Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A freighter, a bar, and a pretty girl

Kelsie continued to observe the two of them drink, mildly amused but disinterested in the same way. Of course she'd observe, pick up on mannerisms, and perhaps mess with the both of them once they were drunk, but this little interim bit wasn't very exciting.

The bartender came over, walking with a little more weight on his left foot over his right. In his hand he held a small package, which he promptly placed on the table in front of the young woman before turning around and beginning to head back. Kelsie almost instantly snatched it up to look at its contents, making sure everything was there before she called out to the bartender again. "Wait." He stopped and half-turned, looking at her as she drew a small pouch that clinked with the familiar sound of metal credits, and she tossed it to him. He caught it and stuffed it in his pocket, and she did the same with the package he gave her. Business as usual.

[member="CC-0027-22"] [member="Adenn Kyramud"]
As Adenn sat there drinking, he noticed the bartender come over. At first Adenn ignored him, but then he placed a package in front of Hawk. To this, Adenn turned his head and simply raised an eyebrow. It wasn't his business, so he purposely ignored when she gave him some money for it. Instead, Adenn turned back towards Achilles. Then he blinked twice, before glancing back at Hawk. Then lowering his head slightly, Adenn sighed and gently slapped his cheek. He'd still wait for Achilles to respond, but first he'd talk to Hawk. Drag her back into things. So, fully turning towards her, leaving a glance towards Achilles, Adenn chuckled and sighed.

"Hey mesh'la." He chuckled again. "Oh, the things I should've said. Instead I get dragged into a drinking contest." At this point he had a small wry smile on his lips. "I never asked you how you are, what's been happening. Or about anything really. For that, my deepest apologies." When he said that, Adenn placed his hand on his chest before bowing his head down. Then he straightened it again. "So then mesh'la. How have you been since we last spoke? Oh, I also saw/heard that you were looking for a freighter."

As Adenn said the last line, he typed something quickly to Gunner. It was a request to find a freighter and see if it was affordable. When he was asked why, he simply responded with. It's for a friend.
Then Adenn turned back towards Hawk and awaited her response.

[member="Kelsie Sylvan"] [member="CC-0027-22"]
Kelsie smiled a little at him, amused at least by his care. She knew they hadn't known each other for that long, but still being able to elicit that kind of response from someone made her feel like she hadn't lost it. "I've been alright, not much has changed since... Well, this is my first city back, but thank you for asking," she said to the Mandalorian. "And yeah, I'm looking for a new ship, something modern and practical to replace my old one." Of course she wished she could simply build her own ship, but that wasn't quite in the realm of her technical skill.

[member="Adenn Kyramud"] [member="CC-0027-22"]
Adenn merely nodded his head to that. He didn't know what to say, so instead he smiled back before looking down at his datapad. Gunner had found a list of freighters that were up for sale. Several could be easily modifiable, at this, Adenns smile turned more genuine. Looking up at Hawk again, he said
"That's good. You may be in luck." With that said, he spun his datapad around and pushed it towards her. "There's a list of freighters for sale here. I have a friend nearby who can reserve the ship you choose, if you want." Adenn cocked his eyebrow at her.

[member="Kelsie Sylvan"] [member="CC-0027-22"]
Kelsie reached out and took the datapad, bringing it in front of her and looking at the list. It was only a moment before she looked back at [member="Adenn Kyramud"] and said (rather flatly) "I don't recognize any of these models." It was easy to forget that she still had little idea what was going on, in fact she had no real idea why she needed a freighter. She wasn't working anymore, and she had enough credits to buy a nice big country house someplace temperate...

No, she did have things to do, and she still felt that tug of adventure. She glanced at the datapad, then back at Adenn. "Can you recommend me one? I'm sure I can pay in full for everything here," she said confidently.

Adenn let out an "oh" of realization. He'd forgotten that Hawk would not recognize these ships, after all, she was used to ships from her era. Not his. So, taking the datapad back, Adenn began to scroll, he looked at the cost, size, and other info of the ship. After a few moments of scrolling, he came across a ship she might like, well several ships. So, Adenn turned the screen back to Hawk and showed her 3 tabs. The first had the YT-1300 on it, the 2nd had the XS Stock Light freighter, and the 3rd had the TL-1200. Each were from the old ships one could see, but these were all upgraded to have newer tech in them, as well as other systems for more, illicit purposes.

