Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Game of Thrawns (OS Dominion of Csilla)

Csilla, the homeworld of the blue-skinned, red-eyed Chiss people, was a big ol’ floating ice block in the Unknown Regions of space, but it was a strategically placed ice block, or so felt the Voices, Hands, and all other relevant body parts of the Dark Lord of the Sith. Csilla was located near Copero, home of the Mitth Ruling family and the location of one of the Chiss Ascendancies’ biggest shipyards. It was also near Cioral, an urbanized planet whose ruling family oversaw important Chiss agriwords. Most of all, the whole swath of Chiss Space was encompassed by the well-fed war machine that was the Chiss Expansionary Defense Force, another potential valuable asset for the One Sith. Sure there were other worlds the Sith could take, but to take the Ascendency’s homeland sent the most powerful message about just who it was that was about to grip Chiss Space with its crippling, galactic-sized chokehold.

With so many shiny Csillan pebbles to claim in the name of the Dark Lord, the operation came down from upon high, attached with a caveat. That One Sith commanders should leave as much infrastructure intact as possible, and also keep its military and technological experts alive, albeit under the One Sith boot. Total destruction would not be in the cards for the planet and forced subjugation of its people would not be useful. Pushback from the Expansionary Defense Force would be severe, especially as the One Sith’s previous conquering of the planet before the great disappearance was still fresh, but ultimately, after a long-drawn out war, valuable Chiss military experts and war machines would be destroyed. Why take a long time killing what you could more efficiently use? Scheming machinators? The One Sith had those in droves. And for the more bloodthirsty among them, there would be plenty of tactics that would call for a stronger hand. Dissidents were sometimes a thorn in the Ascendency’s side, and if a few extra bodies were dropped along the way, none would be the wiser.

If this were a video game, the icy planet of Csilla would be the snow level. Time to beat the bosses...from the inside.

This Dominion is open to all members of the One Sith. Here is the OOC Thread


1. Interact with the ruling houses of the Chiss Ascendency to get them in the pocket of the One Sith. You can do this either diplomatically or by other means (assassination, bribery, etc.,)

2. Help the Chiss Expansionary Defense Force to fight Chiss dissidents that are rising up against the Ascendency

3. Partner with Chiss scientists or technologists to make a biological weapon or a computer virus

4. A story of your own devising. Secure shipyards. Hunt down propagandists who are trying to poison the well against the One Sith. Go skiing with some Chiss hotties. Do your own Sithy thing and go nuts.

Please tag your post with:

20 posts maximum per writer. So please number your posts.

[member="Darth Venefica"]
[member="Darth Tauros"]
[member="Matsu Xiangu"]
[member="Darth Carach"]
[member="Darth Kentarch"]
[member="Aazog Vorrik"]
[member="Tanek Santii"]
[member="Drapeam Nyx"]
[member="Sabik Dhami"]
[member="Maja Vern"]
[member="Sitara Qin"]
[member="Xiarr Raeth"]
[member="Viktor Noali"]
[member="Darth Raven"]
[member="Cameron Centurion"]
[member="Coren Starchaser"]
[member="Micah Talith"]
[member="Spark Finn"]
[member="Anastasia Rade"]
[member="Darth Arcis"]
[member="Sawa Ike"]
[member="Hans Vaiden"]
[member="Greta Kohler"]
[member="Darth Vashti"]
[member="Darth Valdra"]
[member="Iziz Vei"]
[member="Cylus Jest"]
[member="Silara Kuhn"]
[member="Darth Odium"]
[member="Darth Vindica"]
[member="Athena Heron"]
Obj: Desh
Location: Tachyon Rising
Allies: [member="Spark Finn"] [member="Anastasia Rade"] @Covenent Chillun who have permissions slips [member="Rekha Kaarde"] (?)
Enemies: One Sith Zerg

1 Sith 2 Underground Red Saber Blue Chiss

Coren Starchaer, a Knight of the Underground and Warden of the Sky focusing on the Unknown Regions had other things he focused on in life. The biggest of those was kicking the Sith and the Jedi in the mouth when their religious dogma got in the way of life. And for him, and the whole home-ship of the Dawn Treader, the worlds of Corellia and Csilla were the most important to the ship. And with the former broken? He and his team were going to affect protection on the latter.

