Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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This was working well enough, Jaster preferred to stay quite as the negotiations continued on their path. Lady LaFleur seemed to have things in hand, and he would expect nothing less from the women. She was given the position she had because of her strong intelligence as well as her lips made of silver.

The situation within the Fel Empire was of Pre-Industrial nature. Their mines on Na'Jedha and Rakatta Prime pulled crystals of all types, there was also hopes of creating a Bacta Farm on Heklor funded by his Company. Yet all of these projects needed to come from the outside, Natro-Terra was still in the process of being integrated into the Imperium. Their factories were still in the process of being updated to Galactic Standard as well as outside investment. When the Emperor came to him for a solution on this problem, there was only one he could think of that could get them the materials they needed at a fair price. The Commenor Systems Alliance, a nation he knew had the ability to get the components they needed in exchange of their rare resources.

He continued to sit there and watch as the conversation went its path without a word from here. He was a silent observer till he was requested to enter the conversation. Once [member="Isabella LaFleur"] looked to him, he slightly nodded in approval with a smile to inform her of her good job.

[member="Adron Malvern"] [member="Lady Kay"] @Tevro @Darben Skirae
Darben Skirae listened as his questions were then answered. Materials. Mining. "So metals, crystals and such?" Darben flicked about on his datapad, trying to see if he could narrow it down by looking up the systems they were mining. What sorts of crystals and metals. As he did [member="Lady Kay"] and [member="Isabella LaFleur"]. The CSA had many embassies by now, shared many diplomatic connections and trade connections. They were strong in trade. It made them somewhat popular for trade.

[member="Jaster of Clan Awaud"] [member="Adron Malvern"] @Tevro


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay nodded as [member="Isabella LaFleur"] went into a little more detail. With the way that she glanced to [member="Jaster of Clan Awaud"] , it had seemed as though she was a bit ill prepared. But that was alright. She wasn't going to hold it against her for she knew of how nervewracking some of these meetings can be.

"We can certainly help the Fel Empire with setting up warehouses and factories for their goods. That wouldn't be a problem. They had done so with other planets as well, most recently Mandalore. "You could also have some of your engineers come here to check out our warehouse districts and look for ideas of their own to be implimented."

Kay wasn't afraid of people copying their methods. They worked, so why not have others use them too? She was accomodating, but only to a certain extent.

[member="Adron Malvern"] [member="Darben Skirae"] [member="Tevro"]
Isabella's voice softened as she heard [member="Lady Kay"]'s response, then turning her head to [member="Darben Skirae"] and addressing him, "Indeed. I'm not exactly a mining woman myself, nor do I imagine that any of you three would know the specifics, though if you wish I can send for what we currently produce and get back to you as soon as possible." Her head looked down at the datapad, running out of things to say. Yet another meeting that went without a hiccup.

"Possibly not so surprisingly, a lovely talk with you lovely representatives; though I really am getting ahead of myself. Is there anything else you'd like to discuss? Brought up further? I am, as is [member="Jaster of Clan Awaud"], all ears for any ideas you may wish to hash out. [member="Tevro"] proba-..." biting her tongue at the insensitive joke she was about to make, "Probably should be reminding me that our lunch appointment is in an hours time!" squinting her eyes and finally shutting the datapad off, moving it under her arm and standing relatively still, apart from a bit of nitpicking to remove dust from the crimson and ruby plated dress. "If that's all, I'll send a draft to the Imperium's Diplomatic Service and have it faxed - or whatever the term is nowadays - to your relative department at the earliest of conveniences."

[member="Adron Malvern"]
Darben Skirae nodded to [member="Isabella LaFleur"], that could very well work. A list, or samples, anything of those could work. "Samples or a list on produce, either of those can work for us. Knowing exactly what can help us work out prices faster, and what can be done with it." He looked to [member="Lady Kay"] with confidence, seeing if she agreed to what he had said. From then he remained rather silent, he believed his past had been done. He pulled his own datapad up again, sifting through things.

@Tevro @Jaster of Clan Awaud


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
As always, more details will be hashed out later. This was more or less a meeting to gauge interest and to put forth an agreement in principle; one that they had been successful in doing.

[member="Isabella LaFleur"] was quite ready to take her leave. Given that the woman seemed a little uncomfirtable or slightly nervous about the situation, Kay wasn't sure. But there wasn't a real need to linger anyways.

She got to her feet. "We'll not keep you from your other business. Thank you for coming by and we look forward to working with you in the future." She gave [member="Jaster of Clan Awaud"] a small smile, as well as [member="Tevro"] . "Have a safe journey home. And if you need anything else, just let us know."

[member="Adron Malvern"] [member="Darben Skirae"]
Nodding to Darben, she appeared to affirm to his request, then turning to stare Kay directly in the eyes. For a moment, she was silent, then she sung the woman's virtues for all to hear. "Once again, a lovely meeting but we really must be heading on. I do hope we be of greater acquaintances in the future, Kay." She motioned towards [member="Jaster of Clan Awaud"] and [member="Tevro"] to follow, which presumably they would unless they wanted the Queen's number.

"Ta-Ta for now." Striding to exit the room as quickly as she could. While the micro chasm of politics would prove challenging in the future in terms of working out the specifics of the deal between the Empire and the System's Alliance, there was a greater threat that was now posed on the delegate, and that was a rumbling stomach that made for awkward social interaction. While that lunch meeting was just an excuse to speed things up, she was now actually hungry. Hungry enough to warrant abandoning the Grand Moff and the Imperial Knight to scavenge for food in the most expensive restautaunt in the area, though if they wanted to join her they were more than welcome.

[member="Lady Kay"] I [member="Darben Skirae"] I [member="Adron Malvern"]
Darben Skirae waved his hand to [member="Isabella LaFleur"] as they began to leave, and he only watched as she and the others, [member="Jaster of Clan Awaud"] and [member="Tevro"] left with her. Once they had left, he turned to [member="Lady Kay"]. "Another successful business meeting, wouldn't you agree?" he said with a bit of a grin. "I didn't miss too much in being late, did I?" he then asked, worried he may have missed something. Even if when he had arrived to the meeting room, the meeting in the room hadn't exactly begun and was more just getting started.

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