Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Fall From Grace

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
I'd be willing to help you make that total conversion. Then after you truly become a Dark Jedi, I can hire you to help me with stuff. After all, who am I to not help a newly-turned Darksider in her hour of need? :)

@[member="Akodya Mune"]
@[member="Akodya Mune"]

I recommend that if you must fall and go rogue don't simply go sith or plant. Have some fun with it and enjoy the time. There are a few decently neutral characters out there to partner up with.

Akodya Mune

@[member="Rasu Gan"] That sums that up, Darlin'

However I am not crossing out the possibility of dark side just yet, since we both know she has some very dark tenancies.

Akodya Mune

Lavania said:
@[member="Akodya Mune"]

I recommend that if you must fall and go rogue don't simply go sith or plant. Have some fun with it and enjoy the time. There are a few decently neutral characters out there to partner up with.
^ another extremely excellent point.
@[member="Akodya Mune"]

As a suggestion, to explore your options, why not have some character interactions that involve in-depth conversations? You can use those conversations as a way of figuring out where your character connects the most on a personal level.
@[member="Akodya Mune"], I've actually been thinking about potentium. It fits perfectly well with how I've been playing Meta, so seeing as we already said. "Fabulous cloak= best friends for evas" maybe, if and when Meta went to potentium, you could too?

Akodya Mune

@[member="Aiden Clairemont"] Yes, some thought provoking conversation would also add to the decision!

@[member="Sarge Potteiger"] HELLA YEA

@[member="Meta "]It could work! But I am unsure if she would ever become part of another fraction again...she is a lonely soul. THEY SHALL REMAIN BEST BUDDIES OF COURSE

@[member="Tallia Farn"] I think Akodya would be more likely to pull a Ashoka more then a Revan, she's a melodramatic one ;D
@[member="Cody Jorin"]
@[member="Akodya Mune"]
It just means kinky angry sex. Don't worry about it.

But, Akodya. I get that but, it wouldn't have to be any time soon, and it would make more sense if it was one of your own questioning it that made you consider it instead of an outside voice.

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