He wasn’t sure if he’d be calling in his fighter Wing support or not, but for now?

He was going in and seeing what he could do to fix everything.

Coren and his team were showing up so much in One Sith threads, it was almost like they were part of the group.

Execpt they totally weren’t.

The one thing that Coren knew was that something was wrong in Sea-Def. And that he needed to fix it. The Ascendancy wouldn’t ever side with the Sith. They were… too far gone and emotional for the scientific Chiss that he knew. Hopefully after these few years of him being in a cryo-nap, he had some contacts still.

“So, its gonna be cold…” Was all he said to the team that was assembled in the Rising, a vessel with traditionally Corellian and Chiss origins in its paperwork and IFF. This time, he had his Silk Corp ExCon gear. He wasn’t fooling around.


The Second Seal, broken.
Objective 4: Go skiing with Chiss hotties
Location: The Imperious
Allies: [member="Darth Carach"]

The woman behind that layer of armor and that terrifying skull mask had grown up on a space station somewhere on the Outer rim, often sleeping alone in freezing rooms with only the clothes on her back to protect her from the cold. Gazing through the viewport of the Imperious now, almost three decades later, and Vrag could still feel a small shiver travel the length of her spine as she looked down at the slowly growing white orb hanging in the expanse of black.

Swallowing her dislike for the inky vacuum of space and focusing instead on the icy planet that had filled her field of vision completely by now, the woman slowly forced herself to relax. Force, she hated being in space with a passion, but it was a crucial component of getting around the Galaxy, and so the Sith suffered in silence until it was time to go. To her right somewhere, Boan Rein was managing the actual steering and other ship-related business which Vrag knew laughably little about, as she had little wish or need to meddle in things she didn't understand. It didn't hurt her pride —whose existence was still disputed to this day — to delegate to those whose expertise lay where hers didn't.

War? War she understood, and even found herself at home in, but fleeting and its related practices were neither in her comfort zone nor in her skillset, which is why she did her very best to leave them alone. Karking space, man.

And then the time to go finally came, and the Hand of the Dark Lord departed from the bridge of the Imperious with surprising haste, itching to get planetside and leave the heap of metal floating in the middle of nothing as fast as humanly possible. Well. Firrerreo-ly possible? Who knows.

The dropship was waiting, at any rate, and so was a good bit of relaxation once they landed on the snowball. Perhaps she could even persuade a few of her less serious colleagues to join her on her planned vacation? Darell was her best bet, and it was high time she cooled down from the incident on that old piece of Rakatan junk. Where better to do it than on an ice block in the Unknown regions?
Location: Desh
Allies: [member="Spark Finn"] [member="Anastasia Rade"] @Covenent @Coren Starchase
Enemies – the red glowly sticks

Rekha Kaarde….smuggler………bar tender……….Angel? Was currently slipping around the galaxy with a group of fun loving freedom seeking swamp conquering organic lovebugs.

“I just need a really good coat, and some furry boots…” Rekha winked at Coren, blew a kiss to Sparkler, and gave a go drinking with me look to Ana.

“Csilla huh…” Rekha had never been to Csilla and she at this moment did not know any Chiss.

Sorry so short, trying to do some catch up before I leave the house for TN
Objective: Not-Die
Location: Unknown
Allies: Herself.
Post: 1/20

“...- and there is more to it.” Sena repeated as if she was reading something out of a book. “You will endure and you will survive.” The snow crunched underneath her feet as the acolyte approached the edge of the cliff. “You stay hidden or you're seen but you never forget about the one who matters the most...”