"Here you go mesh'la. 3 good ships that have withstood the test of time, good for all around use and getting out of a pickle. Personally, I recommend the TL-1200. It has military grade systems, is quick, can be easily upgraded and while a bit more expensive, won't fail you. But that's just my 2 credits on the matter. All 3 are good, just from personal experience, the TL is the best for me."
Adenn hoped she'd like them, but was sure he could find some other ships if these didn't appeal to her.

XS Stock Light Freighter
[member="Kelsie Sylvan"] [member="CC-0027-22"]
The young woman's hazel eyes settled on datapad once more, looking at the three models. Souped up freighters from her own time... interesting. She listened to him as she read quietly, but didn't really register his recommendation. She'd already decided, a solid YT-1300 would be nice. Voron had flown one of those. Of course a VCX would suit her, but it wasn't a big deal, the YT model was a little sleeker than the boxy ship she'd left on Binaros. "I'll go with the YT. A ship with proton torps already installed is solid enough for me," she said, pushing the datapad back to him. "And I should be able to install the cloaking device easily enough." Kelsie had already began fantasizing about what sort of modifications she could fit on it... perhaps a SLAM booster, slave rig, static dampers, advanced sensor array, maneuvering thrusters... it'd be fun.

[member="Adenn Kyramud"] [member="CC-0027-22"]


A plan is only as good as those who see it through
Achillies fingers curled around the bottle as he sighed a bit taking the bottle to his lips, the burning of the liquor coursing across his whole being as he chugged the bottle almost sputtering it up but held his own, he needed to get this done, his own ego egging him on as he downed the bottle some spilling over the sides of his lips as he chugged the potent drink, reeling his head back as the liquid flowed down his throat placing the empty bottle against the counter now having gone through hell and back to drink the tihaar. There was little to no liquid in the bottle left, maybe a few drops but other then that he had finished the bottle, letting out a quiet belch into his forearm he looked over to the mando and the other girl seeing as they left him in the dust grumbling a bit. Hearing as they spoke about freighters and ships he scooted his elbows across the counter a bit to listen.

"Lookin' for a good rig huh?" The clone asked with a sly smile as he rubbed his chapped lips, "Well I got some ships back in reserve if ya want it, Pristine models, even got a ARC-170 which suffers with some leakage damage and is a bit scarred but better then nothin'." Achilles said with a light hum as he placed his finger between his armored biceps pressing something. "I have alotta ships I've scavenged includin' some diplomatic ships from back then." The man said with a light grin as he watched the two of them wiping his lips a bit to not taste any more of the tihaar and such.

[member="Kelsie Sylvan"][member="Adenn Kyramud"]
Adenn listened to her speak, then took the datapad back from her. He nodded his head to her. The YT was a good choice, Adenn had some good experiences using it. Instead he nodded again with a smile.
"Alright, I'll have my man get it for you."
So, Adenn turned the datapad around and typed out a message to Gunner. Get the YT-1300 for my friend. Payment will come later.
It was at that moment that Achilles drank the rest of the bottle. So, turning back towards him.

"Good, you got the rest of the bottle." Adenn chuckled his head back, and then chugged the rest of his own bottle. "Now we're even. I have more with you want." He said with a malicious tone. Then Adenn chuckled, and patted Achilles on the shoulder. "You hold tihaar rather well."
Then he turned towards Hawk again.
"I can help you with that install again. I still have some engineers on hand."

[member="CC-0027-22"] [member="Kelsie Sylvan"]
"Oh no, I'll be fine. Not like it's too big a piece... and I know how to install it anyways," she responded to [member="Adenn Kyramud"] 's offer. But [member="CC-0027-22"] grabbed her attention with the idea of a Clone Wars era starfighter. "I could use something that could stick to my ship, as a second fighter... you wouldn't happen to have a Vulture Droid or anything like that, would you?" She could probably get her hands on a few old Loronar Needle Fighters and find a way to stick them inside the freighter. Having a little complement would be nice, and definitely useful in combat situations...


