Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Forest, a Monster, and Cat...What could go wrong?

Harrip was disturbed in his sleep by Katar stretching. After the initial awakening, he quickly forced himself to wake up properly. He look around, but saw nothing there. He noticed the little one waking up beside him. Harrip didn't move quickly, but he stood up and walked around a little. During the night he had missed catching the water, it was stone cold now and the plants juices were all at the bottom.

But seeing [member="Katar"] in apparently good condition, Harrip wasn't too concerned any more. He thought of the dreams last night. The first and second one made him shiver slightly. But the third he could only barely remember some of the details. A man in back flowing robes, a city of immense proportion, and the Universe beneath him, the galaxies like marbles. It had been beautiful, but he could only remember that it was a most magnificent dream. He wondered what the little one had been dreaming of. He spoke lightly, "Well good to see you looking better. I had my doubts, but you pulled through."
Katar nodded. She had a feeling that her body knew what it was doing. She stood up, shaking out her legs. Her hair was a bit messy, with leaves from the nest weaved into it. She walked over and investigated the pot of water curiously. What a smart idea to use one of the plant's natural properties as a healing salve. She'd have to remember that one. She walked around the cave until she found her pile of food from last night. It was still good. She sat down cross-legged on the ground, motioning for Harrip to come and eat with her.
Harrip moved over and sat down, slowly crossing his legs. He looked at the assortment of food. He nodded to [member="Katar"] as he spoke, "Thank you." He picked up a medium sized bit of fruit and bit into it, trying to control the urge to just rip into the fruit and eat it. He had been learning to eat properly for years now, it hadn't been easy to learn that sort of thing on Taris. Being surrounded by Rakghouls was a bad influence on one's eating skills.

Harrip decided to not eat too much, because the little one would likely have a large appetite after her ordeal during the night. After finishing the one fruit he took a moment to watch the woman, just to be certain that she had healed properly.
Katar nibbled on another root and grabbed some fruit as well. A few bites later, she was adequately full. She never stuffed herself, only eating enough to survive. She met his gaze questionably, tilting her head. Was something the matter?
Harrip observed [member="Katar"] giving him a questioning look. "Sorry for staring. I was just making sure you were alright." Harrip felt only slightly embarrassed at being caught like that, but he wasn't going to let it get in the way. "You look better, you feel better?"

While Harrip waited for an answer he thought about the dreams. They burned in his mind, he couldn't get them out, they were all so nightmarish...except the last one. He wished he could figure out what it had been. But his mind was trapped with the worse dreams and they were not forgiving. He wished he could understand their meanings.
Katar nodded. She remembered the bandage still wrapped around her torso. She removed it, and turned around. She lifted up the back of her shirt to she Harrip that the wounds were nothing more than scars now. As she did this, she exposed the dozens of brandings all over her torso, as well as other scars.
At first Harrip noticed only the wounds, they had healed nicely and maybe someday they would disappear completely. But when he saw the other scars and burns he blinked a few times. He spoke a little stuttering in his voice, "H-How d..d...did you g-get those?" Then taking a moment to catch his voice he continued, "Do they hurt? How long have you had those?" He hadn't remembered seeing them but then he had been quite occupied with the wounds rather than actually looking at her back.

When thought came into his mind, Harrip averted his eyes. He realized that even though he had treated this woman, he could not in good conscience look at her right now. It seemed impolite, he didn't know why. It must have been those habits of old that had been repressed during his time on Taris.

Katar looked at him confused for a moment, and then realized what he meant. She lowered her shirt back over her body. When Harrip asked if they hurt, she shook her head no. When he asked where she got them, she took the claw on her index finger and scrawled a five letter word into the dirt floor. Just looking at it made her growl a little. In wobbly script was the word "SLAVE".
Harrip watched silently as [member="Katar"] scratched the letters in the dirt, having brought his eyes back to her. When she had completed he understood immediately. The growl startled him for a moment but he stayed calm as best he could. He hadn't been treated as such during his time as a slave....well that was a lie. He had been treated like that, but only after the transformation. It had at the time made him realize that Sith were manipulative and he had been used and prepared for that all along. But now he was thinking of all the other people who had been slaves....