With a groan of exasperation the young acolyte slumped down and took her seat in the snow. In front of her lay the vast emptiness of Nowheresville, Csilla. With a slight shiver she raised her hand in order to pull down the piece of cloth covering her mouth. A quick pull was all she needed to free herself from it’s tyrannical grip. Letting out a sigh of relief the acolyte immediately followewd it up with a deep breath in the hopes it would bring her some small amount of clarity on why exactly she had been sent here. It didn’t work. It was just air and not some magical miracle drug, even if the sensation of breathing in actual pure non-Coruscanti air was a relief in itself.

“Yourself.” The acolyte finally spoke up in a rare moment of non-silence. “Sometimes I just do not understand you, master.”

Because nothing about this spoke of staying hidden or revealing yourself. If anything all the talking she had done with herself was starting to take its toll on Sena’s already volatile sanity. Then again, a big part of her figured it was just her nerves causing it in the first place. Not that it was uncalled for, she had been deposited by her master’s servants deep into the snowy wastes of a planet she had never been to before without much warning or experience with anything like it. If anything the talking would make her seem like the sane one in this scenario.

Unbeknownst to Sena it was quite obviously effort by her master to teach the young acolyte the means of handling herself under pressure. Even if the acolyte found it a whole lot easier to be sulking in self-pity and the hopelessness of the situation.

After all, the girl had already walked for an hour since it all began. In the distance she had seen something that resembled lights which solidified her belief that it was to be her finish line. It was, of course, but the important aspect of the whole adventure wasn’t the finish.

It was the journey.

Which was something just about as cheesy as you would expect. We all know and agree on that.

Objective: 2. Help the Chiss Expansionary Defense Force
Location: Heading to the planet
Allies: Wishin’ and hopin’
Enemies: Not wishin’ or hopin’
Theme: Like a virgin

‘I made it through the wilderness
Somehow I made it through
Didn't know how lost I was
Until I found you

I was beat incomplete
I'd been had, I was sad and blue
But you made me feel
Yeah, you made me feel
Shiny and new

Like a virgin
Touched for the very first time
Like a virgin
When your heart beats
Next to mine

You're so fine and you're mine
Make me strong, yeah you make me bold
Oh your love thawed out
Yeah, your love thawed out
What was scared and cold

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Ooh, baby
Can't you hear my heart beat
For the very first time?’

Her sister may have been a natural at these things, but Maja was – as ever – different. She’d come to the One Sith later than she originally planned and had, as yet, not participated in a single Invasion, skirmish or even mission on their behalf. And today was the day she was going to break the duck so to speak.

She travelled alone for one reason and one reason only – because she had nobody to travel with. Aside form her Master, she’d virtually no interaction with the One Sith – although she’d heard a rumour that her former Master was alive and kicking again. Perhaps she’d come across him? It was a big planet – but then he was a very, very big man.

She surveyed the planet below. Ice. Ice and glaciers – which was just another word for ice, right? Just with big rocks underneath? She was a space nomad but had avoided such cold conditions since her one and only endeavour with snow. Her ever so slightly embarrassing tirade at her sister. Did she really swear at her thirty-four times in one conversation? Really? She blushed.

She tried to consider the landscape beautiful. She failed dismally. She needed to find an objective that would allow her to stay indoors. Preferably with a log-fire and a hot drink. She was sure there was no such objective on the list, so she reconfirmed she was going to help out the Chiss Expansionary Defense Force. Whoever they were.

