Objective: What is happening?!
Location: Lost!
Allies: I don't know anymore!
Enemies: Everyone!
Shreds of her very essence burned from her core causing her hands to come to her head in agonizing pain as she dropped to her knees before [member="Coren Starchaser"]. She could feel her soul burning, flashing images burning through her grey matter as she began to scream – an unholy terror that would cause the ground to tremble around her. It would be something subtle but continue to grow in strength as she enraged and continued to fuel the dark tendrils that pulled her essence away from her body.
Nar Shaddaa – Sometime ago…
The rain was putrid, acidic almost - [member="Sena Lassiter"] was there, in the dark alleyway tending to her wounds and comforting her. She was alone, the Netherworld crisis had taken her family and drawn her mother into the vortex of darkness to fight alongside heroes against the Celestial being Akala. She wept in the arms of the other girl, with the rogue Jedi [member="Khaleel Malvern"] standing close by, watching the events unfold.
Ilum – In more recent times…
She stood as a Jedi Knight before a darkness that was overwhelming, suffocating and threatened to overcome the core of her soul. The duel was fierce, but brief – she could feel the injuries once again, hear the taunting of [member="Darth Vornskr"], his mocking tone of her own weaknesses. She could remember how she lost her eye – and how she fell before the Voice of the Dark Lord. Memories flooded her mind of the torture, torment and manipulation. She could feel the knife etching into her flesh, drawing her crimson blood to the surface and oozing across her fair skin. The rage and hatred that caused her to thrash out against the chains that held her down as he taunted her with members of her own Pack, including Ibaris and Liam. All that Vornskr had done to her – only pushed her to the limits of her own emotional barriers and into the levels of madness. Now, she re-lived every second but there was something else – the darkness had weakened.
Within her own mind, lost in the madness…
She felt herself again. Somewhere in the madness of her mind, she saw her own reflection and there she was, untainted. She’d stare at the reflection, touching each part of her body that once was. There were no scars, her right eye was in-tact and held that garnet color that she got from her grandmother. It would all feel so real - as if nothing had ever happened to her and it was all just a bad dream. She reached out and touched the reflection and as she did so it would shift into who she was today. Malum would gasp sharply and step back from the reflection, only to have it rise and stalk her with each step she took. She’d stumble backwards until she bumped into something solid, turning quickly to see the disappointed face of [member="Liam Quez"].
“You’re a monster.” He’d say emotionlessly.
Appearing from the shadows would be [member="Ibaris Varanin-Jacobs"], who spoke in a darker tone than Liam.
“You betrayed us.”
Her gaze would turn from Ibaris, to Liam and then to the next figure to emerge from the shadows - [member="Lilin Imperieuse"].
“You promised to fight till the end.”
Mira, no, Malum would begin to cry uncontrollably as she tried to plead with them to listen but she couldn’t speak. Her hands would come to her throat as she turned from them in a panic only to come face to face with her mother, [member="Aaralyn Gyndar"] who held an ignited lightsaber. The blade’s hum filled her ears as the woman spoke.
“You are weak.” Her twin would appear at their mother’s side, and their father on the opposite and in unison, all the voices would echo in her mind.
“You deserve to die.”
And in one swift strike – Aaralyn brought the green blade down and plunged it into the chest of Malum, she would smell the burning cloth and flesh, there would be no chance to scream or beg for mercy, only darkness. With her demise in the madness of her mind, her death like trance would be broken and she'd snap back to reality.
Here and Now, Chaos Comes.
The flood of emotions, the ensuing rage that the memories caused only increased the trembling around her immediate form. Coren would feel it, those close enough to them would start to feel it. The dark tendrils that drained her essence would actually start to feed her – no longer draining her form as she absorbed their energy – but only for a moment. She was becoming overwhelmed, overused and exhausted, she had to expel…she had to release.
And release she would…the same way she had upon Darth Vornskr on Ilum. An explosive rush of kinetic dark energy would shred the ground around her and project outwards in a wave like pattern, in all directions. The closer the proximity – the more likely the individual would be to be flung if unprotected and seriously injured and the further away – merely like a Force push. The duracrete would explode around her with it and be sent in multiple directions. Various shapes and sizes being shot off like bullets from a slugthrower – and collapsed in the epicenter, an unconscious Malum.