," she asked quietly, "who is he?"
"I am not sure, Madam," he answered, "I have not seen him here before."
"I see... I will cover his dining expenses tonight," she decided on a whim, "And send him a bottle of your finest blush wine."

With that, the waiter nodded and took off to do as she asked. She took a slow sip of her wine and waited.


Well-Known Member
Zaiden could feel the stare continuing, and it alerted his other senses. He immediately took notice, when a completely different man showed up almost the moment the other left. The new waiter bore an expensive bottle of wine.

"Compliments of Councillor Feena." The man said, holding the bottle for Zaidens approval. Which he did of course.

"Without appearing to be listening, point this Councillor out for me." Zaiden murmured, lips impeccably still. The man, clearly not used to this sort of situation, stilled and pointed her out underneath his armpit.

Looking under his eyelashes, Zaiden saw whom the man pointed out. She was obviously staring right at himself..

"Offer her a seat at my table, and please do not allow her to pay for that bottle." He said, as the man finished pouring him a glass and set the bottle down.
The Eternal Queen
he was trying to be indiscreet when he looked at her, but Feena's cold metal eyes picked that up in an instant. She didn't even blink, even as she was invited to sit with him. She smile though as she walked over.
"I don't believe we've been introduced. I know everyone here, but I don't know you," she said as she took s seat, holding one hand out to him as her other hand expertly cradled her expensive wine glass, "Councillor Feena Mason of the Jedi Order."


Well-Known Member
Zaiden shook her hand gently, "Hello. I am Zaiden James. I do not come here often, that tis the reason behind our having never met. I must say thank you for picking out a most delicious wine for me. Sorry though that I cannot allow you to pay for it. If I may be so bold, what was it about myself that caused you to stare?"
The Eternal Queen
Zaiden James. She smiled and drained her glass. Couldn't let her pay for it? Silly. She said that she would pay for his entire meal. That included drinks.
"I apologize for staring," but of course, she wasn't really sorry, "There was a sense that I knew you from somewhere. Perhaps I've seen you around the Jedi temple?"


Well-Known Member
At this comment, Zaiden decided to give the woman a more thorough examination...

She's right..I do know her from somewhere, Zaiden thought. He couldn't place his finger on it but he to felt a connection. Smiling slightly, he shook his head. "Never been to the temple. But your right. I feel I know you as well. Did you grow up around here?"(OOC: Where was Feena born cause he has to have been as well haha)

Taking a big swallow of his wine, he savired the taste and nodded in appreciation to Feena. Swirling the drink, he stared at the woman eyes.
The Eternal Queen
She stared back, fingers delicately tracing along the fine crystal glass.
"Yes I did, in fact," she answered, "I was born and raised on Coruscant. It's been my home for my entire life."
The city planet. She loved it with her entire being, although, she was privileged. Lucky to have been born to a family with influence, old money. The upper levels of the city were beautiful, safe, but that did not mean that she did not take the time to understand life in the lower levels. She always tried to be a compassionate woman.

"And you?"


Well-Known Member
"I was born here on Coruscant as well. But raised on several different different planets. My father was a well known smith around here. Even the Sith would covertly sneak into republic space to buy his armors. But my mother...I don't know anything about her, other than she was important. My father didn't like talking about her." He said, taking yet another drink.
The Eternal Queen
She listened with quiet interest, taking tiny lady-like sips of her wine. The story was fascinating, but something about it was... familiar.
Probably because you don't like talking about your mother either, she reminded herself.
That was it, she was sure.

"Ah, fascinating," she replied politely, "but such a shame that you did not know you mother."

Or perhaps it was merciful. Mothers are not always maternal...


Well-Known Member
Zaiden smiled andd shrugged, "I'm turning out alright without her assistance. What about you?"

Zaiden kept surprising himself by not hitting on this woman. Subconsciously he couldn't, why being illusive to him. He for the most part, was a womanizer. Not treating them horid, quite the opposite. He had gone through so many though that it was a second nature, and to find himself in no way attracted to this woman surprised him.
The Eternal Queen
Surprising indeed. Feena knew she was a beautiful woman, and she used that to her advantage. Not maliciously so! She was a married woman, after all and entirely dedicated to her husband. But that didn't mean that she was above smiling a little bit or fluttering her eyelids to get what she wanted. She was a smart woman and she knew weaknesses.
Still, this one did not have that weakness. In fact, she couldn't see this ones weakness at all. Odd.
"Oh, I don't talk about my Mother either. Let's just say... she had better things to do than spend time with a baby," she smiled bitterly, but the sudden realization hit her that she never spoke to strangers about her family. Never. Still, she could not quite stop herself. "She was beautiful though. I suppose that was something. My Father was kind at least, but he was so rarely home. I almost never saw him around. I had the servants to keep me company."
She shrugged it off. Somehow, she was not afraid of this one using the information against her.


Well-Known Member
Zaiden listend intently, pouring himself another glass of wine. She was someone he found himself speaking to with surprising ease, uncommon. Sipping from his glass, he felt himself growing more steadily into believing this woman a friend.

"At least you were looked after. My father was always working, and when he wasnt he was beating me senseless. My older brothers all looked to me as a place to vent their anger. Living here on Coruscant..," He murmured as he gestured aroun himself, "Would have been a heaven for me."
The Eternal Queen
Such a pity. Feena studied him a little sadly, but there was understanding on her face.
"My mother beat me too."
She never admitted that to anybody. This was a first. She'd never even come out and told her own husband. He knew of course, but not because she wanted him to know.
"Even Coruscant has it's issues."


Well-Known Member
Zaiden nodded wagging his finger for a second, "Very true. Very true indeed. I'm sorry to hear your mother was so cruel. I could take it every step and in some way probably deserved it, so it was acceptable. But a woman should never have to."

Realizing what he had said he raised a hand, "Not to say you could not take it because you clearly can. Women deserve better though. They remain the purest for longer so should be treated better. Anyways I wonder what it is about me that caught your eye."

The Eternal Queen
A woman? Feena raised a thin dark eyebrow at her new companion for the evening. So he thought just because she was female she could't take it? That she was weaker automatically for being born with an X chromosome rather than a Y? Her eyes narrowed to let him know that such an assumption would never fly with her, but he quickly tried to cover his words- unsuccessfully, in Feena's opinion. She did not think that women deserved anything but complete equality with their male counterparts. Neither was better or worse.
"I can't say for sure what it was that caught my eye. You did look awfully familiar. You remind me of my Father a little bit."


Well-Known Member
Zaiden scratched the back of his neck sheepishly, "Oh how so?" He complely regretted his decision to express concern...

Zaidens brows furrowed, having just realized he had even gone far enough to be concerned for a woman he did not know. This is odd.."Im beginning to think I know you and can't remember..." He murmured thoughtfully.

The Eternal Queen
"It's your eyes, actually. And your face. And...."
She trailed off, staring at his neck. There was a birthmark there and it felt strangely familiar.
"Now I know we've met before."

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