This is my first Dominion - please be gentle with me :)
[SIZE=12pt]OBJECTIVE 4: Going skiing with Firreroaoijgiojs Hottie & Friends[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]LOCATION: En route to planet.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]ALLIES: [member="Vrag"] | [member="Darth Carach"][/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt] Truth be told, she’d been working too hard lately. Invading planets, training apprentices, dealing with problems in Coruscant’s underground – it added up. It was high time for vacation. Csilla seemed like the very last place one would find Matsu, but she’d heard through the grapevine that a few fellow Sith were making their way there. Cold and the Atrisian did not mix well but she’d try. It was important to remind herself that humans required socialization and she was pretty sure…most of the time…that she was human.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt] The Imperious had been rather difficult to miss on her way in and when she spotted Ygdris once planetside, she felt one side of her mouth quirk up in to a smile. Almost every time. There wasn’t much to capture her attention in the miles of snow surrounding them and she let her mind drift to the first time she’d seen Vrag, all snappy comments and brutal efficiency in the face of a one-armed Sith Lord and an encroaching Republic force. A lot of things had changed – but even more had stayed exactly the same.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt] She pulled up at the Fieroiafoijs’s side, difference in height almost comical though Matsu had long since stopped noticing such things. She could barely feel the cold through her jacket – that was, yes, fur and tailored exactingly. “Hopefully no tigers this time, hmm?”[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]OBJECTIVE D: Make them feel [/SIZE][SIZE=10.6666666666667px]hatred[/SIZE][SIZE=10.6666666666667px].[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]LOCATION: Behind you.[/SIZE][SIZE=10.6666666666667px] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]ALLIES: [member="Vrag"] | [member="Matsu Xiangu"][/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]It was no secret that Darth Carach, Voice of the Dark Lord, was a [/SIZE][SIZE=10.6666666666667px]special snowflake.[/SIZE][SIZE=10.6666666666667px] [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Well, it was a secret to all but his most closest friends and associates who sometimes jokingly referred to him as the big Papa Bear, because when it came to rare few that had entered that special covenant of strip poker-fridays? [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]The man was overly protective. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Two snowballs suddenly crashed into the heads of Xiangu and Vrag, splattering the back of their heads with snowley delight and [/SIZE][SIZE=10.6666666666667px]ice cold wonder[/SIZE][SIZE=10.6666666666667px]. Perhaps this wasn’t how a Sith Lord should behave, perhaps they should have busied themselves with the subjugation and destruction of some heretics - execute those that were firmly against the Dark Lord’s will…[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]But snow.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Both the ladies would hear fervent snickering coming from behind them, and they would know that they had been [/SIZE][SIZE=10.6666666666667px]BESTED[/SIZE][SIZE=10.6666666666667px] by their friend, villain and menace. Even a Sith Lord needed some time off from the endless wars, campaigns and other blood shedding activities that seemed all too prevalent in this time of day.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]If turned around they would be rewarded by amber burning eyes, tall stature and a shit-eating grin from ear to ear. [/SIZE]
Objective 1: Deal with Chiss leaders
Location: En Route to Capital
Allies: [member="Sage Bane"]

Darth Raven was never what you'd call a polotician. She knew the by-laws and so forth involved with such issues, but never had she actually engaed them. This new mission for the sake of having the Chiss on the side of the Sith was a new and interesting development for her; one she agreed to despite the pervious assumption. The Sith, after all, played polotics in their own special way. As the ship made it's way towards the captial of Csilla Darth Raven was preparing herself; basically just dressing in her usual attire while wearing her Sith robe. All for the sake of apperance after all. Even if it would end with an assination or possible killing as many leaders who said no until they had the right idea it didn't mean she couldn't look civil now did it?​


Objective: Destroy the Sith
Location: Capital City
Allies: The Covenant, Enemies of the Sith
Enemies: The One Sith, [member="Darth Raven"] & [member="Sage Bane"]
Post: [ 01/20 ]

Defending planets from being devoured into the evil deeds of the Sith was one of the few things Lilin felt like she had to do. And she did them with passion. She'd helped her home planet get rid of an evil philosopher who tried to get people under his rule, now she was on Csilla which was a target of the One Sith.

She was there to help the people who needed her help. And what other place to do that than protect them in the capital city of the planet?