A plan is only as good as those who see it through
The clone cocked his head over to the girl who asked about a vulture droid cackling a bit at her request, lightly leaning forward with a smirk on his face as he looked at her before parting his lips and speaking. "Vulture droids huh? That's a bit of a hard request I have a large 'mount of em back at my old hangars but they ain't exactly whatca looking for, you can't pilot em but they got a programming that'll act like a controlled droid ship on your side if ya want it, can guard freighters in space, anotha' ship or something you put on the command input" Achilles said simply, "Though ya also can pilot it if yer' fine with controlling it with a controller almost." The commando said with a grin, taking a sip form his water as he leaned into the counter a bit.

"Got a good ole Flarestar-Class Attack shuttle if you really swing that way, has some really nice HUD functions for combat." Achilles said finishing his water as he looked over chuckling, "I may be a Fett clone but I'm looking to keep my liver." The clone said with a light chuckle, "Same goes for the hyena dive bomber droid ship." He said with a light grin lightly craning his head.

[member="Kelsie Sylvan"][member="Adenn Kyramud"]
Adenn nodded his head to what Hawk said. He had assumed that would be the case, but he decided to offer anyways. Then Adenn decided leaning forward the way he was wasn't as comfortable, so he leaned back against the booth. There, he looked between Hawk and Achilles as they spoke. Adenn decided not to speak up, instead he looked down at his datapad again. There he had received a message from Gunner, it read The YT has been secured. Just needs to be bought, otherwise it's good to go. Waiting on you sir. So Adenn typed out another thank you while thinking about a way to repay him and thank him at the same time.

At the same time, he chuckled and nodded his head where appropriate to Hawk and Achilles conversation. Then in what seemed to be a pause in the story, Adenn spoke up.
"My man has the ship secured Hawk. Just needs to be bought, and I thought I'd let you do that, so all the info can be the way you want it to be." At that, Adenn's eyes glinted mischievously while he glanced to where the package was. Then he smiled, "I can show you the way there whenever you want.."

Then Adenn turned to Achilles.
"You did rather well in keeping your tihaar. For a non-Mandalorian." Adenn chuckled, "For that, here's a little gift." Then Adenn reached into his pouch and pulled out another bottle of tihaar. He then held it out to Achilles. "You can take it, or not. Fine either way by me."

@CC-0027-22@Kelsie Sylvan
Started as a drinking contest, and now the two drunk Mandalorians were selling her things. Turning things around, she thought. Still got it.

She offered a smile to the both of them and nodded. "I'll take as many Vultures I can clamp to a YT-1300. And I'm good to go," she said to [member="Adenn Kyramud"] before she looked over to Achilles. "Care to join us? I'd love to hear more about your time." She began to get to her feet, grabbing her glass and heading back over to the bar to return it.

Adenn listened to what Hawk said, then nodded his head when she said she was ready.
"Alrighty then. Follow me and we'll be there in no time."

With that said, Adenn stood up and grabbed his bottle of tihaar and the flask. He left the other bottle there in front of Achilles. Adenn simply hoped he'd take it, if he didn't it would be a waste of a perfectly good tihaar. Sighing to himself, Adenn moved towards the door, there he would hold open the door for Hawk if she was right behind him, as well as tip it open for Achilles. With that done, Adenn moved in the direction of the YT-1300.

It didn't take long for them to get to the correct dock. Once there, Adenn patted Gunner on the shoulder and slipped him some extra credits before he nodded and walked off.
"That was my friend I told you about. So, what are you going to call the YT?"
At the same time, Adenn motioned for the seller to come over to them.

[member="Kelsie Sylvan"] [member="CC-0027-22"]


A plan is only as good as those who see it through
He swirled around the icey water in his glass lightly looking inside it as he spoke about the Vulture droids, his eyes lightly glazing over as he watched the lone icecube in the glass, the glass frosting over with a light condensation of water as he listened onto the conversation that went on between the two, some memories flashing in his mind as he blinked his eyes a few times, brushing a hand against his face to feel his stubble that was steadily growing over time, he probably looked like a hobo with it not shaved, knowing he'd have to do some soon some gruff wouldn't be too bad right? The clone shook off the thought as he cleared his mind giving a light yawn as he looked back up to the two. Cocking his head up a bit at the mando and lightly grinning, he was a bit drunk but could still walk lightly getting up as he eyed the two grinning a bit and nodding.