"I am not alone." He spoke quietly, thinking of all those people. They may not have had the exact experience, but they had been abused and used. They may have been put through tortures like his. He was not alone, there were those like himself. Slaves, or past slaves. Harrip felt suddenly surrounded, as if he had been blind and now could see. His self-pity had blinded him to all those around him that he could have related with. All those people he could have known and helped. He felt great anger and loathing of himself at that moment. He had failed to see, he had been blind, he had been deaf, he had been the fool....the selfish, selfish fool. He could have helped so many people, could have aided many beings out of their own suffering. Yet had he? Had he? No. He had failed hundreds if not thousands of others beyond himself. And in doing so had failed himself. He hated Sith, but that single hatred and pity of himself had blinded him to the slave-masters and slaves around him.

Yesterday he would have thought of this woman in front of him to be nothing similar to him. He would be right only in a little. She wasn't a monster like him, but she had similar a past. Who was he to judge people without learning their story? He would just assume since nobody was like him in appearance that they would never understand. Harrip was wrong. He was completely and utterly mistaken. He felt an overwhelming sadness for his failure overcome him. A single tear rolled down his face, it was filled with Harrip's anger, loathing, and sadness. But at the same time he felt great joy, this was also in his tear. For now he was not alone, he need not hide in the galaxy as much. He could confide in people, some would understand. His past would have been mirrored in the lives of hundreds probably thousands, maybe even millions, of beings in the galaxy. He could find and help those like him. Maybe someday he would find someone. Maybe, maybe. He doubted it, always doubted. None could ever have feelings beyond pity or fear for him. Happiness, bliss, calm, they were feelings lost to him. Nobody could have those with him. For he was still a monster, even with those around him that had shared life experience to some degree. And a monster would always be feared, even by those who understood it or tried to care for it. The Rancor was never loved by any, it was always feared, even by the one who looked after it. They had fought a beast only a little while ago, the person who created them still feared them even as he created them, Harrip was sure.

At this thought Harrip felt a few more tears roll slowly down the wrinkled Rakghoul flesh. He didn't move to stop them, that would only be denying the feelings that he had warring within him. Nothing could contain them, only his sheer willpower kept the rest of his body from following and showing more signs of his emotions. He felt that it was impossible for his mind to be so full of these emotions and yet not break apart. It was too much, he was sure. The emotions should break him, his mind should be a shattered ruin. Yet it stood like a tower surrounded by rushing water. He felt the insanity of his emotions entering him, even as the emotions themselves did but pass in control around him. He couldn't see what was going on around him, he only felt his emotions, crashing down on him.

(Listen to this while reading, helped me feel the emotion as I wrote)
Katar noticed Harrip begin to cry. It was as if something inside him had just clicked, or snapped. Either way, she could sense a massive amount of emotions barring down on him. She crawled to him, coming within inches of his body. She got very close to his face, sniffing him. Gently, she wiped a few tears from his cheeks. The sadness radiating from him was very strong. Not knowing what else she could do, Katar licked his cheek. She sat her self into his lap, and wrapped her arms around him in a kind of bear hug.
Harrip at first wasn't aware of anything beyond the emotions he was trying to stop. As the wave began to subside he felt something touching his face and hugging him. He let his eyes clear of the tears then looked down at the the woman holding him, trying to comfort him. He placed his arms around her, hugging her back saying, "Thank you." He spoke with such the last remaining emotions left in his system. He felt bliss just sitting there, it was a simple pleasure, but it was powerful. He wished the feeling he had there would last forever, only because of his feeling understood and cared for. That was not something he had gotten in a long time, a long time.