Her thoughts wondered around, trying to come up with a strategy a Sith would develop to understand where she should head and what her pirmary goal should be. By so far, she had not managed to develop even the general idea, but she'd find out soon.

After all, she had not heard of the Sith yet. So she had a little bit of time to think while holding and rubbing her lightsaber. It was a weak one, but sh would be able to do at least something with it.

Well, maybe.
[SIZE=12pt]OBJECTIVE 4: Deal with the troublemaker, then get down to business.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]LOCATION: Slopes[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]ALLIES: [member="Vrag"] | [member="Darth Carach"][/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt] Matsu had heard a lot of sounds one could classify as ‘unsettling’ in her life, but the snickering coming from behind her was up there. What lurked on Csilla? What hidden, horrible beast made its home in caves under the mountain, cut paths through the snow to devour that which had suddenly landed in its territory?[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt] When she felt the snowball and turned to look, it all made sense.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt] She really wished he hadn’t aimed so directly for her head. Sure, it was the only sensible target if he was looking to really capitalize on surprise. But she could feel the chunky flakes of snow that had stuck to her hair melting and trickling along her scalp, a truly unpleasant sensation. Now more than ever she wished she had a helmet like Vrag’s.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt] Hitting Carach with a mental attack was a difficult process. In another life he’d been a Master of such things and the ways and means were known to him. But she had the advantage of being familiar with what made him tick, and so she grasped hold of his mind as quickly and quietly as she could and flashed images in quick succession of some beach planet with a dozen women playing in the waves, the smell of the salt water and the touch of a light breeze, drink in hand. It only had to work long enough to open a window for the other victim of the snowball crime.[/SIZE]
Objective: Partner with Chiss scientists or technologists to make a biological weapons/zombies
Location: Science Lab located under the ice and snow
Allies: OS
Posts: 1/20

Desert planets and snow planets was no place for a swamp girl to be. The former was just to hot while the latter was just to cold. Swamps were just right. Desert planets had sand, and sand got into everything. Grainy and grimy little buggers. She hated sand. Snow planets had, well, snow and most times, ice. Snow got into boots freezing feet while ice was just plain tricky to navigate. No matter how careful you tread across it, the end result was the same. A bruise on the butt. She hated ice. She hated snow. Now swamps were just perfect. Plenty of adventures to be had unless of course it was Dagobah, then most adventures were filled with life and death scenarios. She loved swamps.
So when her shuttle finally landed, after braving the snowstorm that came to greet her, near an icy mountain with snow caps decorating the tops, she mentally cursed this planet. Why would anyone wish to build a science facility not only on this planet, but foolish enough to bury it underground? She knew the answers to her questions. To easily contain outbreaks and to keep whatever they were doing secret. She could appreciate that but not this planet.
When she finally stepped out of the shuttle, her face was rudely introduced to wind swept snow. Again she mentally cursed this planet. Luckily she wouldn't have to remain topside for long, evidence of this presented to her by the three properly dressed men in warm clothing moving toward her; their red eyes glowing under the hoods.
"Welcome, my Lady," one of the men said as he thrusted his right hand out; a gesture meant for her to take it and shake it.
"Welcome....indeed," she replied ignoring the offered hand. "Lead me from this wretched place."
"Uhm, very well. Follow us."
The Sith Lady was taken to a small crevice built into the side of a ice mountain, where a turbolift waited to take the group to the facility. Once inside, she again mentally cursed this planet as the turbolift began the descent. For all the issues she already had, there was an upside to this. A chance to assist the scientists in fabricating a bioweapon. But more importantly, a chance to see if it was possible to infuse the dead with a top secret virus that would turn them into relentless killing machines. This thought put a smile on her face.
Objective 2: Breaking things
Location: Stepping foot on planet, meeting with the Defense Force
Allies: [member="Vrag"], [member="Matsu Xiangu"], [member="Darth Carach"]

A hand rubs the gray across the face, haggard etches of a visage turning to collect the recent blast of snow from the dull ache of a sky. Each step leaves a residual wake of imprint in the soft white, skittering across the ground in the soft shuffle of dry and arid air. A black armorweave robe whips about in forlorn memory of the stagnant air the wearer left behind, long standing unbroken in the cabin of the dropship, now a tarpaulin wall for the cake of snow. Pulling up his cowl, he divulged the purpose of this planet with each step forward, approaching the Defense Force headquarters with a purposeful gait and thoughtful gaze.

