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A Greater Hunt [Lucien Atika]


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
[member="Lucien Atika"],

Coordinates along with an invitation would have been sent to the representative of the Beast Hunting Guild as promised by the droid Baron of Abregado-Rae during their discussion on the holonet store-page.

Anyway, since it was HK who invited Lucien for a meeting, the droid was waiting with an envoy of his guards, who just happened to be copies of him only in lower-quality droid vessels, all armored, with some ceremonial weapons adorning their belts, and their trademark grey flowing cloaks descending off of their backs. Just like the protocol dictated the guests would arrive in a more secure section of Capital City Spaceport on Abregado-Rae, from where they would be taken to a repulsorlift barge waiting outside, and the meeting would be conducted aboard the vehicle as they take a scenic route around the Capital City and its outskirts.

Usually this would be a nightmare for security, but the droid had trust in his abilities to detect danger and protect others, as well as the iron grip his benevolent regime held on the planet now. Plenty of changes have been made since the droid was declared the planet's sole ruler by the Protectorate, military patrols and presence have been a common sight, most of the crime have been swiftly eradicated, but also multiple industries flourished through the deals HK made. People were safe again, their lost culture has begun to recover through the robot's programs and grands, new schools were made as he requested, infrastructure improved, people were happy and wealth was flowing. So they were willing to overlook the patrols of fully armored soldiers, in turn HK solemnly forbid his troops to cross the line between protection and abuse.

Last time anybody tried something more violent on Abregado they were chased personally by the droid through the city and had to fled the planet, of course even earlier there was a case of Dreadpirates from the Death Watch attempting to raid the planet. Their forces were decimated by single droid before troops could get to them, and their leader had his kneecaps and wrists blown off before he was dragged through the streets and shipped to Fondor for questioning.

But that was the sort of thing that happened when somebody tried to disrupt a utopia set up by an ancient slightly insane assassin droid.

Lucien Atika

Beast Hunter's Guild
As the light-freighter docked, Lucien absorbed his surroundings. This section of the spaceport was elegant, and far more upscale than any Lucien had ever witnessed. The past few months had exposed the young hunter to luxuries he had't even the capabilities to imagine merely a year before. A young Tuk'ata, sensing his master's excitement, began to pounce about the cockpit.

"Fraid not, bud. You'll be guarding the ship."

Lucien gave an apologetic glance to his partner-in-crime whose demeanor had instantly changed. The hound retreated to sulk as the ship met the ground. The dying hum of the engines sounded as Lucien peaked through the glass at the royal welcome awaiting him. 'Well, seems I'm a bit under-dressed.' Lucien gave a tug to his vest, and ensured his trousers were tucked neatly into his boots. He licked his hands and attempted to tame his hair as he made his way to the ship's ramp.

Before reaching the ramp's bottom, Lucien was intercepted by two droids baring weapons clearly more functional for show than use, and was led towards the rest of the envoy. Lucien passed a friendly smile towards the droid at the center of the formation as he assumed it to be none other than [member="HK-36"]

"Well, this is quite the welcoming."


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
[member="Lucien Atika"]

"Standard protocol by now really."

The droid would bow to Lucien deeply in a greeting before watching the young man with his dull red photoreceptors,

"Funny thing we do not get that many guests on here usually, often it is prisoners of war from our battles or convicts being shipped out from here to Fondor for their trial."

HK mused as he motioned for Lucien to follow, leading him out of the landing pad into the structure of the spaceport. It was a place of simple but well-kept design, bronze, golden, and steel grey colors often used as they became the colors of the Barony with rise of the Iron Company and HK's reign. Often the steel-grey structures would receive golden or bronze details to highlight the contrast, such as golden frames or edges.

Here and there a display screen would be visible, and on it the image of HK, an announcement of sorts aimed towards the inhabitants of the planet, perhaps an address about the state of the Galaxy and War of the One Sith, or one of those ads HK starred in, who knows? Although the section was cleared from foot traffic, the envoy would not pass close enough to the screen to hear its message, the letters were clear though.