The clone laughed at the other bottle of tihaar, "Jeez your really a mando huh? Carryin' tihaar on you and everything, classic." Achilles said taking the bottle giving the man a pat on the back, before nodding to Hawk, "I'll come I won't try to intrude but sure!" Achilles said as he followed them out wiwth a light hum, some FO officers stood simply stationed but they didn't give him a glance, lightly walking with the grew as his DC-17M jiggled on his chest a bit as he swung his tactical backpack on his back shoving the tihaar inside the backpack as he walked.

"Anyways I'll get ya the vulture droids they just need some slicing down and 'gramming and they'll be done and under ya' service." Achilles said to her with a light smile. "My time huh? Well whadya wanna ask? I was around there for the first days comin' when the clones came out." The man said with a light hum as he walked his Katarn Class Commando armor jiggling on his figure as he walked with the duo.

[member="Adenn Kyramud"]
[member="Kelsie Sylvan"]
Kelsie returned the glass and made sure she had all her things before following [member="Adenn Kyramud"] to the dock in which the YT-1300 sat. She flashed a small smile to Gunner as he left, before putting her hands on her hips and taking a few steps closer. Didn't look too bad, and she could see the empty weapon mounts. Slapping on a few extra lasers, well...

"Hmm? Oh, I dunno... I'll have to think about it." She itched the back of her head, thinking about a good name. Stick with the Ambush, the name of her old ship? Maybe something like the Quicksilver, or maybe Razor... so many options.

She glanced back at [member="CC-0027-22"] as he spoke, and gave a small nod. "I should be able to mess around with the Vultures. Where do you have 'em stored?"

"Well, I've always wondered what it was like to fight droids. Never really got to do that, at least not with massive numbers of dumb ones."
Adenn listened to what Hawk said. It seemed like she didn’t have a ship name lined up just yet. For a moment, Adenn entertained the thought of offering her a name for it, but he let it be. She could choose the name herself, it was going to be her ship after all. It was at that moment that the salesman arrived and stuck his hand out to shake. He seemed very excited about selling the ship.
“Hi there. Welcome to Ship for Sails 101. I hear you’re interested in this ol’ YT-1300. I think you’ve made an excellent choice! It’s got top of the line everything. Complete modularity, ships can be attached, weapons, you name it, you can change it. It can be yours for just 26,000 credits.”

Adenn shook his head, he’d let Hawk do the talking here. Afterall, she wanted to buy it. He’d just act like some muscle and intimidate the man if she asked for a reduced price. If she asked, Adenn would move to stand near her shoulder and cross his arms over his chest. It was a tried and true tactic of intimidation. And it worked like a charm. The man would offer to lower the cost to only “23,000.”

Should Hawk by the ship, Adenn would move up to her and speak to her. He spoke so only she could hear.
“Hey mesh’la. If I remember correctly, you still owe me a date. Like I said, I know a good bar on Mandalore. It’s called the Oyubaat, oldest bar on Mandalore. Has all the rustic charm of a Mandalorian, and great drinks to boot. If you’d like, we can meet there in a weeks’ time (IRL as well), if you want.”
With that said, Adenn stood there waiting for an answer.

[member="Kelsie Sylvan"] [member="CC-0027-22"]
I will be leaving for vacation tonight. So, idk if I’ll be able to post during this coming week. Sorry for any inconveniences this will cause. If I have internet connection, I will try to post, but no promises.


A plan is only as good as those who see it through
The clone walked with the duo lightly rubbing at his lips, the burning sensation from earlier coming from that area of contact, brushing his lips over with his armored fingers and grimacing a bit as his Katarn Boots scrapped across the floor a light thud coming with the armor, it was a light weight armor but sure could It save you from alot, he had even survived being-..blowed up a few times thought that was pushing it a bit, nonetheless a great reliable piece of armor. It was painted a matte black for stealth it seemed and had a ammo belt across his chest incase he needed a quickdraw but he wasn't really in the mood for combat now, a clone didn't start a fight over anything really. Walking into the port with them he looked at the dealer sighing a bit as the mando put on his tactic of scaring the man, sure Achilles liked his tactic but morally it wasn't right, though he had done it a few times back on coruscant for a nice drink or two, or even to get some of the Coruscant Guard let him roam free in some of the restricted areas.