"We were told you would be arriving..."
"By who?" The Chiss officer looked nervous, that was good. The Wrath was in a sort of mood, tempered irritation with a planet that reminded him far too much of Arkania for his own current liking. The hidden visage of the Wrath would turn now, from the anxious defender, to the holographic map on the wall. The floor was polished clean, the uniforms were clean, hell, even the air smelled clean. Gabriel had decided that he hated this place and even more so, he hated that nervous tick and ewok in the head lights look that the uniform now donned.

"Where is the nest of the resistance?" Gabriel looked towards the display.
"Oh, we shouldn't start there. We should work in slow and move with patience..." As soon as the words left those blue lips, he turned to find the hooded figure starring silently at him. The crimson glow of that singular eye piercing out, as strong as any dagger and far more stinging than any metal sharp. He would stumble over his words now. "" He pointed on the screen. "4 miles southwest of here, they have a significant nexus of forces prepared for resistance."

"Do they know I'm coming?"
"U-uh-uh...probably. We've had some leaks on the communications array."

With that, he left as quietly from the headquarters as he had arrived. Footsteps leaving puddles upon polished floor. The snow would offer the constant caress he expected, as he disappeared into it.


The Second Seal, broken.
Objective 4: Temporarily delay the skiing, deliver cold vengeance
Location: Slopes
Allies: [member="Matsu Xiangu"] | [member="Darth Carach"] | [member="Reverance"]

"Here's to hop—" she never managed to finish the sentence before some sort of soft projectile hit her in the back of the head, cutting off whatever she was going to say and nearly resulting in a bitten tongue. A low growl emanated from deep in her chest, lips twitching as she ground her teeth to the sound of a very familiar voice behind her.

Snickering or not, she'd heard him scream, grunt, and hum often enough to know exactly who it was that had the balls to assault a pair of the Dark Lord's most dangerous. And it was doubly irritating because she should've expected something like that from him. For all his chiseled abs, terrifying mentalism, and smooth talk, Carach was just a big manchild sometimes.

She didn't need to glance over to the petite Sith Lady to know that retaliation was already in progress — short or not, Iron Maiden was not to be messed with — and the second Darell's eyes glazed over, the Hand of the Dark Lord sprang forth. A veil of snow was sent spraying every which way, but Vrag was fast and furious, and even an avalanche wouldn't be enough to save him now.

With a final lunge, the woman tackled her collegaue, co-killer, and occasional lover into a pile of something that was definitely not sand — and was certainly much colder — shoving his grinning face into the white powder with excessive force.

"Matsu," she called out to the sorceress while keeping Carach pinned despite his struggling, "do you wanna build a snowman?"
Objective: Do what I want when I want...
Location: Somewhere en route
Allies: none so far
Enemies: Anyone who keeps me from doing what I want.
[post: 1/20]

Jason's small Infiltrator was cloaked. His best defense was not being seen as the shio had no weapons, and minimal shielding. Anyone that could catch him, actually hit the ship, would blast it out of the sky. The Dark Jedi, Sith, was interested in the work being done on Csilla. The Chiss race was full of the best strategic minds in the galaxy, and this appealed to Jaron, more than that. However, was the ships they boasted. Jaron had a place in his heart for their clawcraft fighters. The CEDF would hopefully be a agreeable to letting him take a couple for him to house at his hidden estate on Arbra.

