How does one entertain the child of a Dark Jedi Master on the lengthy ride from Commenor to Antar IV? Well perhaps one could play "I Spy" if they wished to spy stars for the next while, and little else. They could play bingo, if that wasn't a game for old people with far too much time on their hands and school districts with no better way to pass the time. No, for such a situation there was only one real way to pass the time, especially considering Darlyn's arguably illegal habit of commandeering CSA navy vessels for transport to these events left them in sizable vessels more often than not. In this case, one of the CSA's old Kantos-Class war frigates, commandeered to transport both Darlyn and [member="Shoden Moz"] to the party to be held.
And if it wasn't obvious by the little grunts and 'Ha's!' going through the halls, the thunking of wooden swords certainly gave it away. Yes, Darlyn was entertaining his child by having a 'play fight' with her using the most cliche'd of children's toys. And you know what? It was pretty karking fun, especially since Shoden, while not being nearly as good as her Father, and wasting her energy greatly with most of her movements, was laughing most of the time. The two would feign nearly being hit, and even a few times Darlyn let his daughter tap his legs or stomach. Perhaps some of the staff felt it was a bit, immature, but it seemed most of the bridge crew were smiling to themselves as they heard the girl enjoying time with her Father.
And since this was his favorite vessel to borrow, the Captain was happy to see Darlyn in a good mood at all.
"Minister we are approaching Antar IV, shall I have your transport readied?"
"Yes that would be very much obliged! Alright Shoden, shall we wrap this up?" It didn't take long, considering Darlyn cheated by picking the girl up and throwing the laughing girl over his shoulder before carrying her to the shuttle. When he set her down, he fixed her outfit, an almost gaudy, certainly over the top
Jedi Uniform, in a rather old style, dyed a bright pink. It certainly fit her, and contrasted to his black sith-styled robes. Both had the little crest of Commenor on their breast, though Shoden's was hidden under her tunic, an unfortunate design mistake but it was alright.
The both of them stepped onto the shuttle, and one of the pilots began to shuttle them down to the ground. On the way down, Shoden continued to play with her wooden sword in the back, while Darlyn sent [member="Lady Kay"] a message. Rather simply put,
"See you soon friend." Hopefully she'd give [member="Nolan Kitari"] fair warning before he gave the man a heart attack. The man's theatrics did attract... attention.