"I hope your journey went well."

The droid would glance back slightly to Lucien,

"We had pirate problem up here from time to time, quickly dealt with them however, things were a bit quiet in that department since."

Lucien Atika

Beast Hunter's Guild
"I couldn't imagine why. It really is a beautiful planet, and at it's prime thanks to new management from what I hear."

Lucien passed a smile towards [member="HK-36"] as he met him in stride. Lucien couldn't help but be taken in by the spaceport, and quickly noticed the advertisement of the droid being projected shy of earshot. Lucien walked beside the baron withing the protective swarm that was the envoy.

"A pleasant trip, thank you."

Lucien nodded to the droids mention of pirates, and was unsure to take the statement as a testament of strength or a challenge. Either way he merely returned a smile.

"I am sure the inhabitants are grateful to be in such capable hands."

In truth, the young hunter was nervous. He had never been in charge of such negotiations, and a droid proved far harder to read than would a typical representative. He had also been warned of the baron's crazy streak. He wanted negotiations to go smoothly, and he certainly didn't want to upset the baron...


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
[member="Lucien Atika"]

The droid would nod slightly at Lucien's words,

"Thank you. The Lord Protector Hatter has asked me once why I took this planet under my protection. I told him that I was old, and my demise was closing in, whether it will be by someone else's hand or out of my own will, I was on borrowed time since the Jedi took me as a prisoner after the Mandalorian Wars."

They would exit the spaceport, the ornate repulsorlift barge was already waiting for them outside, it seemed the crew of the large gondola was entirely composed of droids, after all, they were easier to keep track of than organic counterparts, it limited espionage possibilities.

"I used to hunt the Jedi then, you know, under the command of Mandalore the Ultimate himself, nothing too out of line, mostly sniping from long distance. After he was slain they found me disabled from a concussive grenade, they took me to Dantooine, decided to modify my obedience protocols instead of disassembling me."

HK would move onto the Gondola, the floorboards slightly creaking under him as he sat down, with a move of his hand he offered the other seat to Lucien,

"Some years later they removed my obedience protocols before Dantooine Enclave was destroyed by Sith, although I did not turned on the Jedi but decided to willingly serve them, some would still say they should have disassembled me when they had the chance. The time may come closer now by the hands of the Sith, they have powers I did not encountered before, even if that will not happen, I would want to disappear someday, immortality is a pain in the ass to deal with. Anyway, I told Hatter then that some beings ask for monuments or portraits to be remembered after-"

The droid shook his head and stomped his foot slightly,

"For me the monument will be this planet, the memory of me the citizens will have, and the stories they will told. Monuments and portraits degrade and turn into dust, memory does not."

He would look to the side at the canals and streets of Abregado, bustling and prosperous with trade and industry, safe with the patrols that strolled their streets.

"But soon I will be stepping back as the Observer and Exarch, I will return democracy to this place. I brought changes and prosperity, let the people of Abregado-Rae decide what they want to do with it themselves, I am too old to deal with that kind of crap."

HK quipped, awaiting for Lucien to join him on the Barge so they can start the tour.

Lucien Atika

Beast Hunter's Guild
Lucien matched the droid step by step, the hunter's eyes only diverting from [member="HK-36"] to ensure his footing. Intently, he listened to the droid speak, and was silently amazed by the inner workings of the droid. It's thought process perhaps more mortal than even his own. The dream was to leave a memory. It was a most noble dream, indeed.

"I fully see the destination you are set on, and I truly wish for your triumph over your aspirations."

Lucien chose his words carefully attempting to be both polite, and to seem intelligent in the presence of his intellectual associate. He was clearly outclassed, but the hinter was not one to buckle beneath pressure. He attempted to keep the meeting on even terms, but his youth and sense of wonder often tugged at his attention. As he often peaked with his peripherals toward the sights of the beautiful planet.

"I assume this meeting is in relation to your dream. You see a manner in which I might assist you in this?" Lucien asked as he stepped aboard the barge.

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