Other ships were being detected as the One Sith arrived at their own pace. Landing procedures had already begun for Jaron, and the Sith was going to do what he could to clawcraft delivered. Also there was an odd sense he was going to be running into someone he knew. He smirked as he couldn't shake the feeling, but Jaron was prepared nonetheless. No matter who it was, the newly free ranging Sith would handle himself well.

The dark haired Corellian transplant was dressed for the cold. Nothing his personal features gave him away as the face was covered to a degree as well, and goggles to protect his eyes from the blinding snow. Many of the cities would be underground, one in particular that Jaron was interested in. Pulling out his GPS, the Sith made his way in the direction of the CEDF headquarters.
Location: Underground Science Facility
Obj: Creating Bioweapons and Zombies
Allies: OS
Posts: 2/20

The first order of business was an introductory tour of the facility. From first impressions, she was quite pleased with the layout. The walls that adorned the halls were ice covered but had some sort of material mixed into to keep it fossilized; preventing erosion from collapsing the corridors. As a student of engineering herself, she found this to be way above her paid grade. She made a mental note to discuss how this was accomplished before she left. The floors, she noticed, were made of treated wood to prevent ice forming on them while infused into the wood were notches designed to help with footing for those returning from the surface.
As they walked, and her guide continued to speak, she noticed that every twenty feet a lab had been built into the side of the walls. Several scientists were busy working on one project or another. She could easily applaud their progress. And each lab, it appeared, to have no less than four cameras attached the icy ceilings; safety measures she imagined. Several machines, some she knew by name and some unknown to her, littered the labs and where working at full capacity.
"I notice you have no guards to protect the facility. Why?"
"We have a strict entry code to gain access to the facility. At the time of this facility being constructed, several slicers were brought in to design our codes making it nearly impossible for anyone to hack our system and break in. In the event someone does attempt to slice in, the system is programmed to recognize any unathourized attempts. The codes then automatically change with every attempt, sending the new codes to the facility's director."
"And if a breach does occur?"
"We have several battle droids on stand-by to intercept the intruders with standing orders to kill first, ask questions later."
Impressive, she thought. Now as they rounded a corner, there were more labs established on the side but what caught her attention was the massive durasteel door at the end and a turbolift door on the left next to the last lab.
"Where does that turbolift lead," she inquired.
"To the facility's housing units. Also, there is a cafeteria and several refreshers there as well."
"And what's behind the durasteel door?"
"Test subjects. More accurately, dead test subjects," the guide replied with a sinister grin.
Obj: Desh
Location: Tachyon Rising
Allies: [member="Spark Finn"] [member="Coren Starchaser"] [member="Rekha Kaarde"]
Enemies: One Sith Zerg

The Sith were at it again going after another world and destroying more lives. In her eyes it looked like these Sith with One Sith wanted nothing more than to enslave the whole galaxy. Ana was learning however that there were different types of Sith out there. Her husband and she worked with the Techno Union. The Sith there seemed much more business orientated. How they treated their employees was not something that she was aware of at the moment. She was good to her staff and that was what she worried about. Enslaving a planet was not something she could just pass over.

"Good thing I brought my fuzzy boots," she smiled as she bent over to put on her white fuzzy snow boots. Since the puffy coat was pink already Ana had opted of the less super pink approach with the boot. They seemed to go well together. She was now ready to takeover the galaxy now that she was all suited up.
[SIZE=10pt]Location: Coren’s Angel’s Headquarters A.K.A his ship[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]Allies: [member="Coren Starchaser"] [member="Anastasia Rade"] [member="Rekha Kaarde"][/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]Enerrrmies: Sith popsicles made with natural sugar an not HFCS[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]Objective: Coren's Angles[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]Posts: x<20[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]The co-pilot shuffled out of a changing station. Boots. Snow-suit. Light-mesh armor beneath. Fuzzy-hat. Ear-muffs.[/SIZE]

Walking - the challenge was REAL. She sneezed at Rekha's blown kiss. She may or may not be coming down with a little cold. Little blond-wisps of hair escapees fluttered beneath the edges of her hat and ear-muffs. Thinly gloved hands held her trusty datapad.