Twenty six thousand credits, the price rang through his ears, man that was alot of money and for a ship? Yikes, achilles wouldn't want to be the person buying the ship, sure he had some dosh in his pocket but only enough for essential needings like food and water or some ammo restock, having refueled his ship on the way he clearly needed some money for some of the non-essentials. Walking closer he saw the ship blinking his eyes a bit before shaking his head, having heard a few legends about a ship along the design of the YT-1300, something called the Falcon? Nonetheless he scooted back over [member="Kelsie Sylvan"] cocking his head at her with a light smirk painted across his features as he walked around the ship reviewing it seemed his amber eyes running over the ships exterior before returning to her side.

"Be careful mhm? The Corellstand C-8 life support systems on this girl are a do I say this..wonky? Its a bit hard to get use to due to the system and patterns it uses but once done you'll find it to your liking." The clone commando said crossing his arms his perky biceps showing lined with muscles, as he leaned his head back over to her, hearing about the droids he shuddered a bit at the thought of them, not because he was scared just because of the memory and name, the name haunted him of his brothers, of the things he endured.

Countless wars against droids for no essential reason, racking his brain with flashbacks before looking back to the girl, "Rustbuckets huh? Haven't seen one in a long time, though when I see one I'll be sure to give it a good deck across its plating." The man said with a light grin before moving on, "Fightin' them were-..easy to say the least we were always on the move and never really were threatened by em, it was thrilling and fun to say the least, got the adrenaline pumping through your veins and made you feel like ya could take on the whole separatist army!" Achilles said pumping his arm a bit getting riled up before calming himself down. "It really brings back the memories, I remberah' me and my squad took out a few couple of platoons of em with some charges and our blasters!" The clone said boasting, "Droidekas included, and the vulture droids? Ya can find them at my hanger or hideout which I can give ya the address to one day if ya wanna come and see em, even got some old broken droids you can see." He said with a hum.

[member="Adenn Kyramud"]
OOC: Got it man! Have fun.
Kelsie honestly had no issue with the price. If she remembered correctly, twenty-six thousand credits was only a thousand more than the price of a used YT-1300 in her time. Considering the vessel had been modified to some extent to keep up with modern standards, and assuming the inflation rate of the standard credit was constant over the eight hundred years she'd been 'away', the price was far below what she might've normally expected. Not that she was short on credits by any sense of the phrase, and she gave a small shrug. "Sure."

The young woman stepped aside with the salesman to do the necessary transfers of paperwork and credits. It was only a few minutes before they both smiled to each other and shook on it, then Kelsie walked over to her companions. She listened to Adenn, then flashed a warm smile. "Okay then. Just call me later, I'll be there."

Hearing the clone speak up, she listened as she stepped over to Achilles. "Mhmm, I'll be sure to check it out."

It was the droids that interested her a little more, and she listened intently speak of his time. She'd actually met a clone commando, once. One of the last of his kind, the Imperial Commando Special Unit that was among her trainers. It wasn't surprising that he reminded her of him. "Sounds interesting..."

"Yeah, I can visit you sometime later and pick them up. Gotta make space in the hold for the Vultures anyways." She flashed a small smile, then produced her holodevice from her coat and waited for a number or address that she could record.

[member="CC-0027-22"] [member="Adenn Kyramud"]

(Have fun on your vacation!)
Surprised that Hawk hadn't tried to get the price lowered, Adenn had merely shrugged to himself. Then after he got her answer, he let a smile cross his features before he schooled it again. Thankfully he had his helmet on, so no one would notice, but better safe than sorry. He then turned to both of them while they spoke, merely listening. Adenn had nothing to say, so stayed quiet. Then when Hawk took out a holodevice, Adenn nodded his head before turning to the ship. He'd give him the privacy to give her whatever info he would, wasn't his business so he didn't want to intrude. Then, deciding to take a walk around the ship, the same way that Achilles had done, he did exactly that.

It took him a few moments, but Adenn walked around the entire ship, looking at all the details. The ship seemed to be well intact, if aside from some scorch marks here and there. Nodding to himself again, Adenn rounded the corner of the ship again and neared the other two once more(after any info is given). It seemed the two were done, so Adenn spoke up once more.
"Not bad of a ship. I can certainly see it has the potential to get some vultures strapped on, but you'd have to be careful with it all."

[member="Kelsie Sylvan"] [member="CC-0027-22"]

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