He tried to calm himself before he went through another bought of the emotions. He tried to make conversation, releasing his grip to allow [member="Katar"] to move away if she wanted, "You were really a slave? Just like I was?" He knew the answers but his mind still asked them, it felt like a simple question would help him. Simple questions, simple answers, right now he wanted to stay simple. It was strange to him how easily a complex system could break down if something as natural as emotions overwhelmed it.
Katar nodded to answer him. She released him, but didn't move from his lap. She rested her head against his chest instead.
"How long? How long were you a slave?" Harrip asked, calming down. He felt more control over his emotions, they had subsided enough to clear his head. But he still couldn't think straight. He took a few deep breaths, trying profusely to get his mind back. He felt that this little one was trying to help where she didn't understand. She may never truly understand his thought process in the matter. But he felt that she was doing her best to assist and was doing incredibly well. She would likely be the first and maybe only person to have treated him this way in many years.

In his mind he felt as if life would simply slip away, as if he could give up and pass beyond all remembrance. History would forget him, it forgets all eventually. He could change the galaxy or die here and it would not change that. Fame did not increase one's time in memory, he had learned that. Only the people you affected would change that. Harrip knew that he may be remembered by a few, maybe even the right few. But still he would be forgotten, he was just a wisp of smoke in the galaxy. He had spent millennia out of the galaxy, during all that time he had never once been known. Only now that he was off Taris did he truly leave any mark. Even then it wasn't enough to be mourned if he died here. Maybe one, or two, but none would be too saddened. He wouldn't leave anyone behind, it would be peaceful and a guiltless death. Why then was he afraid to die? Why did he have the feeling he shouldn't die? That he wasn't meant to?

As he thought these he remembered only a few moments ago his thoughts. There were others like him. He couldn't leave them, he couldn't let them feel the same as he had. And even if they know that there are slaves like them, he must show them freedom. Maybe that was his calling, his purpose. But how could he know now, his mind was too bleary to think fully on it. He looked at [member="Katar"] with the gladness which she brought. In his weakest moments she had helped him, that was not something he could or would easily forget.
Katar held up ten fingers, then six. For sixteen years she had been a slave. In a way, she was a bit remarkable. To have gone through so much, and not let it affect her kindness toward others was a difficult thing to do. Katar knew that not many could do what she could. But sitting in Harrip's lap, knowing that in some way she was helping him through this ordeal as he had helped her, she knew that what she was doing was right.
"Sixteen years.... That is a long time..... Thank you. Thank you so much for being here." Harrip said, nuzzling lightly, like a cat would, against the side of her face. It had been an impulse, not something he would normally do. He was astonished, in the little portion of his mind that ran to full extent, that he had done that. He was happy that [member="Katar"] was being incredibly nice and helpful, but that movement was not part of his normal movement pattern. It concerned him a little.
Katar smiled widely, exposing her sharp teeth. It was something she only did to close friends. Harrip had just nuzzled her! The only person she could think of that would do that was her friend Remus, and that was because he was so much like her. Harrip was similar to her, but in some ways very different. And yet, for the first time, Katar thought of him as just like her.
Harrip could feel a sense of happiness coming from [member="Katar"] or at least he believed it was happiness. They were similar, they were both slaves escaped to freedom. They were both experimented or changed in someway. There were similarities, not in all ways but Harrip wasn't going to over-analyze the situation. He was happy that she had not been startled badly or something else. He still wasn't too sure as to whether that reaction of his was proper, but he could let it slide. Although, he would apologize, for it might not have been proper.

Harrip could say only lightly, "Sorry. I do not know what came over me." He spoke abashed a little at his actions.
Katar nuzzled him in return, then patted his head. No harm done. She liked nuzzling. Besides, he appeared to feel much better now. She would stay there with him as long as he wanted her to.
Harrip let a sigh of relief pass his lips. She hadn't been upset or angered in any way. "Thank you. Thank you for understanding. Thank you for not being scared. Thank you for not running away. Thank you, thank you, thank you." His mind was slipping, it certainly was not operating properly. The small portion that still worked was highly concerned with this. It wasn't normal and it did not feel right. He wondered what could be the cause to this strange feeling. He looked at [member="Katar"] with gratitude beyond anything that he had before. This one knew what it was like, she was the same in most important regards. In fact if she had gone through the same things, she may have ended up the same way. But he couldn't know, she may have been different. He felt he was odd in the way he had responded to his time on Dromund Kaas and exile on Taris. He could never tell how others would respond to it, for no other had the experience to match.

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