She frowned, sensing something familiar, [member="Darth Carach"], but quickly pushed those thoughts away hoping that she wouldn't have to pee again between now and when they set down. Getting all the layers of clothing and gear on and off again would be totes time-consuming.

"I'm ready." Really, she'd have to ask Anastasia where she got her clothes. #Instragramworthy

She shuffled her well-clothed self to face their fearless leader. "I'm letting any of the Chiss in the area know we're here to evacuate them if they want it and sending signals of other shuttles in the area. The codes should be secure."
Obj: Try to get promoted by the Sith for bringing action to their Dominions
Location: Landing Site
Allies: [member="Spark Finn"], [member="Rekha Kaarde"], [member="Anastasia Rade"], Them Covenant Chillun
Enemies: Bad Hashtags, Sith, Weird Space Monkeys
2/20 yo

What was it with his team and the need for fuzzy boots? Sure, maybe he purposely sort of assembled a rag tag team of women to be his personal army, and he was not upset with that, but none of them seemed to have the prep for a trip to Csilla. He did, though, with the ExCon Armor by Silk, makers of more than just ugly freighters. Yeah, that.

“I’m sure I’ve got some gears sets for you, Rek. Help yourself.” He called to the bar owner in the back. Yeah, see? He was now prepping his team. Like a responsible adult. “Can’t say anything on the fuzzy boots..”

And a Mando needed fuzzy boots? What was he getting himself into? But really, the reason he stopped talking was because Spark entered the cabin again. He choked down a laugh. “You ready, Spark?” He shook his head as he noticed the… really strong dark side signature below him. A simple grip of his controls…

And he could so easily squeeze, firing a burst from his ventral turbolaser right at [member="Vrag"], [member="Darth Carach"] and [member="Matsu Xiangu"]. And now he was seriously regretting taking the Tiburon but the evac would be better in this vessel, plus Chiss registry.

“Have them meet us at the hangar. We’re a Chiss vessel, it’ll be fine. But I’m sensing some Sith about. Who wants to go hunting?” He was going, as soon as he… there, touched down in docking bay 94. If he was stepping away, the ship would be under Spark's command, and if she was coming with him, then Rekha. Ana was the newest of the team. "Also, see if we've got any friendlies in the area."
Objective: 4. Kiss the Chiss
Location: Some Cabin
Allies: One Sith | [member="Darth Carach"] | [member="Matsu Xiangu"] | [member="Vrag"] | [member="Darth Raven"] | [member="Darth Venefica"] | [member="Reverance"] |
Enemies: Jedi Prudes

This planet was incredibly blue.

The skies were blue, the faint glow of the snow a glistening blue, and the people…even the people were blue. It amused her that such a blue planet wasn’t at all depressing—at least not yet anyways. There was an impending darkness looming over the bright blue world and threatening to drown them in red.

As she waited in the cabin with walls that were incredibly suffocating though offered comforting warmth, Sitara felt strangely at ease. Her body was covered in thick fabric suitable for these types of places. Her bubble jacket was draped over the chair next to her. In front of her laid a warm cup of hot cocoa that promised bitter chocolatey goodness with every small sip.

Sitara wasn’t the type of person who cared for politics. She enjoyed instruction, though saw those as more of a guide than something to obediently follow. She disliked being bound by the laws that constricted her from doing everything she wanted. Yet at the same time, she was strangely drawn to people in powerful positions and people who enjoyed control. Sitara lacked control and revelled in her spontaneity.

She slinked back in her chair for a moment, embracing the cosiness of the indoors before peeling herself out of her chair. She grabbed the hot pink bubble jacket and headed for the large wooden doors.

Perhaps she’d run into the abominable snowman.

Or maybe a yeti.

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